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Radical Ideas | Practical Implementation Human mash-up's under emergence... leveraging innovation in a new world Dr. Jay van Zyl

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Presentation on theme: "Radical Ideas | Practical Implementation Human mash-up's under emergence... leveraging innovation in a new world Dr. Jay van Zyl"— Presentation transcript:

1 Radical Ideas | Practical Implementation Human mash-up's under emergence... leveraging innovation in a new world Dr. Jay van Zyl

2 Radical Ideas | Practical Implementation Reasons for rating SA companies as innovative

3 Radical Ideas | Practical Implementation Reasons for rating companies as innovative

4 Radical Ideas | Practical Implementation What should companies focus on to become innovative?

5 Radical Ideas | Practical Implementation What to focus on to become innovative: Executives

6 Radical Ideas | Practical Implementation What to focus on to become innovative: Middle Managers

7 Radical Ideas | Practical Implementation What to focus on to become innovative: Junior and non-management

8 Radical Ideas | Practical Implementation

9 1992-1994 something changed the world; got going in understanding information, technology and time Cycles of asset correction to drive growth; companies need to die to allow industries to grow and intellectual capital to spread Time and efficiency dilemma; value of time and influence of technology; use the telco cost exercise Wicked problems: Balancing long term and short term demands; is a highly relative phenomena; mining versus telco's versus banking? Winning the war for world-class talent; but genius's are needed to build business and shape success Multiplying success by collaborating across silos; emergence of the shadow organization and informal social networks Increasing speed of change; global focus on information and knowledge sharing NOTE: In MS video Steve Balmer shouts “I love this company”, at Apple the customers shout this!

10 Radical Ideas | Practical Implementation "A revolution doesn't happen when society adopts new tools, it happens when society adopts new behaviours." Clay Shirky

11 Radical Ideas | Practical Implementation has a market cap of $224 billion and net profit of $14.5 billion with 93 thousand employees

12 Radical Ideas | Practical Implementation with a market cap of $234 billion reported quarter earnings up 78% with net profit of $15 billion with 34 thousand employees (3x less people than Microsoft, worth 5% more)

13 Radical Ideas | Practical Implementation has a market cap of $156 billion and revenues of $27 billion with 19 thousand employees (5x less than Microsoft, worth 1.4x less)

14 Radical Ideas | Practical Implementation has an implied investment value of $33.7 billion in pre-listing share trading more than 500 million active users, more than 150 million active mobile device users people spend over 700 billion minutes per month on Facebook (56x less people than Microsoft, worth 6x less)

15 Radical Ideas | Practical Implementation

16 01 A New Paradigm 02 Emergent Social Networks 03 Innovation Ecologies 04 Harnessing Collective Genius

17 Radical Ideas | Practical Implementation A New Paradigm Moving towards crowdsourcing and co-production 01 A New Paradigm

18 Radical Ideas | Practical Implementation The Evolution of Strategic Paradigms Ref: Reframing Business Co-producer (crowds) Source Receiver (market) ‏ Production RelationshipsOrganization of Value Creation Criticalcompetence View of Customer IndustrialismIndustrialism Customer base Management Management Configurable Social Systems Configurable Adapted from Richard Normann

19 Radical Ideas | Practical Implementation The Evolution of Strategic Paradigms Ref: Reframing Business Co-producer (crowds) Source Receiver (markets) ‏ Production RelationshipsOrganization of Value Creation Criticalcompetence View of Customer IndustrialismIndustrialism Customer base Management Management Configurable Social Systems Configurable Adapted from Richard Normann

20 Radical Ideas | Practical Implementation LogoTournament Ecology

21 Radical Ideas | Practical Implementation







28 Emergent Social Networks Delivering innovation value through leveraging the shadow organization 02 Emergent Social Networks

29 Radical Ideas | Practical Implementation

30 Social Network as the means to action All logos are registered trademarks of their respective owners CREATE MOVEMENT SPREAD THE WORD TALK TO MOVEMENTS

31 Radical Ideas | Practical Implementation App Store

32 Radical Ideas | Practical Implementation Changing crowd-sourcing socially integrated technology

33 Radical Ideas | Practical Implementation

34 Innovation Ecologies Manage dominant ideas via Social Based Innovation 03 Innovation Ecologies

35 Radical Ideas | Practical Implementation Customer innovation focus areas CUSTOMER ORIENTATION ORGANIZATIONAL ORIENTATION Focus on Internal Actions Focus on External Actions Customer as Source Customer as Participant “we analyze our customers” “we run focus groups” “we provide the platform for our customers to engage” “we ask our customers” Innovation Ecology Micro Blogging Focus Groups Mass-Surveys Analytics Client Interviews Blogs Consumer Research

36 Radical Ideas | Practical Implementation Peer-to-Peer Lending PARTICIPATIVE CUSTOMER

37 Radical Ideas | Practical Implementation January 2008 Innovate offerings and not just products and services

38 Radical Ideas | Practical Implementation






44 Harnessing Collective Genius Harness greatness through using Social Based Innovation 04 Harnessing Collective Genius

45 Radical Ideas | Practical Implementation Google Sketchup

46 Radical Ideas | Practical Implementation Google Sketchup Community

47 Radical Ideas | Practical Implementation Google Sketchup Collective

48 Radical Ideas | Practical Implementation 01 A New Paradigm » Mega-waves of information transformation » Crowdsource and co- produce 02 Emergent Social Networks » Technology enabled human collaboration » Live in the shadow organization 03 Innovation Ecologies » Integrated socio- technology approach » Ecogenetic based aggregation 04 Harnessing Collective Genius » Nurture creativity » Collective genius as platform of differentiation

49 Radical Ideas | Practical Implementation

50 A New Kind of Eco-system

51 Radical Ideas | Practical Implementation Evolution of computing interfaces

52 Radical Ideas | Practical Implementation


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