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Electronic Resources in the EUI Library
28/03/2017 Electronic Resources in the EUI Library Veerle Deckmyn, Library Director Aimee Glassel, Electronic Resources Librarian 01 September 2010 *
28/03/2017 Introduction *
Outline Locating E-Resources E-Resources Tools Accessing E-Resources
28/03/2017 Outline Locating E-Resources E-Resources Tools Accessing E-Resources Questions? *
E-Resources at the EUI: Where to begin?
28/03/2017 E-Resources at the EUI: Where to begin? Where to begin? As a brief orientation to locating information on electronic resources from the Library’s website, I am going to highlight several areas you will want to familiarize yourself with as you begin your own exploration of resources which might be relevant to your research. CATALOGUE The primary starting point when searching for available materials in any library is the online Catalogue, which is linked to from both the left menu and the main body of the Library homepage. Here at the EUI, this is also the case. The EUI Library’s online catalogue contains bibliographic records for the print and electronic collections of the EUI Library as well as the EU Archive. ELECTRONIC RESOURCES This will take users to a page that is a good starting point for users to discover and easily link to many types of E-resources. RESEARCH GUIDES Just below Electronic Resources is RESEARCH GUIDES. There is also, in the main body of the homepage quick links to each of the Research Guide pages, which are prepared by the Subject Specialists. Users will find references and links to electronic resources in the individual RESEARCH GUIDES. Here is where users will find disciplilne-specific guides to print, electronic and other formats of information which may be relevant to your research. *
E-Resources at the EUI: Language Coverage
28/03/2017 E-Resources at the EUI: Language Coverage While the bulk of electronic resources available from the Library are in English, non-English language content is also represented, including these databases: While the bulk of electronic resources available from the Library are in English, non-English language content is also represented. Polish: Lex Polonica French: Lexis-Nexis JurisClasseur, Le Doctrinal, CAIRN collection, Agence Europe Spanish: WestlawES, PRISMA Italian: Journal collections from Il Mulino, FrancoAngeli Eastern European languages: CEEOL journal collection German: Digizeitschriften, Beck Online Multi-lingual: vLex Click on a logo above to go the database via the EUI Library Catalogue. *
E-Resources at the EUI: Electronic Resources homepage
28/03/2017 E-Resources at the EUI: Electronic Resources homepage E-Resources on the Library Website From the Library’s homepage, follow the link in the LEFT menu to ELECTRONIC RESOURCES. This page is a good starting point from users can discover and easily link to many types of E-resources. Electronic resources may be networked CD-ROMs, websites, databases offered by remote host services or locally produced web pages. They may be paid or free resources that our Subject Specialists have evaluated and identified as of high quality and relevant to EUI researchers LISTS OF RESOURCES Databases A-Z: This is a list of both licensed and freely-accessible electronic databases selected by the EUI Library staff. E-Journals: In addition to having entries in the Catalogue, the EUI Library maintains a separate A-Z list of full-text electronic journals available to EUI members. E-Books: Links to collections of electronic books available to EUI members. CD-ROMS: Information about CD-roms available to EUI members. In addition, the Library has other CD-ROMS and DVDs which are not networks but are available for users to checkout and use on their own computers. E-Statistics: Full details of electronic statistics resources are available on this Library page. E-Working Papers: Links to electronic working papers series available to EUI members, listed in order of the issuing institution. TOOLS ACCESS INFORMATION Additional Information News about Databases New E-Journals New E-Books Database Trials & Projects: Information about new electronic databases being considered for purchase by the EUI Library. *
Locating E-Resources: EUI Library Catalogue
28/03/2017 Locating E-Resources: EUI Library Catalogue The EUI Library has an electronic catalogue which contains bibliographic records for all the materials held by the library, including electronic resources. TWO interfaces for searching the Catalogue: Encore Classic Catalogue Same underlying content All formats: print, electronic, microforms Offers users different approaches to searching and manipulating search results As for electronic resources included in the library catalogue: It contains All Databases and Collections of e-resources : We have cataloged the Most relevant e-journals, e-books and working papers titles. Additional e-journals and e-books (less relevant) available in some databases – not in catalogue There are Separate records for print and electronic versions of journals In some instances there are Combined records for print & electronic versions of books and working papers Many e-resources are assigned classmarks and subjects, for retrieval with print Journal Articles are NOT included in Catalogue *
Locating E-Resources: Classic Catalogue (example)
28/03/2017 Locating E-Resources: Classic Catalogue (example) Link to full-text Dates of EUI’s full-text access Terms of Use CATALOG EXAMPLE: Catalogue Home > Journal Title Search > “European journal of political research” SHOWS: PRINT & ELECTRONIC; 2 PROVIDERS, DIFFERENT DATES SEPARATE RECORDS FOR PRINT AND ELECTGORNIC FULL-TEXT LINK COVERAGE YEARS Terms of Use Fielded Searching in the Classic Catalogue: Author Title, Journal Title Publisher Subject Classification ISSN / ISBN Advanced Keyword using boolean operators (and - or - not), proximity, truncation print electronic *
Locating E-Resources: Encore search of catalogue (example)
28/03/2017 Locating E-Resources: Encore search of catalogue (example) A new search and discovery interface to the library catalogue. Keyword Search supporting the discovery of resources in library catalogue. With Encore, users have multiple ways to manipulate search results SAMPLE SEARCH: european referendums print book electronic book *
Locating E-Resources: Lists of Resources by Type
28/03/2017 Locating E-Resources: Lists of Resources by Type LISTS OF E-RESOURCES Databases A-Z: This is a list of both licensed and freely-accessible electronic databases selected by the EUI Library staff. E-Journals: In addition to having entries in the Catalogue, the EUI Library maintains a separate A-Z list of full-text electronic journals available to EUI members. E-Books: Links to collections of electronic books available to EUI members. CD-ROMS: Information about CD-roms available to EUI members. In addition, the Library has other CD-ROMS and DVDs which are not networks but are available for users to checkout and use on their own computers. E-Statistics: Full details of electronic statistics resources are available on this Library page - The Data Portal provides 70 quick links to statistical databases. E-Working Papers: Links to electronic working papers series available to EUI members, listed in order of the issuing institution.
Locating E-Resources: Databases A-Z
28/03/2017 Locating E-Resources: Databases A-Z Databases A-Z Example: Kluwer Law Online
Locating E-Resources: E-Journals
28/03/2017 Locating E-Resources: E-Journals E-Journal Page Browse by Title Search by title, portion of title, ISSN Browse by subject *
Locating E-Resources: E-Journal List (example)
28/03/2017 Locating E-Resources: E-Journal List (example) EJOURNAL LIST EXAMPLE: ER Home > E-Journal List > Title Begins with Search > “European journal of political research” SHOWS: E-only, 2 providers, different dates *
Locating E-Resources: E-Journals & Full-text Articles
28/03/2017 Locating E-Resources: E-Journals & Full-text Articles The EUI Library licenses access for its users to electronic journals and articles from a wide range of publishers and database providers. This slide shows just a sample of these providers. Each of them have their own interfaces, with differing means of searching and display of full-text. In Catalogue/E-Journal List: 10,000 titles Not in Catalogue: Additional 30,000 titles Multiple providers Aggregators: Ingenta, MetaPress, Project Muse, CEEOL Publishers: Cambridge, Oxford, Springer, Wiley, etc. Databases: Lexis-Nexis, Westlaw Archives: JSTOR, Hein, Digizeitschriften Varying dates Click on a logo above to go to database via the EUI Library Catalogue. *
Locating E-Resources: E-books
28/03/2017 Locating E-Resources: E-books Ebook Collections, some individual titles In Catalogue: 225,000 titles (includes ECCO, ACLS, Oxford Scholarship/Reference, NBER, CEPR, Making of the Modern World) Not in Catalogue: Additional 105,000 titles (EEBO) – must go to databases to identify titles Internet-based and CD-ROM Generally cannot download entire books due to copyright and licensing restrictions *
Locating E-Resources: E-Books
28/03/2017 Locating E-Resources: E-Books As with electronic journal articles, the EUI also licenses access to a wide range of electronic book publishers and collections. *
Locating E-Resources: E-Statistics
28/03/2017 Locating E-Resources: E-Statistics The Statistics Collection The EUI Data Portal is the main gateway to the Statistics Collection. Quick links to 70 major electronic statistical databases are available via the Data Portal. There are 41 Macro data sets and 29 Micro data sets. Each of these 70 resources has an individual description page providing (i) data description (ii) time period coverage (iii) links to external support – eg. online guides and user networks, and (iv) specific instructions on how to access each data resource. Macroeconomic data: via Internet or CD-ROM/DVD (EUI Login required) Macroeconomic data is available online (EUI IP access) or via CD-rom/DVD server (EUI login required). Users can access from the Data Portal, the Macro Data page, or the EUI Catalogue. Details of on-site and off-site access and configuration requirements are available on this Library page. Microeconomic data: requires advanced registration via online form Statistics on the Internet Directory
Locating E-Resources: Research Guides
28/03/2017 Locating E-Resources: Research Guides The Research Guides prepared by the Information Specialists of the EUI Library include: Lists of discipline-specific E-Journals and Databases How-to Guides for individual databases Pointers to highly-specialized Internet resources Library staff has also prepared Research Guides based on the EUI Departments as well as European Documentation and the Reference Collection Economics European Information History & Civilization Law Political & Social Sciences Reference Collection Within each of these Research Guides users will find information that compliments the general Electronic Resources pages on the Library website. In some instances, you will find highly specialized resources not listed elsewhere. Most of the research Guides provide contain Lists of Discipline-specific E-Journals & Databases. Some of them also contain How-to Guides on individual resources which might include a description of the resource, tips on how to access the data, and in some instances, links to additional help documentation. Most of the Research Guides also provide Pointers to Internet resources, many of which are freely available. Internet Resources for Legal Research Political & Social Sciences Internet Resources EDC Databases Electronic Resources and Databases for Historians Internet Resources for Economists Lists of Discipline-specific E-Journals & Databases Law Journals and Law Databases Political & Social Sciences Databases Economic & Social Data Portal *
28/03/2017 E-Resources Tools Find Articles: List of core bibliographic citation databases of particular interest to EUI members. Google Scholar: How to configure Web browsers to link directly to EUI Library Resources from Google Scholar. WebBridge: Linking to full-text Also Zotero Copy of this presentation, Intro to E-Resources *
E-Resources Tools: Find Articles
28/03/2017 E-Resources Tools: Find Articles Journal articles are not to be found in library catalogues, the only way of locating articles on specific topics is by using Abstracting and Indexing databases. Bibliographic databases contain citations for databases, while some have direct links to full-text, others require users to check the catalogue to see if the library has publication in print or electronic Journal Articles are NOT indexed in the Catalogue Abstracting & Indexing citation databases Getting Help using these databases: Research Guides Information Specialists Library Training sessions *
E-Resources Tools: Find Articles (example)
28/03/2017 E-Resources Tools: Find Articles (example) WebBridge link to full-text FIND ARTICLES EXAMPLE: ER Home > Find Articles > Social Science Citation Index (ISI Web of Knowledge) “EU Security Policy” (topic) RESULTS: #1 goes to Common Market Law Review (Kluwer Law) SHOWS: Abstract, Links to EUI full-text *
E-Resources Tools: Google Scholar
28/03/2017 E-Resources Tools: Google Scholar Required for off-campus access Search engine for scholarly literature and references to peer-reviewed papers, theses, books, abstracts, articles EUI-Google Scholar partnership enables links to full-text electronic articles when licensed by the EUI Library Google Scholar – When no full-text match found, you should search EUI Library Catalogue for journal or book title Individual Users must set preferences in Google Scholar for full-text linking to work The EUI Library has established a partnership with Google that enables the EUI community to link to EUI-subscribed online materials from within Google Scholar by clicking on the EUI Library" textual link. Each user must set preferences on their own browser, as described below, in order to enable the linking to EUI Library resources. Google Scholar provides a simple way to broadly search for scholarly literature and references across many disciplines and sources, including: peer-reviewed papers, theses, books, abstracts and articles, from academic publishers, professional societies, preprint repositories, universities and other scholarly organizations. From search results within Google Scholar, first try to click on the article link to see if you can obtain the full article directly from the publisher's web site. If the EUI Library subscribes to the materials, you may be able to access them from on campus directly from the publisher. Google Scholar does not know when the Library has a print subscription to a journal, nor can it match an incomplete citation (for example, if the date of publication is missing). For articles available electronically, search the Library's Electronic Journals List using the title of the journal in which the article appears. For printed books and journals, search the EUI Library Catalogue. SAMPLE SEARCHES: European Integration Screenshot in slide from RESULTS PAGE 3: Measuring party orientations towards European integration: Results from an expert survey *
E-Resources Tools: Google Scholar (example)
28/03/2017 E-Resources Tools: Google Scholar (example) Library” goes to WebBridge full-text linking GOOGLE SCHOLAR EXAMPLE: ER Home > Google Scholar > SAMPLE SEARCH: European Integration Screenshot in slide from RESULTS PAGE 3: Measuring party orientations towards European integration: Results from an expert survey Shows 2 sources for full-text and 2 different ways that WebBridge works SPRINGER: STRAIGHT TO ARTICLE WILEY: TO JOURNAL HOMEPAGE – NEED TO NAVIGATE TO ARTICLE
Accessing E-Resources
Accessing E-Resources: How to Access
28/03/2017 Accessing E-Resources: How to Access On-site access IN THE LIBRARY There are over 30 computers in the Library, a mixture of internet-only computers as well as desk-top computers that are linked to the EUI network and the standard software. If you bring your own laptop into the Library, there are network cables in most working spaces in the Library, and it is also possible to connect to the EUI WIFI wireless network. More information is available on our website and from the Computing Service. From Anywhere Elsewhere on EUI Campus… Computer labs Info Points Offices Wireless (EUI WiFi) Off-Site Access: VPN Remote Connection Virtual Private Network (VPN) is a way to make a secure remote connection to our internal servers / resources from a non-EUI network or an Internet connection using a 3rd party provider. This technology will permit connectivity to our Library's electronic resources as though you are within the internal EUI network. Please follow the instructions on the Computing Service web page. Dial-up access
Accessing E-Resources: Off-Campus Access (example)
28/03/2017 Accessing E-Resources: Off-Campus Access (example) Off-campus (remote) users are first asked to login with name and library barcode in order to be recognized as a valid EUI user. Generally, EUI members can also access the Library's electronic resources from outside the EUI once authenticated by the EUI system. For remote (off-site) access, EUI members can be authenticated as a valid EUI member by connecting through an Internet service provider combined with the Library's proxy server; connection to the EUI network via an VPN Remote Connection; or by Dial-in access. Each method is described below. How do E-Resources providers and databases know that I am from the EUI? IP address (automatic): On-Campus / EUI VPN Proxy (library barcode): Off-campus via ADSL or other internet connection A request for access to the Library's licensed electronic resources will call up a login screen where users have to provide their names and a valid EUI Library barcode. After verification, access to a licensed electronic resource will be forwarded through the Library's Proxy Server and will then be accepted as valid by the remote database. Any person who is not a current EUI member will be refused access, in accordance with the licensing restrictions governing access to electronic resources.
Accessing E-Resources: Terms & Conditions of Use
28/03/2017 Accessing E-Resources: Terms & Conditions of Use Classic Catalogue display Encore display Copyright & Terms of Use based on License Agreements Users generally may not: allow anyone else to use electronic resources systematically download, distribute, or save substantial portions of information (e.g. entire journal issues or e-books) modify or create a derivative work without the permission of the licensor or publisher remove, obscure or modify any copyright or other proprietary notices use for commercial purposes Access to and use of these electronic resources is generally governed by copyright laws and individual license agreements (binding legal contracts). These define the specific conditions of use and restrictions under which the Library may make access available to its users, both on and off-campus. Users must comply with the specific Terms of Use or License Agreement for the applicable Electronic Resource. Users are individually responsible for compliance with these terms. Details may be found in the Library Catalogue under the heading 'Terms of Use', or in the case of Internet-based resources, included on the providers website. Misuse of Electronic Resources Misuse puts at risk the Library's and other EUI users' continued access to electronic resources. The Library will terminate the electronic access of users who infringe copyright rules or who do not observe other limitations of use stipulated by the provider, as well as the possible imposition of institutional sanctions. *
Accessing E-Resources: Reporting Access Problems
28/03/2017 Accessing E-Resources: Reporting Access Problems From the Catalogue: link in left menu From E-Resources lists: link in right menu Examples of problems to report to the Library: Unable to login remotely URL in Catalogue or E-Journal list is broken Unable to save or download PDF as expected Full-text availability doesn’t match dates listed in Catalogue Give as much detail as possible in the form (URL, description of problem, etc.) Links to Problem Form are available from: Library Catalogue – left menu Any page under the E-Resources section – right menu Request Forms section of the main Library website *
Thank you for your attention. Are there any questions?
28/03/2017 Thank you for your attention. Are there any questions? *
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