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Innovative Market Analysis & Business Intelligence Federal Partners in Technology Transfer Annual General Meeting June 17 – 18, 2009.

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Presentation on theme: "Innovative Market Analysis & Business Intelligence Federal Partners in Technology Transfer Annual General Meeting June 17 – 18, 2009."— Presentation transcript:

1 Innovative Market Analysis & Business Intelligence Federal Partners in Technology Transfer Annual General Meeting June 17 – 18, 2009

2 Introduction What to do - faced with the reality of the current economic climate What to do - faced with the reality of the current economic climate Sobering reality has 2 features, which differentiates the current climate from previous recessions: Sobering reality has 2 features, which differentiates the current climate from previous recessions: Events occurred extremely quicklyEvents occurred extremely quickly World economy experienced a widespread crisisWorld economy experienced a widespread crisis

3 Introduction Warren Buffett quote - “When the tide goes out, it is easy to see who is swimming naked”. And right now, the tide is going out. Warren Buffett quote - “When the tide goes out, it is easy to see who is swimming naked”. And right now, the tide is going out. Intelligence plays a more important role than ever before. Intelligence plays a more important role than ever before. Conduct a thorough needs analysisConduct a thorough needs analysis Think through intelligence deliverables & processes & their utilizationThink through intelligence deliverables & processes & their utilization Use intelligence strategically as an asset. Use intelligence strategically as an asset.

4 Introduction Enables public organizations, companies & entire industries look for ways to survive, compete & thrive in this shake-out. Enables public organizations, companies & entire industries look for ways to survive, compete & thrive in this shake-out. Monitor environment for emerging opportunities. Monitor environment for emerging opportunities.

5 Introduction Expert panel discussion on some topics for emerging opportunities in this ‘new’ normal Expert panel discussion on some topics for emerging opportunities in this ‘new’ normal Usha Srinivasan – Timely market intelligence Usha Srinivasan – Timely market intelligence Elsie Quaite-Randall – Business intelligence on a shoestring Elsie Quaite-Randall – Business intelligence on a shoestring Amy Lemay – How to harness the complex system of innovation to reveal new possibilities & opportunities Amy Lemay – How to harness the complex system of innovation to reveal new possibilities & opportunities

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