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TILDA and the HRB Professor Rose Anne Kenny Trinity College Mercers Institute St James Hospital.

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Presentation on theme: "TILDA and the HRB Professor Rose Anne Kenny Trinity College Mercers Institute St James Hospital."— Presentation transcript:

1 TILDA and the HRB Professor Rose Anne Kenny Trinity College Mercers Institute St James Hospital

2 T he I rish L ongitu D inal study on A geing TILDA

3 Trinity College Dublin, The University of Dublin Trinity EngAGE Centre for Research in Ageing International Impact (2009-2013) Geriatrics & Gerontology: % of Papers in Top 1% - International Source/s: InCites/Web of Science/Scopus

4 Trinity College Dublin, The University of Dublin InnoLife Consortium- Health and Ageing European Institute of Technology KIC EIT Budget €2.7B (2015- 2020) TCD Imperial Oxford Cambridge Newcastle Karlinski

5 Research Policy Practice

6 New knowledge Population research Clinical trials Policy needs Policy impact Training

7 8,504 Participants 50+

8 Every 2 years For 10 years 2010, 2012, 2014, 2016.....

9 Creating Infrastructure Biobanking, Population sample, Multidisciplinary- HUB Training Education –community Soft ware 2010, 2012, 2014, 2016. refresh....

10 Health Wealth Happiness

11 GenesGenesNutritionNutrition FamilynetworksFamilynetworks SocialparticipationSocialparticipation EducationEducation HouseholdStructureHouseholdStructureMaritalStatusMaritalStatus Work & Retirement Retirement Income & assets Income HealthHealth Experience of Ageing Experience MentalhealthMentalhealth

12 TILDA Data Wave 1 Wave 2 Health 2593 2757 Social 898 1725 Economic867 978

13 2014 HRA: Inequalities in Access to GP Care in Ireland: An Analysis using Longitudinal Data €329,988 (€150,424 to TILDA) HRA: Hypotension, vasoreactivity and white matter intensities in the ageing brain: The Irish Longitudinal Study on Ageing (TILDA) - €330,000 HPF Research Training Fellowships for Healthcare Professionals (2014) - €244,206 2013 HRA: Targeted actions to identify novel inflammatory and immunological factors associated with predisposition to AMD in the TILDA population cohort (2013) [Overall budget €329,987] 2012 HRB ICE: Interdisciplinary Capacity Enhancement (ICE) Awards 2012- Effecting change in cardiovascular health in older Irish Adults (2012) - €589,327 HRA: Project SADD: Socioeconomic position, anxiety, depression and diabetes in the ageing population in Ireland (2012)- €331,000 2011 HRB ICE: Interdisciplinary Capacity Enhancement (ICE) Awards 2011- Building research and implementation capacity in the Irish Longitudinal Study on Ageing (TILDA): health inequalities, mental health and opportunities to influence health and social care policies - €794,681 HRA: Frailty and Cognitive impairment in the older population (2011) - €297,750


15 HRB PhD Scholars programme 6 Ph.D. Scholars (2008-2010 ) 15 Ph.D. Scholars 2010- TILDA Core – 10 Ph.D 2009- 2013 4 Ph.D. present


17 The Active Stand

18 Heart Rate Recovery and Mortality

19 Slow Heart Rate Recovery and Mortality

20 (Finucane C et al Circulation 2015) Orthostatic cardiovascular responses to standing SBPDBP


22 Poorer People Have A Higher Resting Heart Rate

23 Social Networks are Beneficial for Health J Geront Series B 2014

24 Hypertension prevalence over 50 years (TILDA wave 1). Awareness in hypertensives Blood pressure controlled to SBP<140 mmHg and DBP<90mmHg52% Treatment in hypertensivesBP control in the treated On antihypertensive medication (ATC codes CO2, CO3, CO7, CO8, CO9)59% Awareness defined as a self-report of ever having a doctor’s diagnosis of hypertension55% 64% 64% of those aged 50yrs and older were hypertensive

25 Statin use in groups at high risk of CVD (50-64 years, W1) Statin use for secondary prevention (those with existing CVD) is lower than expected given the strength of evidence for the use of statins in this group –known CVD 68.8% using statins –multiple CVD events 78.6% using statins.

26 Statin use in groups at high risk of CVD (50-64 years, W1) Statin use for secondary prevention (those with existing CVD) is lower than expected given the strength of evidence for the use of statins in this group –known CVD 68.8% using statins –multiple CVD events 78.6% using statins Statin use for primary prevention in those at high risk of CVD is also low –Known diabetics 57.4% using statins –High or very high absolute risk group 19.0% using statins.

27 Childhood Adversity Increases Risk of Psychiatric Disorders in Later Life

28 Risk of Disease Increases as the Number of Adverse Childhood Events Increases

29 Project SADD: Socioeconomic position, anxiety, depression and diabetes in the ageing population −Diabetes affects 8.3% of adults aged 50+ in Ireland, rising to 12% in those aged 75+ −primary level or no education are 60% more likely to have diagnosed diabetes −Cross-sectionally, diabetes is not independently associated with depression or anxiety −those with diagnosed diabetes at Wave 1 reported a Major Depressive Disorder (11.9% vs. 7.4%) or Generalized Anxiety Disorder (12.8% vs. 7.5%) after a two year follow-up



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