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Group: Martin Clerigo; Florencia García Brunelli; Micaela Ninni; Carolina Williams; Francisco Chalen.

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Presentation on theme: "Group: Martin Clerigo; Florencia García Brunelli; Micaela Ninni; Carolina Williams; Francisco Chalen."— Presentation transcript:

1 Group: Martin Clerigo; Florencia García Brunelli; Micaela Ninni; Carolina Williams; Francisco Chalen.

2 What is cardiovascular disease? Cardiovascular diseases(CVDs) are diseases of the heart and blood vessels (Arteries and veins). Which are the main forms of CVDs? The most common forms are:  Coronary heart disease.  Stroke.

3 Of a Stroke:  Numbness  Slurred speech  Dizziness  Blurred or loss of vision, often only in one eye.  Confusion Of a Coronara heart disease:  Angina: Narrowing of the coronary areteries because anaerobic respiration is oden thereforethe amount oxygen- rich blood reaching the heart muscle.  Myocardial infraction(heart attack): If cholesterol is released leads to a rapid clot formation. The blood supply yo the heart may be blocked completely.

4 CDVs can be detected by an Electrocardiogram An electrocardiogram is a graphic record of the electrical activity of the heart as it contracts and rests.

5 The main risk factors for a person to suffer CVDs are:  Genetic Inheritance  Blood cholesterol and otherdietary factors  High blood pressure ·Obesity  Smoking  Alcohol OBESITY: Having too high the level of cholesterol and lack of physical activity. Raises blood pressure. Increase risk of type 2 diabetes

6 ALCOHOL: Heavy drinkers raises blood pressure, contributes to obesity and and cause irregular hearbeat. Excess alcohol can cause damage to the liver, brain and heart. This contributes to an increase of CVDs risk.

7  Stop smoking  Maintaining low blood cholesterol level  Maintaining a normal BMI  Taking more physical excercise  Moderate or no use of alcohol  Mantaining blood pressure below 140/85 mmHg  Controlling blood pressure:  Changes in diet and lifestyle would be recommended.  Medications are also available to reduce high blood pressure (diuretics)  Reducing blood cholesterol levels:  Low fat diet.

8  Cholesterol-lowering drugs(Statins), statins work by inhibiting an enzyme involved in the production of LDL cholesterol. This will be the minimum requisites for a healthy diet to prevent CDVs. For more info visit the doctor:  Energy balanced.  Reduced saturated fat.  More polyunsaturated fats.  Reduced cholesterol.  Reduced salt.

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