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UPCDC RESTRUCTURING Monday, June 17, 2013 Landmark Inn, 12 p.m.

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2 UPCDC RESTRUCTURING Monday, June 17, 2013 Landmark Inn, 12 p.m.


4 UPCDC TIER 1  Local Partners in Economic Development as originally provided by the MEDC  Meets monthly

5 UPCDC TIER 2  Tier 1 + State Department officials (MDOT, MDARD, MDNR, Governor’s Office, etc)  Meets on a bimonthly basis

6 UPCDC TIER 3  Tier 1 + Tier 2 + any other Region 1 stakeholders in economic development  Tier 3 is open to any economic development stakeholder, we rely on Tier 1 to give us names of individuals they believe should be included in those emails and quarterly meetings.  Meets on a quarterly basis

7 SALESFORCE  Statewide data sharing network implemented to support collaboration between local and regional economic development agencies.  Allows valuable information on local businesses to be stored in an organized central location  In “the cloud”; can be accessed from anywhere  User-friendly

8 LOCATION ONE (LOIS)  Real-time, on-line economic development site selection database  Allows local Economic Developers and real estate companies to work together  Provides one place for businesses to look for new property to expand

9 ECONOMIC GARDENING  State program that helps support local small business.  Research team identifies specific growth issues and then devotes 36 hours to each company to provide action oriented information.

10 PROJECT SUPPORT  Letter of support for multiple projects:  Next Michigan Development District  Governor’s Cup Nominations  Michigan Manufacturer of the Year

11 PROGRAM TRAINING/PRESENTATIONS  Pure Michigan Talent Connect  Salesforce  Placemaking  MEDC – Regional Attraction  MEDC – Community Development  Brownfield Redevelopment

12 PROGRAM TRAINING/PRESENTATIONS CONTINUED  MEDC - Economic Gardening  MEDC – STEP  Site Selection Training w/ Southwest Michigan FIRST  Microenterprise Network and CEDAM w/ Northern Initiatives  Global Michigan Initiative

13 CONCERNS  Tier Structure  Engagement  Travel/Meeting time

14 RECOMMENDATIONS  Remove tiered system, everyone who is involved in Economic Development is called the UPCDC  Local partners (former Tier 1) to meet prior to UPCDC first month of quarter  No meeting second month  UPCDC (former 1,2 and 3 tiers) meet following the UPEDA meeting in the third month of the quarter  Regional team players would be asked to attend first meeting of the month


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