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1. Try to answer each question on your own before looking at the answer 2. When you get to the end, redo the practice test, OVER and OVER again, the more.

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Presentation on theme: "1. Try to answer each question on your own before looking at the answer 2. When you get to the end, redo the practice test, OVER and OVER again, the more."— Presentation transcript:

1 1. Try to answer each question on your own before looking at the answer 2. When you get to the end, redo the practice test, OVER and OVER again, the more the better 3. Practice makes perfect! Evolution Practice Test

2 What kind of evolutionary pattern goes for long periods without change, followed by rapid periods of change? Punctuated Equilibrium

3 What evolutionary pattern happens slowly and steadily? Gradualism

4 Why does the horseshoe crab show punctuated equilibrium? It has changed very little so it must be in a state of equilibrium

5 When many species disappear rapidly. Mass Extinction

6 Slow and steady extinctions due to natural selection Background extinctions

7 How does the environment help determine the success of a species IF the environment changes species can adapt will survive, those that cannot will go extinct

8 Are extinctions always bad? No Often when some organisms become extinct it provides opportunities for new life to form

9 What kind of reproduction resulted in increase of biodiversity? Sexual This reproduction involves combining DNA from 2 different organisms leading to different types of life Asexual reproduction only reproduces clones (exact copies of the same DNA)

10 Conditions that lead to Natural Selection More offspring are produced than can survive Variation in traits Fitness

11 Explain why the following would lead to natural selection: more offspring are produced than can survive It would cause change in a population because it creates competition for food, space, and other resources. The population would change to make the successful competitors more common and the less successful competitors less common.

12 Why does the following lead to natural selection: Variation in inheritable traits If there was only one trait there would be no change Example: If there are only green beetles that exist the population could not evolve to be orange because there are no orange beetles to reproduce orange color. When there is a variety, the organisms with the version of the trait that helps them survive and reproduce will increase and be more common while the organisms with the version that is less helpful will decrease and become more rare.

13 Why does the following lead to natural selection: Fitness Because individuals with higher fitness will be more successful at survival and reproduction Populations will change because there will be an increase in the individuals who are more fit and a decrease in the individuals who are less fit

14 Explain why and how the peppered moth population changed before the industrial revolution and after. Before the industrial revolution trees were lighter in color and not darkened by pollution The peppered moths were more common because they blended in with the trees and avoided getting eaten by birds After the industrial revolution the population changed so that the darker moths were more common because at this point they were the ones that could blend in with the darker polluted trees and avoid getting eaten by birds

15 True or False: the moths changed their color from peppered to dark after pollution. False Peppered moths did not change their color, most of them died, while most of the dark moths survived. This lead to the population becoming increasingly dark and less light The color in moths in genetic and organisms cannot change their DNA

16 Define Artificial Selection Answer: when you breed for traits you want

17 Give an example of Artificial Selection Breeding specific dogs for certain traits Breeding fruits for the sweetest and biggest Breeding flowers for certain traits

18 What is natural selection? Answer: traits that help an organism survive its environment (adaptations) will be reproduced, and traits that do not help organisms to survive will not be reproduced because they will most likely die first

19 Which of the following is an example of natural selection? A. a farmer breeding red roses because he sells red roses B. a tiger with sharp teeth survives and reproduces more tigers with sharp teeth Answer: B

20 What kind of evidence for evolution is this example: a 1000 year old tortoise’s remains are compared to a modern day tortoise and it shows changes in the structure of the shell. Answer: Fossil Evidence for Evolution

21 How do fossils show evidence of evolution? Answer: they give a concrete example of how species have changed over a long period of time.

22 Give an example of a structural adaptation The beak of a humming bird The thumb on our hand The color of polar bear fur What ever else is physical part of the organism that helps it to survive its environment or reproduce

23 Give an example of a physiological adaptation Ink of a squid Venom of a snake Venom of a spider Odor of a skunk Anything that can be considered a chemical that is produced by the animal to help it survive or reproduce

24 Give an example of a behavioral adaptation Mating dances of birds Hibernation Migration Scavenging Hunting Any behavior (something it does) that allows the organism to survive or reproduce

25 When 2 distantly related organism, evolve to have similar traits. Convergent Evolution

26 When a species begins to evolve different traits then one another Divergent evolution

27 When species do not interbreed because of a physical barrier like an ocean, a river, or a mountain. Geographic isolation Example: squirrels separated by the grand canyon

28 When species do not interbreed because they mate at different times of the year. Temporal Isolation Example: skunks who have different mating seasons

29 When species do no interbreed because they develop different behaviors; Behavioral Isolation Example: lightning bugs with different blinking patters.

30 Why does reproductive isolation lead to speciation? Because changes in one gene pool will not happen in the other Over time they develop so many differences that they become separate species each with their own specific trains

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