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Developing a Learning Culture in Public Administrations EAS 7 March 2008.

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Presentation on theme: "Developing a Learning Culture in Public Administrations EAS 7 March 2008."— Presentation transcript:

1 Developing a Learning Culture in Public Administrations EAS 7 March 2008

2 Structure Commission Case Study What we understand by a learning culture Progress to date A request for help

3 The Commission: an HR Overview 30,000: 2/3 officials & 1/3 short contracts 27 nationalities & 22 languages 40 DGs & Services Multi-sites (Brussels, Luxembourg, Ispra, over 160 delegations and representations world-wide) Hierarchical structure –Director-Generals (40+) –Directors (220) –Heads of Unit (1300+) Officials have a job for life (35 years)

4 Staff are Knowledge workers More than 60% of staff have an university degree Most functions and work deal with information and human relationships Complex work environment Cultural ambiguities liked and ignored by most colleagues

5 Strategic challenges European Commissio n Efficiency Customer service Impact of Enlargement Technology External trust and reputation

6 Managing our training Budget 2008 = 22.5m 50% Central 40 DGs = 40 training managers Outsourced - external contractors

7 Managing our training Implementing Rules 1994 Reform 2000 Training Policy 2002 Annual Learning & Development Framework Progress = :), but...

8 Progress - quantity 2001 - 1 day per person 2007 = 7.7 days (peak = 2005 = 8.7 days) 98% of staff in at least one training event We are training...but are staff/the organisation learning and developing?

9 Central Training Progress 2000-2007 2000 87 titles 333 courses 12,352 p days 2007 400 titles 2,139 courses 45,299 p days

10 Our challenges 2002 policy... developing a learnjng culture...and being a learning organisation Moving from training to learning Developing the individual and the organisation Learning how to learn Valuing and rewarding learning

11 L & D Challenges:1 Induction & Integration Leadership and Management Knowledge Sharing Communication Language Training Organisational Development Professionalisation

12 L & D Challenges:2 Course factory & volume of training Absence rates in courses Attracting and involving managers Identifying needs Getting out of the classroom Learning transfer Identifying the impact Servicing distant locations Relying on external contractors

13 What is the difference between training and learning? the process by which new knowledge, skills and capabilities are constructed. Training... Is one of several responses that can be undertaken to promote learning.

14 What do we mean by a learning culture? Learning not just for the individual but for the team and for the organisation Learning from everyday work Making information and knowledge available to everyone Creating a climate where staff share their learning

15 Why aim for a learning culture? Keeping up with the pace of change Stakeholder demands Knowledge sharing and retention Staff turnover Staff expectations Doing more with the same/less Get away from the past We must develop new knowledge and skills We must be good at learning

16 Why aim for a learning culture? The majority of learning takes place in the workplace Much wisdom and the answers to most of our challenges already exists in the organisation Need to identify, share and manage learning

17 What this means for the Learning and Development Unit... Closer to our customers Client managers Help desk service Internal consultancy Using technology to offer and share learning Less reliance on external experts/trainers

18 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 Consultancy Organisational development Coaching and Mentoring Learning in teams Central Training Courses

19 What this means for local training managers... Better identification of real need Use of customer and staff feedback More creativity in the use of resources Synergies between services Making the most of networks and communities

20 What this means for line managers... Commitment from the top Identifying needs Providing coaching to staff Building learning into everyday work Encouraging innovation and knowledge- sharing Identifying and sharing learning from successes and failures Rewarding learning

21 Key Commission issues De-criminalising learning Breaking the mould Communities of Practice are the building blocks of a learning culture Using our own people

22 Questions for discussion... What are you doing (or what could you do) to: Encourage the shift from training to learning? Develop and maintain a learning culture?

23 3 key activities... Managers being trained to coach staff Emphasis on competency frameworks Modular training (shorter, sharper courses/events)

24 Potential barriers Preoccupied with fire-fighting Not creating time to think strategically Too focused on procedures Reluctance to train other than fro immediate need Overtight supervision Top-down driven

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