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Theories of Development

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1 Theories of Development
IP&T 301 Suzy Cox

2 Agenda Brief review Jean Piaget Theory Capsule
Lev Vygotsky Theory Capsule How the theories look in the classroom Supplementary Activity #4 Quiz

3 Piaget Cognitive Constructivism Schemes Stages we’re concerned with:
Preoperational Concrete Operational (see chart on p. 27) Criticisms How do we implement this? focus on process, active involvement, individual differences Cognitive constructivism – what is this? Schemes – how can we make use of these in class (Rap example) Stages we’re concerned with: Preoperational – conservation, centration, reversibility, egocentric Concrete Operational – inferred reality, seriation, transitivity, class inclusion Criticisms – children more competent, some things can be taught, experience matters How do we implement this in class? – focus on process, active involvement, individual differences

4 Vygotsky Social Constructivism Self-regulation Private Speech
Zone of Proximal Development Scaffolding Reciprocal Teaching How do we implement this? Mixed-ability grouping, challenging, self-monitoring Social constructivism – what is this? Self-regulation – internalizing, think and solve problems Private speech – turning shared knowledge into personal knowledge ZPD – draw diagram, ability grouping? Scaffolding – how do we provide this? Reciprocal teaching – ask questions, turn over responsibility for leading discussion How do we implement this in class? – challenge

5 Erikson Psychosocial crises Stages we’re concerned with:
Initiative vs. Guilt Industry vs. Inferiority School plays a central role How do we implement this? Find student strengths, encourage experimentation

6 Piaget’s Moral Development
Cognitive abilities determine children’s abilities to reason about social situations Heteronomous morality (until – formal operations) Constraint, moral realism – inflexible, consequences Autonomous morality Cooperation, equality, mutual agreement, intentions, fairness Resolving conflicts with peers helps progress

7 Kohlberg Moral dilemmas Preconventional – until age 9 (varies)
Consequences, satisfy needs Conventional Golden Rule, approval, duty Determine level of reasoning, moral dilemmas, challenge to next higher stage

8 How do we encourage moral development?
Weave discussions of justice and moral issues into lessons, particularly classroom events Foster greater awareness of own and others’ feelings, social responsibilities, and ethical choices Provide a framework of expected behavior Discuss, “What if…?”, Allow cooperative groups to create their own rules

9 Chart it! Piaget Vygotsky Erikson Kohlberg Focus
Development depends on… Key terms Stages Focus: Cognitive, cognitive, personal/social, moral Devel. depends on: manipulation and active interaction with the environment, reasoning about rules that govern behavior, resolution of psychosocial crises, sociocultural nature of learning Key Terms: Assimilation, accommodation, equilibration, schemes; Private speech, Zone of Proximal Development, scaffolding; ERIKSON; moral dilemmas

10 Supplementary Activity #4
Find a lesson plan Choose a developmental theory Analyze lesson plan based on that theory

11 Assignments Read Ch. 9 (pg. 298-328) Skinner Theory Capsules
Start thinking about your Intelligence-Fair assessment

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