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Clinical Utility of Thromboelastography (TEG)

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1 Clinical Utility of Thromboelastography (TEG)
Lowell Chambers, MD

2 Secondary Hemostasis (Coagulation Cascade)
CLASSIC COAGULATION CASCADE INTRINSIC PATH (PTT) EXTRENSIC PATH (PT) XII XIIa XI XIa VIIa + TF IX IXa + VIIIa X Xa + Va Gradually described from ex-vivo lab experiences between s and noted to rely heavily on hepatically produced, systemically circulating serine proteases Ca++ Prothrombin (II) Thrombin (IIa) Fibrinogen (I) Fibrin (Ia) 2

3 Secondary Hemostasis (Coagulation Cascade)
PHYSIOLOGIC PATHWAY VIII Platelet Thrombin VII + TF IX IXa + VIIIa* V X Xa + Va XIII (transglutaminase) II Thrombin XI XIa Subsequently learned that in-vivo the physiologically functioning cascade was more dependent on the exposure of subendothelial tissue factor and platelet activation. Ca++ XIIIa Cross- Linked* Fibrin Fibrinogen Fibrin 3

4 Cell-Based Hemostasis

5 Challenges in Coagulation Evaluation
Evaluation of Platelet Function Monitoring of New generation anticoagulants Determination of Hyperfibrinolytic States

6 Coagulopathy of Trauma
Hyper- fibrinolysis Prot. C Activation ACIDOSIS Impaired Clotting Factor Function Impaired Platelet Function C O A G U L P T H Y HYPOTHERMIA Increased TF Release CNS Injuries DIC HIGH ISS Long Bone Fxs Fat Embolism Initially described in 2003 Dilution of Clotting Factors & Platelets HYPOTENSION Increased IVF & PRBCs Hess J,… Hoyt D, … Bouillon B. J Trauma 2008; 65:748-54 6

7 Coagulopathy of Trauma
¼ Significant Trauma patients 4x increased mortality Multifactorial Currently addressed with: Whole Blood 1:1:1 Massive Transfusion Protocols Hess J,… Hoyt D, … Bouillon B. J Trauma 2008; 65:748-54

8 Coagulopathy of Trauma
¼ Significant Trauma patients 4x increased mortality Multifactorial Currently addressed with: Improved Outcomes Whole Blood 1:1:1 Protocols Hess J,… Hoyt D, … Bouillon B. J Trauma 2008; 65:748-54

9 Consequences of Overtransfusion
Waste ALI / MSOF Thrombosis

10 Hyperfibrinolysis in Trauma
See in 2-34% of Trauma Pts Increased risk with increased ISS, need for transfusion, etc… Associated with increased mortality Napolitano L,… Moore EE. J Trauma Acute Care Surg 2013; 74:

11 Fibrinolyis in Trauma Kashuk J, Moore EE, et al. Ann Surg 2010; 252:434-44

12 Hyperfibrinolysis in Trauma
Napolitano L,… Moore EE. J Trauma Acute Care Surg 2013; 74:

13 Randomized, multicenter trial (Europe, Asia, Africa)
20,127 trauma pts in 274 hospitals Inclusion criteria: TA (1gm over 10 min. then another gm over 8hr) versus Placebo Hemorrhagic Shock (SBP < 90, HR > 110) High risk of substantial bleeding Within 8 hr of injury

14 Tranexamic Acid in Trauma
All cause mortality reduction of 1.5%. Lancet 2010; 376:23-32

15 Tranexamic Acid in Trauma
Lancet 2010; 376:23-32 NNT = # needed to treat All cause mortality reduction of 1.5% with TXA. + No harm from TXA Low Cost (~$6.00/gm) Potential to save ,000 lives annually world-wide (NNT1 = 67)

16 TXA in Trauma Cheap Safe Effective
SO WHY NOT USE ROUTINELY IN BLEEDING TRAUMAS ? Added to WHO “Essential Medications List” in 2011 Napolitano L,… Moore EE. J Trauma Acute Care Surg 2013; 74:

17 CRASH-2 Problems This observation has led most to desire more selective use of TXA Napolitano L,… Moore EE. J Trauma Acute Care Surg 2013; 74:

18 Deficiencies in Current Coag. Assessment of Severely Injured Trauma Pts
No rapid, reliable assessment of hyperfibrinolysis Incomplete assessment of Coagulopathy of Trauma Lack of Qualitative Platelet Evaluation Lack of rapid Coag. Assessment Inability to assess when switch from hypo to hypercoagulable occurs

19 Thrombelastography (TEG)
A viscoelastic point of care hemostatic assay Provides a graphic presentation of clot formation & lysis Johansson PI, et al. Scan J Trauma, Resus, & Emerg Med 2009; 17:45.

20 Hemostasis Monitoring with the TEG® System
Measures entire clotting process Measures: ∆Clot strength / time Facilitates RAPID assesment of entire coagulation process. Rate of clot formation Strength of clot Stability of clot Hemostatic status

21 TEG - History Initial description in 1948 (H Hartert)
Important role in development of open heart surgery and liver transplantation Hartert H. Klin Wochenschr 1948; 26:577-83 Dr. Kurt von Koulla & Hartert TEG Dr. Swan recruited a research fellow Dr. Koulla from Germany who brought the Hartert instrument with him to U of Colorado 1950s Dr. Henry Swan & Hypothermic Open Heart Procedures 1960s Dr. Thomas Starzl & Liver Transplantation

22 TEG Method 0.36 ml whole blood 37oC in a heated, kaolin-containing cup Pin is suspended into cup and connected to a detector system (torsion wire) Cup is oscillated at an angle to the pin Fibrin forms between the cup and pin Formation of fibrin results in transmitted rotation from the cup to the pin Tracing is generated as a result of pin’s movement Pattern & duration of different aspects of tracing provides information on the clotting and lysis process (after being collected in Citrate – if delay in running > 3 min)

23 TEG Tracing and Clotting Process
Time (min) Time Continuous monitoring of clotting process Generates parameters that relate to each phase

24 Analytical Software Graphical Representation
Kinetics of clot development LY30 K = time between 2 & 20 mm aplitude Percent lysis 30 minutes after MA Reaction time, first significant clot formation Achievement of certain clot firmness Maximum amplitude – maximum strength of clot 24

25 TEG Parameters: R Reaction time (4 – 8 min) FFP rVIIa PCC FFP +
Platelets R=reaction time=period from 0-2 mm amplitude. Corresponds with the initiation phase & clotting factor function. MA=maximum amplitude – Corresponds with Final Clot Strength & therefore Clotting Factor and Platelet function. LMWH LMWH + ASA

26 TEG Parameters: K and angle () Rate of clot growth
K: Clot kinetics (0 - 4 min) K=kinetics=period from 2-20 mm amplitude. Reflects the amplification phase. Alpha angle the slope between R & K. Smaller alpha corresponds with longer K which is associated with low fibrinogen levels. 4-8 min FFP Cryoprecipitate

27 TEG Parameters: MA Maximum clot strength
Maximum amplitude (54 – 72 mm) Platelets Normal R with low MA = platelet need. ASA

28 TEG Parameters: LY30 Clot Breakdown
Lysis at 30 minutes (0 – 7.5%) TXA ACA Ly = Clot lysis after certain time (most common eg= 30 minutes). Increased LY30 seen with hyperfibrinolytic states. Can help select trauma and general surgery patients who will benefit from TXA, etc… .

29 TEG: Basic Patterns

30 Hemostasis Monitoring with the TEG® System
Measures entire clotting process Measures: ∆Clot strength / time Rate of clot formation Strength of clot Stability of clot Hemostatic status

31 Primary clinical applications over the last several decades have been in hepatic and cardiac surgery patients

32 Clinical Experience with standard TEG
Majority of experience is with Cardiac & Liver Surgery > 20 clinical studies with > 4500 pts in last 25 years Varying quality (3 rand. clin. trials) Uniform findings of superiority of TEG over routine coagulation tests. Johansson PI, et al. Scan J Trauma Resus Emerg Med. 2009; 17:45

33 Standard TEG in Massive Tranfusion
European Prospective Trial n=832 massively bleeding pts (21% trauma) TEG-guided patients: More applicable to General Surgeons and others of us who aren’t Transplant or Cardiac surgeons was a prospective trial published in 2009 out of Copenhagen 20% VS 32% mortality > FFP > Plts Johansson PI, et al. Vax Sang 2009; 96:111-8

34 TEG in Trauma Johansson PI, et al. Scan J Trauma Resus Emerg Med. 2009; 17:45

35 TEG in Trauma Differentiates different etiologies of the Coagulopathy of Trauma Quicker & more accurate than coags. Permits ID of Hyperfibrinolysis Differentiates hyper VS hypocoagulability Gives info. on coag status with newer anticoag. agents Johansson PI, et al. Scan J Trauma Resus Emerg Med. 2009; 17:45

36 RapidTEG Tissue Factor added to Kaolin in cup
Cuts processing time by ~ 50%: r-TEG 19.2 min to completion TEG 29.9 min “ Coags 34.1 min “ Software available facilitating viewing of TEG on monitor in ICU/OR real-time so initial information available within minutes. Jeger V, et al. J Trauma 2009; 66:1253-7 Holcomb JB, et al. Ann Surg 2012; 256:476-86

37 r-TEG Tracing Comparison
RapidTEG Standard TEG Differences: R range: 0-1 min & use ACT


39 U Colorado Experience Preliminary Study: Randomized prospective trial underway More “Goal Directed” Therapy “LEAN” Goals met c blood products needed Kashuk JL, Moore EE, et al. Transfusion 2012; 52:23-33

40 U Colorado Case Study 38 yo F auto VS ped. patient
HD unstable from intra-abd bleeding Emergent Trauma Lap. Initial r-TEG in OR - PRBCs for hemorrhagic shock - FFP for prolonged ACT - Platelets for depressed MA - 5 gm EACA for elevated LY30

41 U Colorado Case Study Intra-abd. Bleeding controlled but still “oozey”
2nd r-TEG in OR - Improved coagulopathy (improved ACT) - Improved platelet function (improved MA) - Persistent Fibrinolysis (Sign. Increased LY30 still) Additional EACA administered

42 U Colorado Case Study Pt continued to stabilize “Oozing” resolved
3rd r-TEG in OR

43 Ann Surg 2012; 256:476 U Texas Experience demonstrated good correlation with TEG & coags with TEG being a slightly better predictor of need for massive transfusion.

44 r-TEG U Texas Experience
Holcomb JB, et al. Ann Surg 2012; 256:476

45 U Texas Approach Unstable Pt: 1:1:1 Transfusion
Once surgical hemostasis achieved: Holcomb JB, et al. Ann Surg 2012; 256:476

46 Baylor Approach ~ 10 year experience with TEG-directed resusc.
Use conventional TEG rather than r-TEG Mattox believes in the KISS principal !! Tapia NM, … Mattox KL, Suliburk J. J Trauma Acute Care Surg 2013; 74:

47 Baylor Experience In October 2009 instituted 1:1:1 MTP
Reviewed outcomes 21 months before & after Compared outcomes with TEG-directed VS reflexive 1:1:1 MTP Dr. Mattox and his colleagues represented a unique experience as they were already utilizing TEG when most hadn’t even heard of it and were just getting started with modern MTPs Tapia NM, … Mattox KL, Suliburk J. J Trauma Acute Care Surg 2013; 74:

48 Baylor Experience MTP associated with stat. significant increased FFP utilization and a trend toward overall increased blood utilization. Tapia NM, … Mattox KL, Suliburk J. J Trauma Acute Care Surg 2013; 74:

49 Baylor Experience No improved survival in MTP with increased FFP utilization Some subsets of MTP with worse outcomes Furthermore they found that the more aggressive blood product administration associated with the MTP did not translate to improved survival or other outcome measures. In fact some subsets experienced statistically significant increased mortality with the MTP VS TEG-guided resuscitation. Tapia NM, … Mattox KL, Suliburk J. J Trauma Acute Care Surg 2013; 74:

50 Baylor Approach In other words they use their 1:1:1 Massive Transfusion Protocol to determine what blood bank sends them but once TEG-data is available they use it to guide how much of the products they actually transfuse Tapia NM, … Mattox KL, Suliburk J. J Trauma Acute Care Surg 2013; 74:

51 ? Mt Carmel Approach > 3.0% TXA Baylor approach (with modification in accordance with U Texas & Colorado experiences with improved outcomes when TXA is used for LY-30s > 3%) is the one which makes the most sense to me. Its simple, combines the benefits of MTPs & TEG, and keeps it simpler for the lab techs and cheaper for the system by using standard TEG & is the only one validated with mortality data. Tapia NM, … Mattox KL, Suliburk J. J Trauma Acute Care Surg 2013; 74:

52 U Texas Approach Holcomb JB, et al. Ann Surg 2012; 256:476

53 TEG & PE risk assessment
Prospective Study with 2,070 consecutive Cat. 1 Trauma Alerts ( ) at U Texas, Houston All had r-TEG 53 (2.5%) PEs at median of 6 days (range 2-31 days) Sens. 82% Spec. 53% Cotton B, … Holcomb J. J Trauma Acute Care Surg 2012; 72:1470-7

54 TEG & PE risk assessment
Sens. 49% Spec. 87% Cotton B, … Holcomb J. J Trauma Acute Care Surg 2012; 72:1470-7

55 Prospective Blinded Cohort Study
240 pts undergoing major non-cardiac surgery Routinely drew ran TEG 2 hr postop & followed 12 thrombotic complications in 10 pts (6 MI, 2 DVT, 2 PE, 2 CVA)

56 TEG & Postop Thrombosis

57 TEG & Postop Thrombosis

58 TEG & Postop Thrombosis
What to do based on these findings: ? Early ASA, ? Increased prophylaxis, ? Plavix

59 New Anticoagulant Monitoring
Holcomb JB, et al. Ann Surg 2012; 256:476

60 TEG & LMWH LMWH not typically monitored
Anti-Xa levels used when needed: TEG Delta R (with & without heparinase) appears to be a better index of LMWH dose adequacy Limited availability Inconsistent data White H, et al. Blood Coag & Fibrinolysis 2012; 23:304-10 Van PY, … Schreiber M. J Trauma 2009; 66:

61 TEG & LMWH R < 0.4 associated with DVT & calls for LMWH dose
No difference in Antifactor X values between the 2 groups but a delta R on TEG was associated with DVT. More study is needed but TEG may provide an easier and more accurate means of measuring the adequacy of LMWH dosing for prophylaxis and therapy. It may also provide a means of monitoring some of the newer anticoagulants. Van PY, … Schreiber M. J Trauma 2009; 66:

62 Anti-platelet issues Surgical issue: risk of bleeding VS risk of ischemic events Medical / Cardiac Issue: variance of response Current “Gold Standard” in platelet monitoring is Light Transmission Platelet Aggregometry (LTA) : Requires specialized labs Poorly standardized between labs Not routinely used clinically Numerous studies demonstrate increased bleeding risk with operations performed on platelet inhibition. Leading cause for successful litigation against Gen Surgeons. On flip side other studies showing increased ischemia risks in stopping anti-platelet therapy for surgery – led to a number of consensus statements from Cardiology, Anesthesia and Surgical Societies (including the American College of Chest Physicians) emphasizing the need to continue antiplatelet therapy in the periop. period. Forgetting the issue of surgery there appears to be enough variation of the cytochrome P-450 system such that some patients on Plavix will have essentially no platelet inhibition & therefore remain at risk for ischemic events while others will be hyperresponders placed at increased risk for bleeding with standard dosing. In light of this it would be very beneficial to have an effective method of monitoring the effects of antiplatelet drugs Agarwal S, et al. Anesthesiology 2006; 105:676-83

63 Conventional TEG & Antiplatelets
Not helpful Kaolin-induced thrombin generation overshadows any platelet effect Lab & clinical experiences have demonstrated normal TEG MAs in specimens with definitive platelet inhibition on LTA Conventional TEG is performed on blood collected in Citrated tubes. Coag. is stimulated with the addition of Kaolin. This results in significant thrombin generation from the clotting cascade which overwhelms the ability to detect the relatively smaller contribution brought about by platelet activation. MA = maximum amplitude LTA = Light Transmission Aggregometry Agarwal S, et al. Anesthesiology 2006; 105:676-83

64 Platelet Mapping Modified TEG c Heparin added to prevent thrombin activity. Then add ADP or Arachidonic Acid to determine the contribution of the ADP & TxA2 receptors. Correlates well with the unwieldy standard of Light Transmission Aggregometry. Platelet mapping is a modification of TEG which appears to correlate well with LTA but is a much more clinically usable. Unlike standard TEG the blood is collected in a heparinized tube. Concurrent with this a standard TEG specimen is collected in citrate. Mylotte D, et al. Cardiovasc Hematolog Agents Med Chem 2011; 9:14-24 Agarwal S, et al. Anesthesiology 2006; 105:676-83

65 Platelet Mapping Unlike standard TEG the blood is collected in a heparinized tube. This specimen is then divided into 3 of the TEG cups. The first of these has heparinase in it to offset the heparin’s effect. This then has Kaolin placed in it and is run like normal producing a normal maximal amplitude representing the maximum platelet function the patient’s blood is able to produce with max. thrombin generation. This is indicated by the black tracing. The second cup contains “Activator F (reptilase & Factor XIIIa)” alone in order to measure the contribution of fibrin to the MA. This is represented by the red tracing. The final cup also contains Activator F but also contains a platelet activator (either ADP if it is Plavix therapy being evaluated or Arachidonic Acid if it is ASA therapy being evaluated). This is represented by the Blue Tracing.In cases where there is dual therapy 2 separate traces (4 in all) are run, one with each of the agonists. The resulting clot MA is dependent on platelets stimulated by the added agonists, is sensitive to any antiplatelet agent in the blood, and provides a measure of the extent of platelet inhibition. The more closely the MA of theActivated Specimen approximates the kaolin-stimulated MA the less inhibition that is present.

66 Platelet Mapping Minimal Platelet Inhibition:
- minimal risk of bleeding - ischemia risk Severe Platelet Inhibition: - risk of bleeding - minimal ischemia risk Wohlauer MV, Moore EE, et al. J Am Coll Surg 2012; 214: Agarwal S, et al. Anesthesiology 2006; 105:676-83

67 Platelet Mapping % Inhibition = [(MAADP or AA – MAFibrin) / (MAThrombin – MAFibrin) X 100] The computer calculates and generates the % Inhibition being afforded by the Antiplatelet medication. % Inhibition = [(MAADP – MAFibrin) / (MAThrombin – MAFibrin) X 100] >50% Inhibition Response 30-50% Inhibition Partial Response < 30% Inhibition Lack of Response Agarwal S, et al. Anesthesiology 2006; 105:676-83

68 TEG vs LTA vs PFA 91% Correlation between LTA & TEG
65 60 PFA = Platelet Function Analyzer 91% Correlation between LTA & TEG Agarwal S, et al. Anesthesiology 2006; 105:676-83

69 TEG vs LTA vs PFA Agarwal S, et al. Anesthesiology 2006; 105:676-83
Patients taking both ASA and Plavix had 100% response on LTA and on TEG c AA but not TEG c ADP Agarwal S, et al. Anesthesiology 2006; 105:676-83

70 Preop Antiplatelet Assessment
Current Anesthesia Policy at U of Wales: “Allows for informed rather than empirical platelet transfusions.” < 30% Platelet inhibition: proceed with surgery > 30% Platelet Inhibition: wait or administer platelets Conservative measure chosen based on earlier LTA data associating platelet inhibitions above 40% with increased bleeding risk during CABG Kauer J, et al. British J Anaesthesia; 2009; 103:304-5

71 Post PCI J Am Coll Cardiol 2005; 46:1820-6 (n 38) (n 154)
Percutaneous Coronary Intervention. The existence of a high level of individual variability in platelet responsiveness to antiplatelet therapy has been confirmed in a number of clinical studies. As many as ## have been shown to be nonresponders and are therefore at increased risk post PCI MI. Currently them majority of post PCI patients are therefore treated with both Plavix and ASA. Despite this recurrent ischemic events still occur in 8-10 of cases. Additonally this may pose an increased risk of bleeding in patients who respond to Plavix alone. Feeling that “one size doesn’t typically fit all” an Interventional Cardiology group out of Baltimore has recently, through NIH grants, been investigating the utility of TEG in their post-PCI pts. Their Initial experience in 2005 was dubbed the Platelet Reactivity in Patients and Recurrent Events Post-Stenting and was published in 2005 in the J of the American College of Cardiology. In a prospective observational study they followed 192 post PCI patients (100% of which were on ASA and 84% of which were also on Plavix) over a 6 month interval – demonstrating an association between an MA > 65 on routine TEG & post stenting thrombosis.

72 Post PCI Gurbel PA, et al. J Am Coll Cardiol 2005; 46:1820-6
A high MA on TEG was noted to be the most sensitive and specific risk factor for thrombosis outperforming even LTA. An MA > 72 was associated with a 58% rated of thrombosis as compared to ~ 10% for MA & 2% for MA < Is significant to note that this is consistent with the observation of McCrath, et al who observed increased post op (non cardiac surgery) ischemic complications with MA > 65. BEWARE HOWEVER THE STUDY WAS (IN ADDITION TO THE NIH) PARTIALLY FUNDED BY HAEMOSCOPE – THE TEG MANUFACTURER. A subsequent study funded only by the NIH confirmed these findings and demonstrated possible additional utility to Platelet mapping over traditional TEG. (Am Heart J 2010; 160:346-54). So there is some evidence that TEG can be helpful in tailoring the antiplatelet therapy of all PCI patients – not just the ones undergoing surgery. Gurbel PA, et al. J Am Coll Cardiol 2005; 46:1820-6

73 Clinical Utility of TEG
Direct resuscitation of severely injured pts Guide anticoagulation therapy Guide anti-platelet therapy

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