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ELD-Animals Descriptions 1 Objective: Students will be able to describe an animal’s physical attributes using the senses of sight, touch, sound, and smell.

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Presentation on theme: "ELD-Animals Descriptions 1 Objective: Students will be able to describe an animal’s physical attributes using the senses of sight, touch, sound, and smell."— Presentation transcript:

1 ELD-Animals Descriptions 1 Objective: Students will be able to describe an animal’s physical attributes using the senses of sight, touch, sound, and smell. vocabulary word: endangered

2 Our predictions for the word endangered It’s an adjective. Something dangerous or bad (2) Something will become extinct (2) Something is not safe When only a little bit of animals are left

3 Endangered is An adjective; a description of something that is threatened or may become extinct. Sample sentence: Bald eagles are an endangered species.

4 The grammatical forms we will use are sensory adjectives to describe the the way that animals look, feel, sound, and smell.

5 Adjectives we might use to describe animals (provided by students) Look (tiger) Feel (porcupine) Sound (alligator) Smell (panda) stripeyspikyscarypoopy colorfulsharpsnappyweird largepainfulangrydisgusting

6 Adjectives we might use to describe animals LookFeelsoundsmell giganticsmoothlouddisgusting minisculebumpydiscordantfowl furrysoftmelodiousmusty

7 Our sentence frames Question: ①How do you describe a/an ______(student fills in animal)? Response: ①A/an ______( animal) looks ______(sight adjective). It feels ______(touch adjective). It also sounds ______(audio adjective). Lastly, a/an ____(animal) smells ______(smell adjective).

8 Example sentence frames Question: ①How do you describe an aye-aye? Response: ①An aye-aye looks unusual. It feels soft. It also sounds screechy. Lastly, an aye-aye smells musty.

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