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Published byAidan Pereira Modified over 11 years ago
the EU framework programme for research and innovation Kostas Glinos
What is Horizon 2020? Commission proposal for an 80 billion euro R&I funding programme ( ) Part of proposals for next EU budget, complementing Structural Funds, education, etc. A core part of Europe 2020, Innovation Union & European Research Area: Responding to the economic crisis to invest in future jobs and growth Addressing peoples’ concerns about their livelihoods, safety and environment Strengthening the EU’s global position in research, innovation and technology The Commission unveiled a set of proposals on 30 November for Horizon 2020, the new framework programme for research and innovation. This forms part of the set of proposals for all of the Union's spending programmes for the period Horizon 2020 is designed to address these challenges through funding excellent science, technology and innovation. It is central to the Europe 2020 strategy for smart, sustainable and inclusive growth, the Innovation Union flagship to create a knowledge society, and the goal to complete the European Research Area as a single market for knowledge. The world has changed dramatically over recent years and Europe is faced with a crisis of public debt, low growth and high unemployment. Smart investments in research and innovation are vital to create jobs and put Europe back on a path to growth. At the same time Europe face major challenges such as ageing populations and the depletion of natural resources. This affects all of our lives directly, for example through high health care costs, rising energy prices, congested roads, and threats to security.
Competitive Business SMEs
The Multiannual Financial Framework : Commission’s proposals of 29 June 2011 Smart & inclusive growth (€491bn) 2. Sustainable growth, natural resources (€383bn) 3. Security and citizenship (€18.5bn) 4. Global Europe (€70bn) 5. Administration (€62.6bn) Horizon 2020 Education, Youth, Sport Connecting Europe Cohesion Competitive Business SMEs Total: € 1,025bn Today we are talking about Horizon 2020, but we should first recall that it is part of a much wider package making up the Commission’s proposals for the next Multiannual financial framework, Plans for the overall shape of the next MFF were adopted by the Commission at the end of June this year. The next programming period sees a forward-looking budget, focusing on Europe 2020. It is organised around five headings. Under the first – Smart & Inclusive Growth – Horizon 2020 will sit alongside a number of other important programmes and policies. Just some of them are highlighted in this slide. Throughout this presentation budgets are presented in so-called ‘constant 2011 prices’; that is to say, what it means in today’s prices. However, the figures in the Horizon 2020 proposal are higher because they allow for inflation. [If asked about evolution of budgets: It is not a simple matter to compare the budget allocated to current and future programmes. But we can see that with regards to research and innovation, Horizon 2020 marks a 46% increase compared to current period ( ). Overall the share of research and innovation in EU Budget increases to 8.5% in 2020. Note: Education, Youth, Sport = 15.2bn; Connecting Europe = 40bn; Cohesion Policy = bn; CBSP = 2.38bn]
What’s new? A single programme bringing together three separate programmes/initiatives* More innovation, from research to retail, all forms of innovation Focus on societal challenges facing EU society, e.g. health, clean energy and transport Simplified access, for all companies, universities, institutes in all EU countries and beyond. Horizon 2020 represents a break from the past, in order to meet the new challenges and opportunities. It brings together all EU level research and innovation funding into a single programme, covering the current 7th research Framework Programme, the innovation activities from the Competitiveness and Innovation Framework Programme, as well as EU funding to the European Institute of Innovation and Technology. These currently separate activities have been integrated to allow seamless funding of research and innovation, allowing innovative projects to be supported from the laboratory to commercial exploitation. Previously separate activities have been brought together to focus on the societal challenges such as health, clean energy and transport. All forms of innovation will be included, including innovation in services and social innovation. Support will also be given to develop the market and legal frameworks for innovations to be deployed, such as on public procurement, standard setting and regulations. Horizon 2020 will also provide a major simplification, with a single set of rules, less paperwork, and faster funding. The aim is to attract the best researchers and innovators regardless of where they are located. *The 7th research Framework Programme (FP7), innovation aspects of Competitiveness and Innovation Framework Programme (CIP), EU contribution to the European Institute of Innovation and Technology (EIT)
Horizon 2020 – Objectives and structure
Europe 2020 priorities European Research Area International cooperation Shared objectives and principles Tackling Societal Challenges Health, demographic change and wellbeing Food security, sustainable agriculture and the bio-based economy Secure, clean and efficient energy Smart, green and integrated transport Climate action, resource efficiency and raw materials Inclusive, innovative and secure societies Creating Industrial Leadership and Competitive Frameworks Leadership in enabling and industrial technologies ICT Nanotech., Materials, Manuf. and Processing Biotechnology Space Access to risk finance Innovation in SMEs ICT ICT ICT ICT ICT ICT EIT JRC Excellence in the Science Base Frontier research (ERC) Future and Emerging Technologies (FET) Skills and career development (Marie Curie) Research infrastructures ICT ICT Simplified access Dissemination & knowledge tranfer Common rules, toolkit of funding schemes
Priority 1 Excellent science
Why: World class science is the foundation of tomorrow’s technologies, jobs and wellbeing Europe needs to develop, attract and retain research talent Researchers need access to the best infrastructures Excellent science is at the foundation of economic prosperity and wellbeing..
Proposed funding (million euro, 2014-20)
European Research Council Frontier research by the best individual teams 13 268 Future and Emerging Technologies Collaborative research to open new fields of innovation 3 100 Marie Curie actions Opportunities for training and career development 5 752 Research infrastructures (including e-infrastructure) Ensuring access to world-class facilities 2 478 The experience with the European Research Council, demonstrates the value of EU level competition for the best individual teams. In a short number of years, the ERC has already supported Nobel prize-winning scientists and ERC grants are widely regarded as a stamp of excellence. Excellent science provides the basis of new technologies. The "Future and Emerging Technologies" scheme will be expanded to support unconventional and pioneering science with the potential to be tomorrow's technologies. Excellent science depends on developing, attracting and retaining talent. Through the "Marie Curie" actions, the EU has developed attractive opportunities for researchers to move across countries and improve their careers at all stages. Finally, top class research requires access to major infrastructures which are often expensive and only located in a few places in Europe
ICT in Science - Future and Emerging Technologies; e-Infrastructures
FET Open: fostering novel ideas Collaborative research for embryonic, high risk visionary science and technology FET Proactive Nurturing emerging themes and communities FET Flagships Tackling grand interdisciplinary science and technology challenges E-Infrastructures development, deployment and operation of e-Infrastructures FET 3.1 b€
Priority 2 Industrial leadership
Why: Europe needs more innovative SMEs to create growth and jobs Strategic investments in key technologies (e.g. advanced manufacturing, micro-electronics) underpin innovation across existing and emerging sectors Europe needs to attract more private investment in research and innovation Innovative companies are at the heart of job creation and growth. However, Europe lacks such companies, particularly among small and medium-sized enterprises.
Proposed funding (million euro, 2014-20)
Leadership in enabling and industrial technologies (ICT, nanotechnologies, materials, biotechnology, manufacturing, space) 13 781 Access to risk finance Leveraging private finance and venture capital for research and innovation 3 538 Innovation in SMEs Fostering all forms of innovation in all types of SMEs 619 Key enabling technologies - such as advanced manufacturing, microelectronics, nanotechnology and biotechnology - underpin innovation across many industries and sectors. For Europe to build and maintain a lead in these technologies requires strategic investments. A major barrier to growth is the lack of access to finance for innovative companies. Working with the European Investment Bank, support to venture capital and loans will be scaled up. The participation of SMEs will be important in all areas of Horizon 2020 and specific measures will be place for this. In addition, there will be a dedicated activity for research intensive SMEs in all areas, as well as services to support all SMEs to innovate.
ICT in Industrial Leadership (I)
ICT 8 b€ Components and systems Smart embedded components and systems, micro-nano-bio systems, organic electronics, large area integration, technologies for IoT, systems of systems and complex system engineering Next generation computing Processor and system architecture, interconnect and data localisation technologies, cloud computing, parallel computing and simulation software Future Internet Networks, software and services, cyber security, privacy and trust, wireless communication and all optical networks, immersive interactive multimedia and connected enterprise
ICT in Industrial Leadership (II)
ICT 8 b€ Content technologies and information management Technologies for language, learning, interaction, digital preservation, content access and analytics; advanced data mining, machine learning, statistical analysis and visual computing Advanced interfaces and robots Service robotics, cognitive systems, advanced interfaces, smart spaces and sentient machines Key Enabling Technologies: Micro- nano-electronics and photonics Design, advanced processes, pilot lines for fabrication, related production technologies and demonstration actions to validate technology developments and innovative business models
Priority 3 Societal challenges
Why: EU policy objectives (climate, environment, energy, transport etc) cannot be achieved without innovation Breakthrough solutions come from multi-disciplinary collaborations, including social sciences & humanities Promising solutions need to be tested, demonstrated and scaled up Meeting the objectives of Europe 2020 and other EU policies relies on research and innovation. For example, meeting the target to reduce CO2 emissions depends on new technologies and solutions for energy, transport, agriculture and the management of resources. This requires a broad, multi-disciplinary approach that brings together researchers, industry, public bodies and users to create innovative solutions that will meet peoples' needs. Horizon 2020 will support not only research into new technologies and solutions, but also their piloting, demonstration and market uptake. In this way the full impact of EU funding will be achieved. Horizon 2020 will build on the thematic research from FP7 and other programmes to address the following challenges which have been identified on the basis of Europe 2020 priorities: - Health, demographic change and wellbeing - Food security, sustainable agriculture and the bioeconomy - Secure, clean and efficient energy - Smart, green and integrated transport, and - Inclusive, innovative and secure societies.
Proposed funding (million euro, 2014-20)
Health, demographic change and wellbeing 8 033 Food security, sustainable agriculture, marine and maritime resources & the bioeconomy 4 152 Secure, clean and efficient energy* 5 782 Smart, green and integrated transport 6 802 Climate action, resource efficiency and raw materials 3 160 Inclusive, innovative and secure societies 3 819 Meeting the objectives of Europe 2020 and other EU policies relies on research and innovation. For example, meeting the target to reduce CO2 emissions depends on new technologies and solutions for energy, transport, agriculture and the management of resources. This requires a broad, multi-disciplinary approach that brings together researchers, industry, public bodies and users to create innovative solutions that will meet peoples' needs. Horizon 2020 will support not only research into new technologies and solutions, but also their piloting, demonstration and market uptake. In this way the full impact of EU funding will be achieved. Horizon 2020 will build on the thematic research from FP7 and other programmes to address challenges which have been identified on the basis of Europe 2020 priorities. *Additional €1 050m for nuclear safety and security from the Euratom Treaty activities ( ). Does not include ITER.
ICT in Societal Challenges (I)
Health, demographic change & wellbeing; e-health, self management of health, improved diagnostics, improved surveillance, health data collection, active ageing, assisted living; Secure, clean and efficient energy; Smart cities; Energy efficient buildings; smart electricity grids; smart metering; Smart, green and integrated transport; Smart transport equipment, infrastructures and services; innovative transport management systems; safety aspects
ICT in Societal Challenges (II)
Food security, sustainable agriculture, marine and maritime research & the bioeconomy Climate action, resource efficiency and raw materials ICT for increased resource efficiency; earth observation and monitoring Inclusive, innovative and secure societies Digital inclusion; social innovation platforms; e-government services; e-skills and e-learning; e-culture; cyber security; ensuring privacy and protection of human rights on-line
Role of the EIT and JRC in Horizon 2020
Three priorities to be supported by: European Institute of Innovation and Technology (EIT) Combining research, innovation & training in Knowledge and Innovation Communities 1 440* Joint Research Centre (JRC)** Providing a robust, evidence base for EU policies 1 961 The European Institute of Innovation and Technology (EIT) and the Commission's Joint Research Centre (JRC) will play specific roles in support of the Horizon 2020 objectives. The EIT's role will be to bring together the "knowledge triangle" of research, innovation and education. It will do so through Knowledge and Innovation Communities addressing particular challenges, such as climate, energy and new ICTs. The Joint Research Centre will provide a robust, evidence-base for EU policies in areas such as food safety, environmental monitoring and nuclear safety. Note €1 360 is the direct contribution of H2020 to the EIT €1 440 is an expected contribution coming from Leadership in Enabling and Industrial Technologies (LEIT) and the Societal challenges. This amount may vary as it’s subject to reveiw. Therefore, this should not be added to the total amount of H2020 as it’s already included in the budgets of LEIT and Societal challanges * Second tranche pro rata from LEIT and Societal challenges (subject to review) **Additional €724 m for the JRC to be funded from the Euratom Treaty activities
Innovation thinking embedded
More parts open, light & fast Reaching out to non-traditional actors More risk taking Strengthened support for high-tech SMEs Seamless support from basic research to venture capital Innovation training for everyone Also for early upstream identification of projects with innovation potential
A richer toolbox Open Disruptive Innovation STREPs, IPs… JTIs
SME instrument PCP FET Open Networking instruments Pilots A & B Prizes PPPs Coop. w/ EIT Responsible I
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