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Machine Translation, Digital Libraries, and the Computing Research Laboratory Indo-US Workshop on Digital Libraries June 23, 2003.

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Presentation on theme: "Machine Translation, Digital Libraries, and the Computing Research Laboratory Indo-US Workshop on Digital Libraries June 23, 2003."— Presentation transcript:

1 Machine Translation, Digital Libraries, and the Computing Research Laboratory Indo-US Workshop on Digital Libraries June 23, 2003

2 The Computing Research Laboratory (CRL) New Mexico State University Las Cruces, New Mexico Stephen Helmreich (505) 646-2141

3 Machine Translation (MT) Component technologies Comparable technologies Composed technologies

4 MT--Purposes Dissemination (high quality) sublanguages, controlled languages Assimilation (broad coverage) Communication (speed)

5 MT -- Types Direct – string-for-string Transfer – structure-for-structure Interlingual – to and from a meaning representation Statistical – most probable translation given a corpus

6 Component technologies -- I Character encoding and representation, text editing (Unicode) Text segmenting (OCR, sandhi?) Morphological analysis Lexical annotation (part of speech tagging, proper name identification, others)

7 Component technologies -- II Syntactic analyzers (grammars, parsers) Bilingual/multilingual dictionaries Ontologies (WordNet, OntoSem, Cyc)(lexical, linguistic, world-knowledge) Generation systems

8 Comparable technologies Information Retrieval (IE) (URSA) Information Extraction (IR) (MUC) Text Summarization (DUC) Word Sense Disambiguation (SensEval) Cross-Document Named Entity Identification (Coreference Resolution)

9 Composed Technologies All of the above (IR/IE/Summarization) multi-lingual multi-modal with attention to human-computer interaction (HCI)

10 Composed technologies -- II Personal Profiler – searches the web to find information about a particular person, translates it if appropriate, and organizes in temporal order Quick Ramp-up MT (Expedition) – allows a non-linguist language user and a computer expert to construct a simple MT system

11 Question-Answering Systems Advanced Question and Answering for Intelligence (AQUAINT) MOQA – Meaning-Oriented Question Answering Allows user to pose structured or natural language queries, obtains answer from a variety of sources, and presents the answer appropriately

12 Summary Choose an appropriate purpose and type Look at related technologies: component, comparable, composed Search for an appropriate research partner

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