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Key Skills, Curriculum 2000 & HE Why do key skills? How do key skills fit into Curriculum 2000? What are the Curriculum 2000 Key Skills? Admissions to.

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Presentation on theme: "Key Skills, Curriculum 2000 & HE Why do key skills? How do key skills fit into Curriculum 2000? What are the Curriculum 2000 Key Skills? Admissions to."— Presentation transcript:

1 Key Skills, Curriculum 2000 & HE Why do key skills? How do key skills fit into Curriculum 2000? What are the Curriculum 2000 Key Skills? Admissions to Higher Education Key Skills in Higher Education

2 Why do key skills? Research shows evidence of improvement in students’ motivation progression level of achievement employability

3 Why do key skills? Employers look for: computer literacy excellent interpersonal skills team work skills ability to learn and work independently effective decision-makers and problem- solvers

4 How do KS fit into Curriculum 2000? Following Dearing Report, KS ‘decoupled’ from GNVQs: now free-standing Aimed at students on academic, vocational and mixed A/AS programmes KS Qualifications exist at 5 levels: first 3 are levels most likely to be used in schools/colleges

5 What’s in a level? QCA Awards Programmes of study HE Levels Level 5Postgraduate Levels 4 and 5 (PGI and PGR) Level 4Undergraduate Levels 1-3 (Cert HE>Degree) Level 3Advanced GCE Level 0/Access Level 2GCSE Level 1Pre-GCSE

6 What are the QCA Key Skills? Six key skills. Main three are Communication Application of Number Information Technology Wider key skills are: Working with others Improving own learning and performance Problem solving

7 Where are the details? Specifications and guidance documents are available at Three main awarding bodies are OCR, EdExcel and AQA: see

8 Admissions to Higher Education New ‘points score’ tariff system from UCAS Gives a numerical value to the new qualifications, including KS Awards Details available at

9 Key Skills in HE QAA requires key transferable skills to be clearly stated in programme specifications Teaching, learning and assessment methods should enable skills to be developed and assessed Ongoing research into key skills appropriate for HE programmes

10 One Key Skills model for HE Management of self Management of others Management of information Management of task From Bennett, Dunne and Carre (2000:31) Skills Development in HR and Employment Society for Research into Higher Education and Open University Press, Buckingham

11 Developing Key Skills in HE Strategies include: diagnostic assessments highlighting KS in Programme Specifications ‘mapping’ KS into study units developing eLearning packages

12 Developing Key Skills in HE discipline-specific core units which emphasise key transferable skills discrete, interdisciplinary KS units, sometimes using eLearning reviewing assessment methods using student Personal Development Planning files (QAA requirement) for self-evaluation and target-setting

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