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 SAT Question of the Day #3  Activity 1.9 p. 43+ OBJECTIVE:  Analyze the use of rhetorical features in an argumentative text.  Compare how a common.

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2  SAT Question of the Day #3  Activity 1.9 p. 43+ OBJECTIVE:  Analyze the use of rhetorical features in an argumentative text.  Compare how a common theme is expressed in different texts.

3 Neither the midlife career change applicant (a) nor the young, inexperienced applicant (b) are finding it easy (c) to begin a career in data processing (d) because of a shortage of job openings. (e) no error

4  pp. 43++  SSR means SILENT, SUSTAINED READING. SILENT!!!  While reading, highlight when Roosevelt refers or defines the word “freedom”.  Then fill in the chart on page 45 with the Four Freedoms from the text. 15 minutes!

5 FFill in the chart with the amendments from the Bill of Rights that match the Four Freedoms. SSKIM the amendments! Four FreedomsBill of Rights Freedom of speechAmendment 1: freedom of speech Freedom to worshipAmendment 1: no law prohibiting religion Freedom from wantFind anything? Freedom from fearAmendment 2 (bear arms, Amendment 4 (search and seizure), etc.

6 Which, in your opinion, is the most important freedom? Explain why this freedom is the most important. Give examples from your life, current events, or history to support your idea.

7 On the test!

8 pp. 48++

9  Activity 1. 10 p. 48+ OBJECTIVE:  Identify and categorize the use of definition strategies in a text.  Apply those strategies to new writing to create an extended definition.

10  Complex ideas like freedom need an extended definition because they are such complex concepts.  Popcorn read!

11 #4: Write down examples from the text.

12  Work with your partner.  Pg. 50 Chart  Brainstorm examples for EACH of the definition strategies.

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