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Growth of Religion By Derek Wade & Michael Phipps.

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Presentation on theme: "Growth of Religion By Derek Wade & Michael Phipps."— Presentation transcript:

1 Growth of Religion By Derek Wade & Michael Phipps

2 Introduction Our powerpoint is about the growth of religion during the 1920s. America was a country that had freedom of religion.

3 What was fundamentalism & what did fundamentalist believe? It is a Protestant movement characterized by the belief the words of the Bible were inspired by God and should be interpreted literally

4 Who were evangelists & why did they grow polularlity during the 1920s? F undementalist Preachers T hey became more popular through the radio

5 What was the Butler Act? A state law it was againist the teaching of any theory that denies the story of the Divine creation of man as taught in the Bible

6 Who was John Scopes? What did he do? He was a science teacher Put on trial for teaching evolution in school

7 Roles of Clarence Darrow & William Jennings Bryan in the Scopes Trial Clarence was a defense lawyer. jennings joined the prosecution to testify as expert of the bible

8 Events of The Scopes Trial & The Outcome Brian was questioned about the Bible's account of creation Darrow asked Brian if he thought the Earth was made in 6 days The jury found John Scopes guily

9 Impact of the Scopes Trial on American Culture Fundamentalism continued. had little impact on traditional religions GNoP3Y9YWRTVi1XTlV4VU0%3D&b=5

10 Work Cited Google Images American Odyssey

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