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Is. 55.11. Why should an act of speech be God’s mode of creation? Language is the universal medium for actualizing intentions.

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Presentation on theme: "Is. 55.11. Why should an act of speech be God’s mode of creation? Language is the universal medium for actualizing intentions."— Presentation transcript:

1 Is. 55.11

2 Why should an act of speech be God’s mode of creation? Language is the universal medium for actualizing intentions.

3 The language that proceeds from God’s mouth in the act of creation is the divine Logos (Jn. 1.1-5). 1 In the act of creation God the Father speaks the divine Logos in the power of the Holy Spirit.

4 Given that we are made in God’s image, the trinitarian structure of creation is reflected in human speech.

5 “The word [goes] out of the mouth of God in such a manner that it likewise ‘[goes] out of the mouth’ of men; for God does not speak openly from heaven, but employs men as his instruments, that by their agency he may make known his will.” 2

6 Given that we are made in God’s image, the trinitarian structure of creation is reflected in human speech Thus, when we form an intention, this reflects God the Father forming an intention to initiate an act of divine creation. Thus, when we articulate an intention with our words, this reflects God the Son acting as the divine Logos in articulating divine intention. Finally, the air over our vocal chords reflects the Holy Spirit empowering the divine Logos thereby actualizing divine intention. (It’s not a coincidence that “spirit” means “wind” or “breath”).

7 Intention and language is associated with personhood. The Hebrew word for “image," tselem, indicates personhood. Whenever tselem is used it never describes a characteristic of anything, but rather a meaning behind something or a personhood to someone be it YHWH (Gen. 1.26, 27, 5.3, 9.6), false idols (Num. 33.52), or other forms of ungodliness (Ps. 73.20). The reference to Numbers 33.52 does refer to a physical object but is directive to the purpose and meaning behind the melting of the physical object so that it’s image or purpose should be destroyed.

8 Intention and language is associated with personhood. The Greek word for “spirit,” πνε ῦ μα (pneuma), is always neuter. However, whenever pronouns in the NT refer to the Holy Spirit, the gender is masculine— further confirming the third person of the Trinity is fully personal.

9 Information Source TransmitterReceiverDestination Noise Source Message SignalReceived Signal

10 Information Source Transmitter Message

11 ReceiverDestination Noise Source MessageSignalReceived Signal

12 The Trinity stands in a more reasonable light. Not only is information crucial for theology, but also science.

13 In the first period, extending from the beginning of my career until the early 1950’s, I was in the grip of the idea that everything is particles. I was looking for ways to build all basic entities—neurons, protons, mesons, and so on— out of the lightest, most fundamental particles, electrons and photons. This same vision of a world of simple particles dominated my work with Feynman. We were able to formulate electrodynamics in terms of particles acting at a distance on one another without the need for intermediate electric or magnetic fields…

14 I call my second period everything is fields. From the time I fell in love with general relativity and gravitation in 1952 until late in my career, I pursued the vision of a world made of fields, one in which the apparent particles are really manifestations of electric and magnetic fields, gravitational fields, and space-time itself…

15 Now I am in the grip of a new vision, that everything is information. the more I have pondered the mystery of the quantum and our strange ability to comprehend this world in which we live, the more I see possible fundamental roles for logic and information as the bedrock of physical theory. I am eighty-six as of this writing, but I continue to search…

16 The Trinity stands in a more reasonable light. Not only is information crucial for theology, but also science. Information is the rock-bottom of reality.

17 We have hope. Understand the importance of language. Be mindful of how you present information.

18 “This doctrine must be frequently repeated and inculcated, that we may know that God will do what He hath once spoken. For this reason, when we hear the promises of God, we ought to consider what is His design in them; so that, when He promises the free pardon of our sins, we may be fully assured that we are reconciled through Christ.” 2

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