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Student Success The Challenges and solutions. CHALLENGE 1 Challenges Instructor was not approachable 2 hour class not conductive for optimal learning.

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Presentation on theme: "Student Success The Challenges and solutions. CHALLENGE 1 Challenges Instructor was not approachable 2 hour class not conductive for optimal learning."— Presentation transcript:

1 Student Success The Challenges and solutions

2 CHALLENGE 1 Challenges Instructor was not approachable 2 hour class not conductive for optimal learning Understanding college mentality Seeking help Solutions Ask previous students to recommend an instructor Taking an one hour day class (M-Th) ASK FOR HELP!!!!!!!!!! Tutor center Khann Academy- free online tutoring Study groups-stick together and help one another Academic success

3 CHALLENGE 2 Challenges Limited income Family obligations Poor money management solutions Apply for foundation Scholarships and others- THERE IS MONEY AVAILABLE!!! Apply annually for FAFSA Plan ahead-budget and have a contingency plan Seek employment on/off campus- CBC Student employment CBC Student employment CBC Website “paying for college”“paying for college” Financial/ paying for college

4 CHALLENGE 3 Challenges Rudeness to fellow classmates Arguments over group projects Personality conflicts solutions Treat others the way you want to be treated Try to get along The tongue can be a double edge sword (think before you speak) Always think “how will this effect my team” Remember relationships are a two way street If you cant get along at school you cant get along at work Interpersonal Conflicts

5 CHALLENGE 4 Challenges I cant find a job Early cohorts say they have no job Talk of lay offs at Hanford The lack of construction of new power plants Solutions Search employment websites (there are plenty of free ones)websitesfree ones Maintain your resume Talk to student employment officeemployment office Keep a positive attitude employers can pick up on negative attitudes Check the CBC nt website regularlynt website Don’t limit your search to Washington state Job Outlook

6 CHLLENGE 5 Challenge Networking Don’t know where to begin Solutions Engage in NT- 150 Apply all of the things we discussed Internships

7 Some things to remember Ask for help Prioritize and plan Treat others the way you wan to be treated Pay attention Keep positive It’s your money and time; get all that it’s worth And the most important thing………


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