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Introduction to Dining Out C/1Lt Scott Bertagnole Dining Out Officer.

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Presentation on theme: "Introduction to Dining Out C/1Lt Scott Bertagnole Dining Out Officer."— Presentation transcript:

1 Introduction to Dining Out C/1Lt Scott Bertagnole Dining Out Officer

2 Overview  Basic Information  Preparation  Protocol  With your date  With your table  Toasts and Other Formalities  Infractions of the Mess  The Boot Award

3  Winter 2009 Semester Dining Out  11 Apr 2009  1830-2300  WSC Ballroom  Guest Speaker:  Dean Gary Cornia, BYU Marriott School of Management 1800-1815 Arrive 1830Formation of the Mess and Presentation of the Colors 1837Invocation 1842Toasts 1845POW/MIA Tribute 1855Introduction of the Head Table 1900Dinner 1920Opening of the Grog 1935Closing of the Grog 1950Intermission 2005Reconvene the Mess, Dessert 2020Address by Dean Gary Cornia 2100Adjourn the Mess 2115Military Ball in the Garden Court (Dance lessons in the East Ballroom) Basic Information

4 Preparation  Attendance is Mandatory  Arrive Early. Rides/Carpools?  Dress:  Cadets: Modified Service Dress/Mess Dress  Replace blues shirt with a white shirt  Point-collar (no button down collars)  No cover (don’t even bring it)  Dry clean, polish, and press  Non-Cadets: Semi-Formal to Formal  Corsage/Boutonnière

5 Protocol: With Your Date  ALWAYS SHOW RESPECT AND CHIVALRY  Open doors for and help seat a lady  When transiting, move in “Escort Formation” (Gentleman on the Right)  When seated, gentleman on the right  Never leave a lady alone

6 Protocol: With Your Table  At the beginning of the event, and following intermission, remain standing until seated by Mr. President  If a lady arrives or leaves, all the gentlemen should stand  Maintain a charged glass  Don’t start eating before the head table  Engage in delightful conversation and enjoy a social atmosphere

7 Protocol: Toasts  Gentlemen stand; ladies remain seated  Following the toast, the response is said with raised glasses, and the glass is brought to the lips (it is not necessary to drain your glass)  DO NOT participate in the toast if you a part of the group being honored

8 Protocol: Toasts (Continued)  POW/MIA Toast is performed with water  Toasts are never offered to individual persons by name. ToastResponse To the Colors“To the Colors” To the Commander-in-Chief“To the President” To the Chief of Staff, United States Air Force “To the Chief of Staff” To the Professor of Aerospace Studies “Hear, Hear” To the POWs/MIAs[no response; silent] To our Distinguished Guests“Hear, Hear” [Any other Toast]“Hear, Hear”

9 Formalities  Do not applaud (unless initiated by the head table); tap spoon instead  Avoid leaving the mess while it is formed  Use silverware starting from the outside and moving inward. The fork above your plate is for dessert only.  Place your napkin in your lap; don’t place elbows on the table, and other such etiquette  Silence your cellphone!

10 Infractions of the Mess  At various points during the evening, a member may be punished for violating the rules of the mess.  Punishment might include singing a song, telling a joke, attempting a jig, being sent to the grog bowl, or some other activity determined by Mr. President or Mr. Vice.

11 Infractions of the Mess (Continued)  To make an accusation, stand, come to attention, and loudly announce, “Mr. Vice, Point of Order!”  When recognized by Mr. Vice, proceed to the microphone promptly, squaring all corners in a military fashion  Describe the alleged infraction and who committed it

12 Infractions of the Mess (Continued)  If you are accused of a violation, come to attention and proceed to the microphone promptly, squaring all corners in a military fashion  You may choose to defend yourself or offer a counter-accusation in a rebuttal  Mr. Vice or Mr. President will pronounce judgment. There are no appeals or quibbling.

13 Infractions of the Mess (Continued)  When the President or Mr. Vice directs a violator to the grog, the individual proceeds to the grog promptly, squaring all corners in a military fashion. Upon arriving at the grog, the violator:  Salutes the grog.  Fills the grog cup.  Does an about face.  Says, “To the Mess!”  Drains the grog from the cup without removing it from his/her lips.  Tips the cup upside down over his/her head.  Disposes of the cup in an appropriate container, and then returns to his/her seat. A recovery cheer will be dictated.

14 The Boot Award  Cadets are nominated by their peers  The nominees are awarded with a generous helping of grog  The nominees are then released to the mess for judgment  The winner of the award is awarded with the undistinguished pink boot and a second helping of grog

15 Summary  Basic Information  Preparation  Protocol  With your date  With your table  Toasts and Other Formalities  Infractions of the Mess  The Boot Award

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