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 PBLs at PHS Wendy Torres and Stanetress King. January 5, 2015- In-service 10 th Grade.

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Presentation on theme: " PBLs at PHS Wendy Torres and Stanetress King. January 5, 2015- In-service 10 th Grade."— Presentation transcript:

1  PBLs at PHS Wendy Torres and Stanetress King

2 January 5, 2015- In-service 10 th Grade

3 11 th Grade

4 12 th Grade


6 World History, World Literature, and Graphic Arts

7 AP Literature and Dance 3 (Poetry)  AP Literature - Take poetry lessons with AP Lit teacher  Students pick 6 poems to analysis and critique then write a critique based on specific criteria  Take movement class with Dance teacher  Discuss and predict movement that will be used to show theme of poems  Dance students  take poetry class with AP Literature teacher  Given poems from AP Lit students  Analysis poem for form and them is small groups and then create movement to show meaning Dance students will perform one dance to poem and one without words. AP Lit students will identify poem based on movement

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