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Alexandra McGinn and Mandy Wylie UNB Year 3 Alcohol Use/Abuse: What Every High School Student Should Know.

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Presentation on theme: "Alexandra McGinn and Mandy Wylie UNB Year 3 Alcohol Use/Abuse: What Every High School Student Should Know."— Presentation transcript:

1 Alexandra McGinn and Mandy Wylie UNB Year 3 Alcohol Use/Abuse: What Every High School Student Should Know

2 ›Talk about the dangers and realities of alcohol use. ›Discuss alcohol poisoning and what happens when someone is sent to the ER ›Alcohol abuse ›Group activities! Outline of Presentation

3 ›Out of 3,507 Fredericton students in Grades 7, 9, 10, and 12: STATS

4 ›12% to 20% of grade 12 students reported having driven in the past year within an hour after drinking ›19% to 30% of all Canadian high school students reported consuming five or more drinks on one occasion in the past month ›When examining 12th graders alone approximately half (41% to 55%) report consuming five or more drinks on one occasion STATS CONT.

5 ›Depressant ›Physiologic effects ›How alcohol leaves the body FACTS

6 ›Get into groups of 5 ›Write your answers on the flip chart paper ›We will discuss these answers as a group ›Question: How would you decide if someone is drunk? What would it look like? #1

7 ›The person does not respond to being talked to, shouted at, pinched, poked or prodded ›The person cannot stand up or walk ›The person is unconscious and cannot be awoken ›The person has cold, clammy, unusually pale or bluish skin ›The persons breathing is slow and/or irregular. Usually this means less than eight breather per minute, or ten or more seconds between breaths ›The person is vomiting while passed out and will not wake up Symptoms of Alcohol Poisoning

8 Any personal experiences??

9 ›Question: What would you do if you witnessed a friend experiencing these symptoms after consuming alcohol? #2

10 ›Your friend will be taken to the emergency room via ambulance ›The doctor will do a quick assessment about the level of intoxication and whether or not the person is breathing on their own ›Depending on the level of intoxication, charcoal may be administered as an antidote ›Charcoal may induce vomiting which will rid your body of the toxins ›Your friend may also need their stomach pumped (gastric lavage) What Happens After You Call 9/11

11 ›Question: How can teen drinking be unsafe? #3

12 ›Occurrences of unwanted sexual contact ›Overdose ›Unsafe sex ›Driving while under the influence ›It’s illegal! The Dangers of Teen Drinking

13 ›You are at a house party where there are no adults supervising. You notice a girl passed out on the couch with a guy sitting next to her, trying to get her up to go with him. ›Possible bad ending? ›What can you do to change this ending? Scenario #1

14 ›You are at a friends camp and everyone has been drinking. There is no adult supervision and you are all “feeling good.” One of your friends suggests that everyone go swimming in the lake. The group agrees and everyone heads to the water. ›Possible bad ending? ›What can you do to change this ending? Scenario #2

15 ›“Roar” – Katy Perry What Can We Do?!

16 ›Craving ›Loss of control ›Physical dependence ›Tolerance What is alcohol abuse?

17 ›Murray Weeks: addictions counsellor ›Constable Dicks ›Ms. Sullivan: public health nurse ›Guidance counsellors Who is available at FHS?

18 ›On the page you were given, please answer the following questions 1.Did you learn anything from this presentation? (Yes/No) 2.What was great? 3.What was not so great? 4.What could be better about this presentation? How did we do?

19 Thanks for your attention and participation!! Any Questions?

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