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Summary of the Undergraduate and Postgraduate Standard Assessment Regulations Academic Year 2012/13.

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1 Summary of the Undergraduate and Postgraduate Standard Assessment Regulations Academic Year 2012/13

2 Assessment Regulations The regulations are in three parts: Part A: Pass and Progression Regulations - separate set of regulations for undergraduate and taught postgraduate Part B: Awards and Classification Regulations - separate set of regulations for undergraduate and taught postgraduate Ancillary Regulations: Exceptional Extension Requests; Extenuating Circumstances; Cheating, Appeals - these regulations are the same for undergraduate and taught postgraduate The complete set of revised regulations, as detailed above, can be located on the following link:

3 Regulation 1 Duration of course Undergraduate There is no specified duration of course unless an exemption has been approved due to PSRB requirements Postgraduate Maximum of 6 years with no part of the award (eg PGC or PGD exceeding 3 years)

4 Regulation 2 Passing a module and the award of credit This depends on the assessment model for the module A module can be passed if the overall module mark is 40 or above and the student has made a valid attempt at all assessment tasks (standard university assessment model) Minimum pass marks may be specified for individual tasks - this is normally due to PSRB requirements (must be approved as exemptions by the University)

5 Regulation 3 Deferral in a module or an assessment task A deferral is given in an assessment task or an overall module if extenuating circumstances have been accepted by the Extenuating Circumstances Panel irrespective of whether the student has passed or failed the assessment task concerned. This means the student can retake the assessment without penalty ie the mark will not be capped.

6 Regulation 4 Student entitlement to assessment/reassessment Initial attempt plus one referral attempt referral in an overall module (after reaching end of module, not achieved min pass mark, opportunity to submit again for that task) overall module mark capped at 40% Other form of reassessment in-module retrieval of an assessment (resubmitted within the delivery of a module, resubmission of same piece of work with benefit of feedback) - rework capped at 40%

7 Regulation 4 (1) Student entitlement A student is not entitled to a referral attempt if: they have passed at initial attempt they do not attempt any assessment in the module they have been awarded a compensated pass (a compensated pass is awarded automatically and the student does not have the choice of taking a resit) – see regulation 11 (compensation is only awarded at the final stage of an undergraduate honours programme)

8 Regulation 5 Assessment timetable - timing of assessment / reassessment Undergraduate Standard courses follow the University academic calendar. Postgraduate There is no requirement for the University academic calendar to be followed. All referred/deferred assessment takes place as specified in the published course documentation issued by the Faculty

9 Regulation 6 Failure of a module (Mandatory, Elective, Option) A student will fail a module in the following circumstances: no assessment has been taken (i.e. where there is a mark of 0 for the module) a valid attempt has not been made in any assessment tasks, (e.g. handed in work not capable of carrying a mark) following referral, if the minimum overall pass criteria in a module have not been achieved) where failure in a module is the sanction set by an Academic Conduct Panel

10 Regulation 7 Re-registration on a module (Mandatory, Elective, Option) A student can re-register on a module on one occasion only. This means they undertake the module learning and assessment opportunities again but the overall mark will be capped at 40%. If after re-registration of a mandatory module the student fails they cannot continue on the course. Available options are applying for transfer to a more general/generic route (if available) or applying for a different course

11 Regulation 8 Substitution of elective or option module after failure of a module There are no limits for substituting elective or option modules, subject to individual course requirements and to the availability of appropriate replacement modules If there are no modules available for substitution the student would have to leave the course but may apply for transfer to a more general/alternate route (if available) or apply for a different course Where a failed elective or option module is replaced by a different elective or option module the new module will not be capped when assessed for the first time

12 Regulation 9 Progression onto the next stage of the course A student can normally progress if all modules are passed at a given stage or level however progression could be affected by:  any specified prerequisite relationships between modules  maximum student loading regulations availability of modules  professional, statutory & regulatory body requirements (if relevant/appropriate)

13 Regulation 10 Max amount of credit allowed when carrying failure/referral/deferral into next academic year For UG full-time and sandwich students their credit loading will depend on the amount of credit they have failed. These limits are specified in the regulations. For PG students, the normal pattern of study for full-time students is up to a maximum of 180 credit points (pro-rata for part-time students) in any one calendar year

14 Regulation 11 - Undergraduate Compensation at the final stage of an undergraduate honours degree Compensation will be given where a student meets the criteria specified in the regulations This is where 340 credits has been passed with only 20 outstanding – if the mark falls between 35-39 a compensated pass will be given Students will not be given a choice as to whether or not they wish to accept a compensated pass

15 Regulation 11 - Postgraduate Compensation at the final undergraduate stage of an integrated Masters degree Compensation will be given where a student meets the criteria specified in the regulations. Students will not be given a choice whether or not they wish to accept a compensated pass.

16 Regulation 12 Part B (UG) Methods of calculation and classification of undergraduate awards and for grades of achievement Calculation of Honours Classifications There is a standard method which applies to all honours degree courses unless there are PSRB rules Grades of Achievement A merit or distinction grade will be given in the awards specified in the regulations where a student's final overall average mark falls within set parameters and where the student does not have excessive external APCL /APEL (quantities defined in the regulations)

17 Regulation 12 Part B (PG) Methods of calculation of classifications and grades of achievement for postgraduate awards Integrated Masters Degree honours degree classification calculation New regulation specifying the classification of Integrated Masters degrees Grades of Achievement A merit or distinction grade will be given in the awards specified in the regulations where a student's final overall average mark falls within set parameters. and where the student does not have excessive external APCL /APEL (quantities defined in the regulations)

18 Web address University Standard Assessment Regulations are available here : - click on Rules and Regulations or via the External Examiner page

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