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Presentation on theme: "BLACKPOOL CHILDREN AND YOUNG PEOPLE’S UNIVERSITY."— Presentation transcript:


2 Blackpool Children and Young People’s University  Launched at St Nicholas – May 2007  Open to pupils at St Nicholas C of E Primary School

3 A Brief Description  It will provide an opportunity to value the learning that takes place in and out of schools, beyond the timetabled school day.

4 Why this project?  It supports the Extended Schools Agenda  It shows that we value learning at all times not just when teachers are delivering the National Curriculum.

5 Who can join?  Any school can join.  All pupils between Year 1 to Year 9.

6 How does a child graduate?  Students enrol into:  Kids College Years 1 - 3  Primary University Years 4 - 6  Secondary University Years 7 - 9 The BCYPU Awarding Body will validate all awards at either Gold, Silver, Bronze plus Honours.

7 Graduation Day 2007  This will be held in July each year at schools and will focus on the Bronze Awards in Year 1 of the scheme.

8 Who will administer the BCYPU  BCYPU Team in Progress House will be Adrian Metcalf - Adviser  St Nicholas project manager – Mr Mellor

9 Graduation is achieved by:  School must be a BCYPU Centre.  All courses must have clear learning outcomes.  Students must submit a BCYPU passbook.  The passbook must contain the relevant number of hours, certified by the school’s BCYPU Manager and contain signatures against all activities by a qualified person.

10 Criteria for courses  Course must be organised by the school or another recognised body.  The course must be led by a qualified person in the skills and knowledge to be learnt.  Training, not playing will be accepted

11 Examples which will be accepted  Learning to play a sport.  Learning a part in a play.  Learning to make something.  Learning to play a musical instrument.  Learning how to create digital media.

12 Non acceptable examples  Playing sport  Performing in a production

13 On completion of relevant hours  Student submits the passbook to the School BCYPU Manager for certification.  School BCYPU Manager sends passbooks and form to BCYPU Awarding Body.  BCYPU Awarding Body meets to agree to the awarding of the BCYPU Award at the appropriate level.  BCYPU Awarding Body arranges the Graduation Ceremony with the school.

14 Graduation Ceremony  For Bronze and Silver Awards these will be held in the school.  For Bronze and Silver with Honours this will be at the annual BCYPU Graduation Ceremony.  For Gold and Gold with Honours this will be at the annual BCYPU Graduation Ceremony.

15 Factors unknown  Graduation may be for all awards if numbers allow.  In future years the annual graduation ceremony may have to be twice yearly.

16 Awards  Bronze award – must undertake 2 different learning activities  For Bronze Award with Honours must undertake at least 4 different learning activities  Silver award – must undertake 3 different learning activities  For the Silver Award with Honours must undertake at least 5 different learning activities  Gold award – must undertake 4 different learning activities  For the Gold Award with Honours must undertake at least 6 different learning activities

17 Next step…  Contact Mr Mellor at school for more info if required  If no additional info required, pop into school and request that you enrol your child with the University, collect your passbook and begin to collect your hours!


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