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Domain Eukarya Kingdom Plantae What makes a plant a plant? Cell wall primarily of cellulose Starch as primary photosynthetic storage product Multicellular.

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Presentation on theme: "Domain Eukarya Kingdom Plantae What makes a plant a plant? Cell wall primarily of cellulose Starch as primary photosynthetic storage product Multicellular."— Presentation transcript:

1 Domain Eukarya Kingdom Plantae What makes a plant a plant? Cell wall primarily of cellulose Starch as primary photosynthetic storage product Multicellular with complex specialized tissue development Chl a, Chl b, xanthophylls, carotenoids

2 Plant evolution simplified Radiates from simple to more complex – in both form and environments Seedless non-vascular Seedless vascular Seed producing, vascular Seed producing, vascular, fruits/flowers

3 Semi-aquatic to more terrestrial Ancestral “plants”  transitions to primitive plants –Requirements met from aquatic environment Gas, water, light, buoyancy support Complex plants –Adapt to two environments Shoot system Root system

4 Plants: categorized by structures and lifecycles… Alternation of Generations

5 Moss sporophytes and gametophytes gametophytes sporophytes

6 Moss antheridia Sperm

7 Moss antheridia w/sperm

8 Moss archegonia ovum

9 Moss archegonia 2 ova

10 Moss archegonia 3

11 Moss sporophytes

12 Moss capsule (sporophyte) Operculum Spores

13 Liverwort

14 Liverwort antheridiophore

15 Liverwort antheridiophore 2

16 Liverwort antheridia Antheridiophore sperm

17 Liverwort antheridia w/sperm

18 Liverwort archegoniophore

19 Liverwort archegonia w/ova Archegoniophore Archegonium ovum

20 Liverwort sporophyte Archegoniophore

21 Liverwort sporophyte 2 spores

22 Liverwort gemmae cups(cupules)

23 Gemmae cups (cupules) Gemma cup (cupule) gemma

24 Hornwort sporophytes gametophyte

25 Hornwort 2 “Horn –like” Sporophyte gametophyte

26 Tracheophytes ancestral e.g. Rhyniophyta Ferns and “fern allies” Seedless Vascular plants –Xylem composed of Tracheids – tapered porous cells capillary action moderately efficient Sporophyte dominant

27 Psilophyta

28 Psilophyta gametophyte

29 Lycophyta strobila leaves

30 Lycophyta strobilus megaspores microspores sporophylls

31 Lycophyta strobilus 2 megsporangium Microspores Megaspores

32 Lycophyta gametophyte

33 Sphenophyta strobilus

34 Sphenophyta strobilus

35 Sphenophyta gametophyte

36 Pterophyta sporophyte

37 Pterophyta sporophyte2

38 Fern frond w/ sori

39 Sori on fern leaflets

40 Sorus

41 Fern sporangia Sporangium Annulus Spores

42 Fern sporangia and spores

43 Fern gametophyte


45 Gametophyte w/antheridia Gametophyte (prothallus) Antheridiasperm

46 Antheridia w/sperm Antheridium sperm

47 Gametophyte w/archegonia Archegonia

48 Gametophyte w/archegonia 2 Archegonia

49 Archegonia on surface of prothallus

50 Fern sporangium and prothallus Sporophyte Gametophyte (prothallus)

51 Fern Life Cycle

52 Seed producing plants Gymnosperms Sporophyte dominant Conifers & relatives Heterosporous –Mega- and micro- –Small gametophye matures in protected cones Female in ovulate cones Male in staminate cones –Wind blown-pollen Seeds protected in ovulate cone –Dispersed by wind, animal, water sometimes Angiosperms Sporophyte dominant Flowering plants Heterosporous –Mega- and micro- –Small gametophye matures in protected flowers Female in flower ovary Male in flower anthers –Animal pollination and some wind-blown Seeds protected in fruit –Dispersed by animal mostly

53 Seed? Ovule to seed Ovule: sporophyte tissue surrounding sporangia Seed coat: protective diploid tissue Embryo: diploid zygote develops to sporophyte Endosperm: nutritive tissue surrounding embryo to feed it until it can photosynthesize on its own

54 Evolutionary importance of Seeds These plants produce pollen –Pollen produces sperm nuclei (no water requrd) Expand over drier habitats –Very protective over seasons (dormancy) Endosperm (embryonic food) – headstart Seed dispersal not dependent on water –Collected and distributed further Flowering plants…even further in fruits

55 Pine lifecycle a

56 Pine lifecycle b

57 Pinus staminate cones

58 Pinus Ovulate cone (mature)

59 Staminate cone with pollen Pollen grains (microspores or micorgametophytes)

60 Pinus microgametophytes (mature pollen grains) Generative nucleus Tube nucleus “Wing”

61 Pinus ovulate cone megasporophyll ovule

62 Pinus megasporophyll Megasporophyll Megaspore mother cell

63 Ovule w/megaspore mother cell Megaspore mother cell Ovule

64 Pinus Mega- gametophyte Ovule Ovum

65 Pollen tubes

66 Pollen tube 2 Ovule (megagametophyte)

67 Pinus seed Haploid endosperm (gametophyte tissue)

68 Cycadophyta (male)

69 Cycadophyta

70 Cycadophyta ovulate cones

71 Ginkgophyta

72 Ginkgophyta leaves

73 Ginkgo ovules/seeds (naked) ovules (naked) seeds

74 Ginkgo staminate cones

75 Gnetophyta Welwitschia mirabilis found in Angolan desert “desert onion”

76 Gnetophyta/Ephedra

77 Angiosperms /Anthophyta Flowering Plants (anth = flower) Seeds in a fruit (angio = container) Double fertilization (see life cycle) Like other pollen producers, is not dependent on water for fertilization

78 What is a flower?

79 Flower structure (carpel) (corolla) (calyx)

80 Plants: Monecious –Has both sexes Dioecious –Separate sexed plants Flowers: Perfect Imperfect Complete Incomplete Regular Irregular Inflorescences

81 Anther1

82 Anther 2

83 Dehiscing anther Pollen grains

84 Angiosperm lifecycle

85 Mature pollen grains

86 Lilium ovary (immature)

87 Lilium ovule ovule Megagametophyte (embryo sac) funiculus

88 Dicot Seed E A= plumule B= hypocotyl C = cotyledon D = testa E = radicle

89 Dicot seed germination Radicle

90 Monocot seed Plumule Radicle Cotyledon Endosperm Embryo Testa

91 Monocot seed germination

92 Vascular tissue Transport water, nutrients and food between roots and shoots System of xylem and phloem cells Varied organization in roots & shoots

93 Xylem cells – mature cells that become lignified (thickened 2 o cellulose), dies, and perforates from lysosomes Tracheids –Primitive vascular plants –Tapered, pits on ends, less capillary action vs. vessel elements Vessel elements –Less primitive vascular plants –Pits on sides, open ends –Stacked to form long tubes –Advanced capillary action Transpiration –Roots → shoots → leaves → out –Via: root pressure and diffusion, capillary pressure, negative pressure of evaporation and cohesion

94 Phloem cells – living cells that transport sugars (sap) Sieve tubes –no nucleus nor organelles –Open sieve plates Companion cells –Nucleated –Adjoined to sieve tubes via plasmodesmata –Controls sieve tubes; regulates movement Translocation –Movement of sugars; sources to sinks leaves → roots, fruits, &/or meristems

95 Plant Structure Apical meristem –Mitotic division –Stem & root tips –Primary growth (length) Ground meristem –Mitotic division –Ground tissues: Parenchyma – large; storage Collenchyma – smaller; flexible support Schlerenchyma – lignified; rigid support; woody Cambium –Mitotic secondary growth –e.g. Vascular cambium –e.g. Cork cambium

96 Leaf bud Ground meristem

97 Leaf bud 2 Provascular tissue Ground meristem Apical meristem

98 Monocot root Dicot root Vascular bundles centered in roots Cortex = outer layer Pith = center tissue Stele = pith + vascular tissue

99 Monocot root 2 Parenchyma Pith (Parenchyma)

100 Monocot root 3 Endodermis

101 Dicot root 2 Parenchyma

102 Dicot root 3 Endodermis and casparian strip Pericycle Phloem Xylem Vascular cambium

103 Vascular bundles –Xylem, phloem, and cambium in between –Scattered throughout monocot stems –Organized around periphery of dicots Cambium –Mitotic secondary growth –e.g. Vascular cambium –e.g. Cork cambium

104 Monocot stem

105 Monocot stem 2 Sclerenchyma Phloem Sieve element Companion cell Xylem vessel Air space Inside Outside

106 Dicot stem

107 Dicot stem 2 sclerenchyma Vascular cambium phloem

108 Woody stem Summerwood Springwood

109 Woody stem 2 Vascular cambium Phloem Phloem ray Xylem Cork

110 Woody stem 3 Cork (collenchyma tissue) Vascular cambium

111 Fruit – ripened ovary that protects the seeds Ripened? Layers of the ovary = Pericarp –Exocarp Outer layer /ovarian wall –Mesocarp Middle layer –Endocarp Inner/adjacent to ovules

112 Fleshy fruits One or more ovarian layer is fleshy –Drupe Endocarp is hardened; pit or stone Peaches, nectarines, apricots, etc –Berry All or most pericarp is fleshy Grape, tomato, etc –Pepo Berry with hard thick rind Melons, pumpkins, etc –Hesperidium Berry with leathery rind Citrus –Pome Swollen receptacle around ovary or core Apple, pear

113 Dry fruits Lacks fleshy tissue –Dehiscent fruits Split along a seam to disperse seeds Legumes – two seams Capsules – multiple seams Bean, pea pods, peanuts, etc –Indehiscent Do not split on a seam Achenes, grains, nuts Corn, wheat, etc

114 Simple fruits –Single ovary of one flower Aggregate fruits –Many ovaries of one flower Multiple fruits –Many ovaries of many clustered flowers (inflorescence) Accessory fruits –Tissue other than ovary ripens (swollen)

115 What is a coconut? Fleshy? Dry? Other? Drupe: a single fleshy fruit with a hard stone which contains the single seed

116 Plant Hormones (Ch. 39) chemical communication and regulation Auxins –Cell elongation –Apical dominance –Abscission suppression Slows the shedding of leaves, flowers, fruits –Fruit maturation –Geotropism Phototropism Gravitropism A.The tips have been removed. No auxin is produced and the shoots do not grow longer. B.The tips have been covered so light cannot reach them. Auxin is in the same concentration on both sides of the shoots, so they grow longer evenly on both sides. C. One side of the tips are in more light than the other side. Auxin is in a greater concentration on the shaded side, causing the cells there to grow longer than the cells on the light side.

117 Plant Hormones (Ch. 39) chemical communication and regulation Giberellins –GA or Giberellic acid –Growth Release some buds and seeds from dormancy Dwarf plants lack GA –Spray on grapes = bigger grapes Stem elongation –Spray on dwarf plants = taller plants Related to flowering in some plants Sold as common bio-fertilizer

118 Plant Hormones (Ch. 39) chemical communication and regulation Cytokinins –Cell division –Stimulate bud growth –Stimulates fruit & embryo development –Prevents leaf senescence Slows aging to decay With & without

119 Plant Hormones (Ch. 39) chemical communication and regulation Abscisic Acid –General growth inhibitor –Induces dormancy Wintering of buds and leaves –Closure of stomata Ethylene –Gaseous hormone –Plays role in fruit ripening –Fruit abscission (shedding) –One of the reasons why ripe bananas will “ripen” other fruits

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