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Empowering Children to Reach their Full Educational Potential Sarah Grimson Trinity College Children’s Rights Alliance Symposium Dublin Castle 2 nd April.

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Presentation on theme: "Empowering Children to Reach their Full Educational Potential Sarah Grimson Trinity College Children’s Rights Alliance Symposium Dublin Castle 2 nd April."— Presentation transcript:

1 Empowering Children to Reach their Full Educational Potential Sarah Grimson Trinity College Children’s Rights Alliance Symposium Dublin Castle 2 nd April 2009

2 The Schools & Community Outreach Links Developing Alternative Admissions Routes, Policies & Procedures Learning What Works: TAP Evaluation & Research The Post Entry Progression Programme

3 I. Aims of the SCOL Programme Strengthen connections between TCD and schools designated as disadvantaged. Increase interest among students in remaining in education and attending third level. Provide parents with the support and skills necessary to facilitate their child's interest in education and third level. To increase the number of students from lower socio- economic backgrounds who proceed to third level education.

4 Primary School Activities School Visits Maths & Science Exploration Programme Bookmarks Treasure Chests Parents Information Sessions

5 Second Level Activities School Visits Junior Cycle: TAP Educational Achievement Awards TCD Medical Day Parents Evening Senior Cycle: Computer Clubhouse TAP Student Shadowing Day Programme TAP Summer School Take-5 Summer Programme Exploring Options Day Honours Maths Support Programme

6 II. Targeted Entry Routes Foundation Course for Higher Education TCD CDVEC Partnership Access Course Higher Education Access Route

7 III. Post Entry Progression Academic Social: “It is like whole community type thing…it is just brilliant, there is always somebody that you can talk to”. Personal: “If I hadn’t got a TAP connection…I don’t think I would have lasted ‘cause you are very out on your own”. Financial


9 “Since our school became involved with TAP, I have noticed that the notion of third level education rests easier with our students. They have now accepted that going to university is a viable option and during school visits to Trinity they walk the campus without any feeling of unease or of not belonging” Teacher, TAP link Second Level School


11 “It is important to go to college because as we grow older people will give you more respect, will treat you equally in society and you will feel free and happy”. 1st Year Student TAP link Second Level School

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