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CoBAFolio Meeting of the CoBaTrICE Portfolio Group CYIM, Rennes, France Sept 5 th 2008.

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Presentation on theme: "CoBAFolio Meeting of the CoBaTrICE Portfolio Group CYIM, Rennes, France Sept 5 th 2008."— Presentation transcript:

1 CoBAFolio Meeting of the CoBaTrICE Portfolio Group CYIM, Rennes, France Sept 5 th 2008

2 Remit of CoBaFolio Working Group A Systems Specification for the ‘CoBaFolio’ – Function: What do I want the portfolio to do? – Form: How should it do this? Paper/electronic; connectedness/links; analytical capacity; communication tools – Other characteristics: Attractive; portable; easy to access; reduce work; add value; promote learning; link to educational resources... – Satisfy needs of... Trainees, Trainers, Training Programme, Hospitals & Healthcare system, Patients

3 Different but overlapping priorities... Trainee: – proof of (progress in acquiring) competence Trainer: – identify trainee in difficulties Specialist: – Evidence of maintenance of specialist skills Training Programme: – administration and quality assurance Hospitals, Healthcare system: – legal issues, patient protection Patients: – better doctors, safer patients

4 Systems Specifications Aims Content / data Uses Functionalities External links: exports Presentation of content – modified according to interface

5 Purpose & Aims of Portfolios A collection (‘repository’) of evidence of... – Training structures & processes – Outcomes: acquisition of competencies – Progress in learning – Experiences (courses, ‘events’) – Quality (patient feedback, honours, awards) A tool to facilitate learning: – Reflection (‘what I learned from this was...’) – Insight (eg: 360 appraisal/multisource feedback) Quality Assurance: – Evaluation of trainees – Audit of training programmes: processes, supervision – Identifying and correcting suboptimal performance

6 Portfolio Content Training structures & processes Training placements & appointments, modules, and evidence of satisfactory attendance Local appraisal processes Verification by trainers Educational assessment methods used Outcomes: acquisition of competencies Competencies Rate of acquisition – calendar-type analysis / bar chart MSF / 360 degree appraisal / peer evaluation Progress in learning Trainer-trainee interactions: educational contracts, frequency of meetings Experiences (experiential learning) Case histories Clinical activities, procedures Quality / Professionalism Patient feedback, honours, awards, markers of peer esteem Diplomas, higher degrees Courses, congresses Pedagogic activities Mentorship Leadership roles Audit, Research & publications Resources: Syllabus, assessment methods, educational resources

7 Paper and Electronic Portfolios PaperElectronic What How Compilation of training evidence Record training experience Monitor progress of training Record training reviews Store administrative information -e.g syllabus / tutor information Filing system Gantt /calendar Electronic can do this too plus:- Portability of portfolio Evidence and resources linkages Documentation can be edited Convenient storage of records Password protection Multiple formats  PDA  PC/Laptop User-modifiable trainee training organisations) Integration of data with other sources including national training programmes

8 Next steps Advice and ‘wish list’ for content of e-portfolio from national coordinators – meeting in Lisbon Trainees’ group to work on detailed systems specification Delivery of Systems Spec to CYIM by December Pilot version to be available from March 2009 Input from national training organisations

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