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Chapter 7: Cell Structure and Function Honors Biology 2008-2009.

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1 Chapter 7: Cell Structure and Function Honors Biology 2008-2009

2 1665 Hooke publishes first drawings of cork Uses the word “cell” for the first time 1674 Leeuwenhoek observes tiny “living” things in pond water using microscope 1838-1839 Schleiden concludes that plants are made of cells Schwann concludes that animals are made of cells 1855 Virchow proposes Cell Theory Cells: A Brief History

3 Cell Theory All living things are made of cells. Cells are the basic unit of structure and function for all living things. New cells come from pre-existing cells.

4 Prokaryotic Cell Cell membrane Cytoplasm Nucleus Organelles Eukaryotic Cell Section 7-1 Prokaryotic and Eukaryotic Cells Go to Section: DNA & Ribosomes too!

5 ProkaryoticEukaryotic Prokaryotic vs. Eukaryotic Venn Diagram DNAcytoplasmnucleusribosomes cell membraneorganellesbacteriaplant/animal cells DNA cell membrane cytoplasm ribosomes bacterianucleus organelles plant/animal cells

6 Cell PartFunctionAnalogyProkaryoticEukaryotic AnimalPlant Cell MembraneControls flow of molecules in and out of the cell; protection Submarine; balloon Cell WallStructure and support bricks on a building RibosomesAssembles proteins factory; assembly line Endoplasmic ReticulumTransports proteins and other cell materials highway Golgi ApparatusPackages and labels proteins post office LysosomesBreaks down and recycles cell parts garbage disposal; recycling truck VacuolesStores materials; provides support for plants warehouse smalllarge MitochondriaConverts food energy (glucose) into chemical energy (ATP) battery; weight room ChloroplastConverts sun’s energy into food energy (glucose) kitchen CytoskeletonProvides shape and movement to cell bones

7 Animal Cell Plant Cell

8 AnimalPlant Plant vs. Animal Venn Diagram cell membraneendoplasmic reticulummitochondria cytoplasmGolgi apparatuschloroplast cell wallcytoskeletonlysosomes ribosomesvacuolesnucleus cell membrane cytoplasm ribosomes endoplasmic reticulum Golgi apparatus cytoskeleton vacuoles mitochondria nucleus lysosomes cell wall chloroplast

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