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Eubacteria and Archaea

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1 Eubacteria and Archaea
2.1 The Prokaryotes Eubacteria and Archaea

2 Characteristics One-celled Lack membrane-bound organelles 1𝜇𝑚−2𝜇m long

3 Diagram Plasmid (small loop of DNA) Capsule (protection)
Flagellum (locomotion) Pilli (attachment)

4 Habitat lives anywhere… Inside your body Outside your body Water Soil
Hot springs Ice

5 Prevalence types < 1% possible species

6 Roles Pathogens (cause disease) Decomposers Producers
Mutualistic roles (human intestines making vitamins K and B12) Commercial uses (yogurt, cheese, soy sauce) Antibiotics Geochemical cycles (N cycle)

7 6 Major Groups Group Key Features Proteobacteria (Purple bacteria)
Photosynthetic Nitrogen-fixing Disease-causing Green bacteria Salt water/hot springs Cyanobacteria (blue-green algae) Aquatic producers/nitrogen fixers Gram-positive bacteria Food production Lost cell wall, smallest Spirochetes Flagellum, cork-screw motion Disease-causing, digests wood Chlamydias Parasitic

8 Shapes Coccus (round) Bacillus (rod-shaped) Spirillum (spiral-shaped)
Diplo-…found in pairs Staphylo-…found in clumps Strepto-…found in strings

9 Shapes Name these:

10 Answers diplococcus, staphylococcus streptococcus

11 Metabolism Autotrophic or heterotrophic Obligate aerobes…need O2
Facultative aerobes…can switch to anaerobic fermentation in the absence of O2 Obligate anaerobes…need zero O2

12 Reproduction Binary Fission

13 Conjugation

14 Transformation Cells pick up a loose fragment of DNA from its surroundings.

15 Horizontal Gene Transfer
new DNA comes from a different species.

16 Endospore Highly resistant structure forms around chromosome when cell is under stress.

17 Diseases Cholera Diphtheria Lyme disease Pertussis Scarlet fever
Tetanus E. coli

18 Antibiotics Bacteria adapt and become resistant

19 Archaea Subgroup Key features Methanogens Low oxygen environments
Convert chemicals into methane Swamps, lakes, marshes, sewage, digestive tracts Halophiles Salt-loving Dead Sea, preserved foods Aerobic, organic food, some use light Extreme thermophiles Hot places, 70°C to 90°C Hotsprings, hydrothermal vents Psychrophiles Cold places -10°C to -20°C Antarctic and Artic oceans

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