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Year 13 Parents University Applications Advice Event 3 rd June 2015.

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Presentation on theme: "Year 13 Parents University Applications Advice Event 3 rd June 2015."— Presentation transcript:

1 Year 13 Parents University Applications Advice Event 3 rd June 2015

2 Why hold this event? To help build better links with parents and the school Allows for information to be presented to parents To give parents some idea of some of the ways to support their sons

3 What have we done in class? Began in Sept with module 1 in Term 1. This ran to Dec. Pupils built a profile of careers suited to their strengths and presented this to the class Went on work experience Option given to complete Centigrade in Term 1 Conducted UCAS course research in Term 2 (Jan-April).

4 What have we done in class? Pupils work on their Personal Statements and a referee input form (March-April) 5 UCAS courses researched, Personal Statement and referees input form handed in first class back after Easter. All pupils given access to an individual guidance interview (March-April) and further individual guidance upon request. All pupils given the opportunity to sign up to an additional Careers Research class that ran from October University talks in term 2.

5 What’s next? Boys will be brought in at the start of term and will spend the time filling in their forms. The UCAS forms deadlines are: 1.Med/Dentistry/Oxbridge : Thurs 24 th Sept 2.All other forms: Thurs 15 th Oct

6 Other applications and events CAO course research in October (Oct- Dec) along with St Mary applications, USA and the local SWC course research among others. Our Interview Skills event will be held on the 3 rd Dec. A CV for this event has to be handed in by the October half-term (Friday 22 nd October).

7 Ways to support my son Challenge our own preconceptions Let your son talk to you about his choices Use your expertise to help him research his choices Always have a Plan B!

8 Ways to support my son Talk to your son about the financial implications of poor decision making and where you all, as a family, stand. Help him to piece together the Personal Statement especially checking grammar and spellings Check the subjects and grades entered in the form ensuring that they are correct. This includes AS modules

9 Ways to support my son What to look for in a good course 1.Teaching quality 2.Research record 3.Graduate employment rates 4.Value added e.g additional certification, placements etc 5.Investment in facilities 6.Student feedback 7.Russell Group? 8.Opportunities for progression

10 How to get Information? UCAS: guardians World Uni comparison: rankings rankings

11 How to get Information? ROI: Europe: America: SWC: ok

12 How to get Information? St Michaels Careers Centre: 958d-47b9-9b3e-eb2511227037/careers/ 958d-47b9-9b3e-eb2511227037/careers/ Finally, a clip that shows the possible future direction of NI

13 After Christmas Year 14 Student finance: http:// student-loan/overview student-loan/overview 1.You will need April or October 2014 P60 or equivalent, 2.Your son’s passport/birth certificate and NI number 3.PN1 form Choose firm/Insurance offers for UCAS application (March/June)

14 Key Student Finance Facts There are two plans: NI students are on Plan1 First repayment starts at £17,335 on the April after course is finished Drop out? Repayment starts the following April Repayments are set at 9% over the minimum amount and interest accrues from the first payment (Plan 1-1.5%) Figures taken from your-student-loan/overview your-student-loan/overview

15 Plan 1 vs Plan 2 Repayments Your income per yearMonthly repayments £17,335 and under£0 £20,000£23 £25,000£61 £30,000£98 £50,000£248 Your income per yearMonthly repayments £21,000 and under£0 £25,000£30 £30,000£67 £50,000£217

16 Allied Health courses The following are exempt from tuition fees: chiropodist (including podiatrist), dietician, occupational therapist, orthoptist, physiotherapist, prosthetist, orthotist, radiographer, radiotherapist, audiologist or a speech and language therapist dental hygienist or dental therapist nurse, midwife or operating department practitioner Medical & Dental courses from 5 th year onwards Bursaries also available for Social Care/Work courses also

17 Timetable for Monday 1st September 9.05am – 10.35 am : 14M(Mr Mc Manus C-room) 9.05am – 10.35 am : 14T(Mr J Maguire C-room) 10.35am – 12.15 pm : 14O(Mr Mc Manus C-room) 10.35am – 12.15 pm : 14R(Mr J Maguire C-room) 12.15pm – 2pm :14P(Mr Mc Manus C-room) Any student who wishes to drop a subject should go to Miss Mc Kenna’s Office immediately after completion of UCAS Form. Students can go home once UCAS Form completed.

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