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Introduction to PIC-C. Required Software PIC-C Compiler Firmware Downloader Driver for the USB->Serial Adapter.

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Presentation on theme: "Introduction to PIC-C. Required Software PIC-C Compiler Firmware Downloader Driver for the USB->Serial Adapter."— Presentation transcript:

1 Introduction to PIC-C

2 Required Software PIC-C Compiler Firmware Downloader Driver for the USB->Serial Adapter

3 Topics you need to learn Basic I/O, Sensors, Output Control, Simple “hello world” Interrupts  Timer  I/O  Other

4 1. Writing a“Hello world” program You will need to  Configure RS232 on the PIC using the PIC Wizard  Write a simple C program  Compile the source to generate a HEX file  Download the HEX file to the PIC using the firmware downloader  Use firmware downloader to view the output of your program

5 Reflection What is the spec of your PIC?  RAM, EEPROM, Clock Speed How much ROM/RAM did your program use? Using PIC-C’s help

6 2. BASIC I/O Write a program to blink the USER LED Turn on the USER_LED only when the RUN BUTTON is pressed Make the board “BEEP”

7 Using Sensors (Analog input): Setting up your sensor ports using: # device adc=10 setup_adc_ports(ALL_ANALOG); setup_adc(ADC_CLOCK_INTERNAL); Read from a sensor port using: set_adc_channel(2); // channel = 0-7 delay_us(10); // wait for ADC to stabilize value = read_adc();

8 Exercise II Write a program that allows the user to turn on/off the USER_LED or BEEP by typing the following commands in putty:  ON  OFF  BEEP

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