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Consumer and Family Sciences Education An interdisciplinary program between the College of Consumer & Family Sciences and the College of Education An interdisciplinary.

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Presentation on theme: "Consumer and Family Sciences Education An interdisciplinary program between the College of Consumer & Family Sciences and the College of Education An interdisciplinary."— Presentation transcript:

1 Consumer and Family Sciences Education An interdisciplinary program between the College of Consumer & Family Sciences and the College of Education An interdisciplinary program between the College of Consumer & Family Sciences and the College of Education Fall 2006

2 CFS Education Faculty and Staff Wanda Fox, PhD. Wanda Fox, PhD. Associate Professor Associate Professor CFS Education Program Coordinator Becky A. Newell, M.S., CFCS Becky A. Newell, M.S., CFCS Interim Program Coordinator, Lecturer, Field Experiences Coordinator Interim Program Coordinator, Lecturer, Field Experiences Coordinator Janis Van Buren, PhD. Janis Van Buren, PhD. Visiting Professor and Student Teacher Supervisor Visiting Professor and Student Teacher Supervisor Haishan Wang, M.S. Haishan Wang, M.S. Graduate Assistant Graduate Assistant

3 FACS Education Vision To empower individuals and families across the life span to manage the challenges of living and working in a diverse, global society. Our unique focus is on families, work, and their interrelationships. To empower individuals and families across the life span to manage the challenges of living and working in a diverse, global society. Our unique focus is on families, work, and their interrelationships.

4 CFS Education at Purdue Program aligned with National and Program aligned with National and Indiana Standards Indiana Standards Strong content preparation with opportunity for emphasis areas Strong content preparation with opportunity for emphasis areas Teaching license recognized through reciprocity with 39 states Teaching license recognized through reciprocity with 39 states

5 CFS Education at Purdue Interdisciplinary: College of Consumer and Family Sciences and College of Education Interdisciplinary: College of Consumer and Family Sciences and College of Education Content preparation in all four CFS Departments Content preparation in all four CFS Departments Professional education courses and field experiences Professional education courses and field experiences Teacher licensure including TTT Teacher licensure including TTT Can combine with other CFS majors Can combine with other CFS majors Strong alliance with IN Dept. of Ed. Strong alliance with IN Dept. of Ed.

6 Field Experience Opportunities Coordinated by CFS Education personnel Coordinated by CFS Education personnel Begin as early as 2 nd semester at Purdue Begin as early as 2 nd semester at Purdue Continue through student teaching with FACS- specific placements in Block I, Block II, EDCI 250, 350, 356, 360, and 444 Continue through student teaching with FACS- specific placements in Block I, Block II, EDCI 250, 350, 356, 360, and 444 Student Teaching—16 weeks full time equally divided between Middle School and High School Student Teaching—16 weeks full time equally divided between Middle School and High School

7 CFS Education News Huge FACS teacher shortage, both in state and nationally!! Huge FACS teacher shortage, both in state and nationally!! TTT program is strong for this reason—have had 10 students in the last 2 years TTT program is strong for this reason—have had 10 students in the last 2 years Some are requesting to work opposite of the original TTT intent—content courses vs. professional preparation courses Some are requesting to work opposite of the original TTT intent—content courses vs. professional preparation courses Continue to refine use of video conferencing for student teacher evaluation Continue to refine use of video conferencing for student teacher evaluation Completed grant work with DOE for the CFS Assessment project Completed grant work with DOE for the CFS Assessment project

8 CFS Education Future External Review completed in Spring 2006 External Review completed in Spring 2006 Formation of CFS Education Advisory Council with members in various capacities state-wide in Spring 2006 Formation of CFS Education Advisory Council with members in various capacities state-wide in Spring 2006 Creation of CFS Education Curriculum Review Task Force to investigate and recommend potential signature areas with assessment of strengths and weaknesses, and possible implementation and feasibility issues Creation of CFS Education Curriculum Review Task Force to investigate and recommend potential signature areas with assessment of strengths and weaknesses, and possible implementation and feasibility issues

9 Consumer and Family Sciences Education An interdisciplinary program between the College of Consumer & Family Sciences and the College of Education An interdisciplinary program between the College of Consumer & Family Sciences and the College of Education Fall 2006

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