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(1) iMovie Tips Collaborative Software Development Laboratory Information and Computer Sciences University of Hawaii.

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Presentation on theme: "(1) iMovie Tips Collaborative Software Development Laboratory Information and Computer Sciences University of Hawaii."— Presentation transcript:

1 (1) iMovie Tips Collaborative Software Development Laboratory Information and Computer Sciences University of Hawaii

2 (2) Agenda Hardware and Software Components Movie components Production Tips

3 (3) Hardware and Software Software: iMovie '11 iPhoto PowerPoint (recent) Hardware Macintosh Blue Snowball (microphone) Cinema display (available in CSDL) Camera and tripod (available in CSDL)

4 (4) Movie Components Live footage: Taken yourself with camera From From YouTube - Easy YouTube Video Downloader for Chrome Static images: Photos placed into PowerPoint slide. regular PowerPoint slides iMovie components Titles Transitions Narrations

5 (5) Production sequence Write a script Gather *some* visual materials Record narration, one paragraph at a time. Add visual materials, find new ones Re-record paragraphs to fit new materials Add backing track Upload to YouTube for review.

6 (6) Powerpoint->iPhoto->iMovie How to do static images: Create a single Powerpoint presentation containing all static images. - Use black background. "Export as pictures" into a folder where each slide is a jpg file. Create an iPhoto album to hold all static images for your movie. Drag and drop jpg files into the iPhoto album. Display iPhoto album in iMovie. - Dynamic updating may require quitting iPhoto

7 (7) Narration tips Narration cannot exceed length of visual components. Therefore: Add a single static image (title slide?) Adjust length to 4:00 Now add narration paragraphs in sequence under that image. As you add material in front of this image, you'll move narration paragraphs to appropriate position

8 (8) Video tips Use a tripod! If the scene contains movement, don't move camera. Most clips are five seconds or less If you want to pan, use a tripod!

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