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By Behzad Akbari Spring 2011
P2P Overlay Networks By Behzad Akbari Spring 2011 These slidesin some parts are based on the slides of J. Kurose (UMASS) and Sanjay Rao ()
Outline Overview of P2P overlay networks
Applications of overlay networks Unstructured overlay networks Structured overlay networks Overlay multicast networks P2P media streaming networks 2
Overview of P2P overlay networks
What is a P2P system? P2P refers to applications that take advantage of resources (storage, cycles, content, bandwidth, human presence) available at the end systems of the internet. What is an overlay network? Overlay networks refer to networks that are constructed on top of another network (e.g. IP). What is a P2P overlay network? Any overlay network that is constructed by the Internet peers in the application layer on top of the IP network. 3
Overview of P2P overlay networks
P2P overlay network properties Efficient use of resources Self-organizing All peers organize themselves into an application layer network on top of IP. Scalability Consumers of resources also donate resources Aggregate resources grow naturally with utilization Reliability No single point of failure Redundant overlay links between the peers Redundant data source Ease of deployment and administration The nodes are self-organized No need to deploy servers to satisfy demand. Built-in fault tolerance, replication, and load balancing No need any change in underlay IP networks 4
Applications of P2P overlay networks
P2P file sharing Napster, Gnutella, Kaza, Emule, Edonkey, Bittorent, etc. Application layer multicasting P2P media streaming Content distribution Distributed caching Distributed storage Distributed backup systems Grid computing 5
Classification of P2P overlay networks
Unstructured overlay networks The overlay networks organize peers in a random graph in flat or hierarchical manners. Structured overlay networks Are based on Distributed Hash Tables (DHT) the overlay network assigns keys to data items and organizes its peers into a graph that maps each data key to a peer Overlay multicast networks The peers organize themselves into an overlay tree for multicasting. P2P media streaming networks Used for large scale media streaming applications (e.g IPTV) over the Internet. 6
Unstructured P2P File Sharing Networks
Centralized Directory based P2P systems Pure P2P systems Hybrid P2P systems 7
Unstructured P2P File Sharing Networks (…)
Centralized Directory based P2P systems All peers are connected to central entity Peers establish connections between each other on demand to exchange user data (e.g. mp3 compressed data) Central entity is necessary to provide the service Central entity is some kind of index/group database Central entity is lookup/routing table Examples: Napster, Bittorent 8
Unstructured P2P File Sharing Networks(…)
Pure P2P systems Any terminal entity can be removed without loss of functionality No central entities employed in the overlay Peers establish connections between each other randomly To route request and response messages To insert request messages into the overlay Examples: Gnutella, FreeNet 9
Unstructured P2P File Sharing Networks(…)
Hybrid P2P systems Main characteristic, compared to pure P2P: Introduction of another dynamic hierarchical layer Election process to select an assign Super peers Super peers: high degree (degree>>20, depending on network size) Leaf nodes: connected to one or more Super peers (degree<7) Example: KaZaA Superpeer leafnode 10
Centralized Directory based P2P systems : Napster
Napster history: the rise January 1999: Napster version 1.0 May 1999: company founded December 1999: first lawsuits 2000: 80 million users Napster history: the fall Mid 2001: out of business due to lawsuits Mid 2001: dozens of P2P alternatives that were harder to touch, though these have gradually been constrained
Napster Technology: Directory Service
centralized directory server peers Alice Bob 1 2 3 User installing the software Download the client program Register name, password, local directory, etc. Client contacts Napster (via TCP) Provides a list of music files it will share … and Napster’s central server updates the directory Client searches on a title or performer Napster identifies online clients with the file … and provides IP addresses Client requests the file from the chosen supplier Supplier transmits the file to the client Both client and supplier report status to Napster
Napster Technology: Properties
Server’s directory continually updated Always know what music is currently available Point of vulnerability for legal action Peer-to-peer file transfer No load on the server Plausible deniability for legal action (but not enough) Proprietary protocol Login, search, upload, download, and status operations No security: clear text passwords and other vulnerability Bandwidth issues Suppliers ranked by apparent bandwidth & response time
Napster: Limitations of Central Directory
Single point of failure Performance bottleneck Copyright infringement So, later P2P systems were more distributed Gnutella went to the other extreme… File transfer is decentralized, but locating content is highly centralized
Pure P2P system: Gnutella
Query flooding Join: contact a few nodes to become neighbors Publish: no need! Search: ask neighbors, who ask their neighbors Fetch: get file directly from another node Gnutella history 2000: J. Frankel & T. Pepper released Gnutella Soon after: many other clients (e.g., Morpheus, Limewire, Bearshare) 2001: protocol enhancements, e.g., “ultrapeers”
Gnutella: Query Flooding
Fully distributed No central server Public domain protocol Many Gnutella clients implementing protocol Overlay network: graph Edge between peer X and Y if there’s a TCP connection All active peers and edges is overlay net Given peer will typically be connected with < 10 overlay neighbors
Gnutella: Protocol Query message sent over existing TCP connections
File transfer: HTTP Query message sent over existing TCP connections Peers forward Query message QueryHit sent over reverse path Query QueryHit Scalability: limited scope flooding
Gnutella: Peer Joining
Joining peer X must find some other peers Start with a list of candidate peers X sequentially attempts TCP connections with peers on list until connection setup with Y X sends Ping message to Y Y forwards Ping message. All peers receiving Ping message respond with Pong message X receives many Pong messages X can then set up additional TCP connections
Gnutella: Pros and Cons
Advantages Fully decentralized Search cost distributed Processing per node permits powerful search semantics Disadvantages Search scope may be quite large Search time may be quite long High overhead, and nodes come and go often
Hybrid P2P system: KaAzA
KaZaA history 2001: created by Dutch company (Kazaa BV) Smart query flooding Join: on start, the client contacts a super-node (and may later become one) Publish: client sends list of files to its super-node Search: send query to super-node, and the super-nodes flood queries among themselves Fetch: get file directly from peer(s); can fetch from multiple peers at once
KaZaA: Exploiting Heterogeneity
Each peer is either a group leader or assigned to a group leader TCP connection between peer and its group leader TCP connections between some pairs of group leaders Group leader tracks the content in all its children
KaZaA: Motivation for Super-Nodes
Query consolidation Many connected nodes may have only a few files Propagating query to a sub-node may take more time than for the super-node to answer itself Stability Super-node selection favors nodes with high up-time How long you’ve been on is a good predictor of how long you’ll be around in the future
P2P Case study: Skype inherently P2P: pairs of users communicate.
Skype clients (SC) inherently P2P: pairs of users communicate. proprietary application-layer protocol (inferred via reverse engineering) hierarchical overlay with SNs Index maps usernames to IP addresses; distributed over SNs Skype login server Supernode (SN)
Peers as relays Problem when both Alice and Bob are behind “NATs”.
NAT prevents an outside peer from initiating a call to insider peer Solution: Using Alice’s and Bob’s SNs, Relay is chosen Each peer initiates session with relay. Peers can now communicate through NATs via relay
BitTorrent BitTorrent history and motivation
2002: B. Cohen debuted BitTorrent Key motivation: popular content Popularity exhibits temporal locality (Flash Crowds) Focused on efficient fetching, not searching Distribute same file to many peers Single publisher, many downloaders Preventing free-loading
BitTorrent: Simultaneous Downloading
Divide large file into many pieces Replicate different pieces on different peers A peer with a complete piece can trade with other peers Peer can (hopefully) assemble the entire file Allows simultaneous downloading Retrieving different parts of the file from different peers at the same time And uploading parts of the file to peers Important for very large files
BitTorrent: Tracker Infrastructure node
Keeps track of peers participating in the torrent Peers register with the tracker Peer registers when it arrives Peer periodically informs tracker it is still there Tracker selects peers for downloading Returns a random set of peers Including their IP addresses So the new peer knows who to contact for data
BitTorrent: Chunks Large file divided into smaller pieces
Fixed-sized chunks Typical chunk size of 256 Kbytes Allows simultaneous transfers Downloading chunks from different neighbors Uploading chunks to other neighbors Learning what chunks your neighbors have Periodically asking them for a list File done when all chunks are downloaded
BitTorrent: Overall Architecture
Web page with link to .torrent A B C Peer [Leech] Downloader “US” [Seed] Tracker Web Server .torrent
BitTorrent: Overall Architecture
Web page with link to .torrent A B C Peer [Leech] Downloader “US” [Seed] Tracker Get-announce Web Server
BitTorrent: Overall Architecture
Web page with link to .torrent A B C Peer [Leech] Downloader “US” [Seed] Tracker Response-peer list Web Server
BitTorrent: Overall Architecture
Web page with link to .torrent A B C Peer [Leech] Downloader “US” [Seed] Tracker Shake-hand Web Server
BitTorrent: Overall Architecture
Web page with link to .torrent A B C Peer [Leech] Downloader “US” [Seed] Tracker pieces Web Server
BitTorrent: Overall Architecture
Web page with link to .torrent A B C Peer [Leech] Downloader “US” [Seed] Tracker pieces Web Server
BitTorrent: Overall Architecture
Web page with link to .torrent A B C Peer [Leech] Downloader “US” [Seed] Tracker Get-announce Response-peer list pieces Web Server
BitTorrent: Chunk Request Order
Which chunks to request? Could download in order Like an HTTP client does Problem: many peers have the early chunks Peers have little to share with each other Limiting the scalability of the system Problem: eventually nobody has rare chunks E.g., the chunks need the end of the file Limiting the ability to complete a download Solutions: random selection and rarest first
BitTorrent: Rarest Chunk First
Which chunks to request first? The chunk with the fewest available copies I.e., the rarest chunk first Benefits to the peer Avoid starvation when some peers depart Benefits to the system Avoid starvation across all peers wanting a file Balance load by equalizing # of copies of chunks
Free-Riding Problem in P2P Networks
Vast majority of users are free-riders Most share no files and answer no queries Others limit # of connections or upload speed A few “peers” essentially act as servers A few individuals contributing to the public good Making them hubs that basically act as a server BitTorrent prevent free riding Allow the fastest peers to download from you Occasionally let some free loaders download
Bit-Torrent: Preventing Free-Riding
Peer has limited upload bandwidth And must share it among multiple peers Prioritizing the upload bandwidth: tit for tat Favor neighbors that are uploading at highest rate Rewarding the top four neighbors Measure download bit rates from each neighbor Reciprocates by sending to the top four peers Recompute and reallocate every 10 seconds Optimistic unchoking Randomly try a new neighbor every 30 seconds So new neighbor has a chance to be a better partner
BitTorrent Today Significant fraction of Internet traffic
Estimated at 30% Though this is hard to measure Problem of incomplete downloads Peers leave the system when done Many file downloads never complete Especially a problem for less popular content Still lots of legal questions remains Further need for incentives
Structured overlay networks
Overlay topology construction is based on NodeID’s that are generated by using Distributed Hash Tables (DHT). In this category, the overlay network assigns keys to data items and organizes its peers into a graph that maps each data key to a peer. This structured graph enables efficient discovery of data items using the given keys. It Guarantees object detection in O(log n) hops. Examples: Content Addressable Network (CAN), Chord, Pastry. 41
Structured-DHT-based P2P overlay networks
CAN: Content Addressable Network
Each key maps to one point in the d-dimensional space Each node responsible for all the keys in its zone. Divide the space into zones. C D E A B
CAN(…) Fault tolerant:
know your neighbor’s neighbors. When node fails, one of the neighbor takes over. If adjacent nodes fail at the same time, use flooding to discover topology Node removal: Use heartbeat recover structure and repair routing (background zone reassignment) expanding ring search to build neighbor information before repairing simultaneous failures When joining, use the neighbor which is least loaded
Pastry Prefix-based Route to node with shared prefix (with the key) of ID at least one digit more than this node. Neighbor set, leaf set and routing table. d471f1 d467c4 d46a1c d462ba d4213f Route(d46a1c) d13da3 65a1fc
Pastry (…) Routing table, leaf set and neighbor set example in a Pastry node b=2 and l=8
Overlay Multicasting
The key decision behind IP Multicast
Gatech Stanford Berkeley Per-group Router State “Smart Network”
Internet Design Philosophy
Dumb routers , smart end systems .... Minimal functionality in routers Push functionality to end systems as much as possible Key reason attributed to success and scaling of Internet IP Application/ Transport Internet architecture Physical/ Link layer “Thin Waist”
Significance of IP Multicast
First major functionality added to routers since original design Per-group state implies: Routing tables with potentially millions of entries! Today’s routers have only tens of thousands of entries in routing tables though there are millions of end systems! Potential scaling concerns Per-group (per-flow) based solutions typically find slow acceptance in the Internet
Other concerns with IP Multicast
Slow deployment Very difficult to change network infrastructure and routers Difficult to support higher layer functionality IP Multicast: Best effort delivery Model complicates support for reliability and congestion control
Congestion control with IP Multicast
Stanford, LAN Stanford, modem Network with IP Multicast Purdue Berkeley1 China What rate must the source send at ? London
Back to the drawing board…
Which is the right layer to implement multicast functionality? IP Multicast: IP layer, efficient Naïve Unicast: Application layer, inefficient Can we do it efficiently at the application level ? IP Application Internet architecture Physical/ Link ?
Overlay Multicast Dumb Network Overlay Tree Gatech Stan1 Stanford
Berk1 Berkeley Overlay Tree Berk2 Stan1 Gatech Stan2 Purdue Berk1 Berk2
Overlay Multicast: Benefits
No per-group state in routers Easy to deploy: No change to network infrastructure Can simplify support for congestion control etc. Leverage computation and storage (e.g. Transcoding) Purdue Stan-LAN Berk1 Unicast congestion control Gatech Stan-Modem Berk2
Overlay Performance Dumb Network
Even a well-designed overlay cannot be as efficient as IP Mulitcast But performance penalty can be kept low Trade-off some performance for other benefits Dumb Network Gatech Duplicate Packets: Bandwidth Wastage Stanford Berkeley Increased Delay
Architectural Spectrum
Purely application end-point Infrastructure-Centric +Instantaneous Deployment +Low setup overhead, low cost +Uses bandwidth resources at end systems +Can scale to support millions of groups + Security + Robustness
Router-Based (IP Multicast) No Router Support Infrastructure-Centric (CDNs, e.g. Akamai) Application End-points or end-systems with infrastructure support Application End-points Only, End-System Only End-System, Application-Level, Overlay or Peer-to-Peer Multicast
Applications File Download Vs. Video Conferencing/Broadcasting
Bandwidth demanding : hundreds or thousands of Kbps Real-time constraints: Continuous streaming delivery Broadcasting Vs. Conferencing Conferencing: smaller scale, anyone can be source. Broadcasting: single source, tens or hundreds of thousands of simultaneous participants
Design Issues Construct efficient overlays Low Overheads
High bandwidth, low latency to receivers Low Overheads Fault tolerant Self-organizing, Self-Improving Honor per-node access bandwidth constraints System Issues: NATs etc.
What overlay to construct?
Stan-LAN Stan-LAN NJ Purdue Berk2 Stan-Modem Berk1 Stan-LAN Stan-Modem Purdue Berk1 Berk2 No formal structure Each data pkt send using epidemic algorithms Overlay with a structure Tree Multi-Tree Mesh
Inefficient Overlay Trees
Purdue Purdue High latency Berk2 Gatech Stan2 Stan1-Modem Berk1 Stan2 Stan1-Modem Berk1 Gatech Berk2 -Poor network usage -Potential congestion near Purdue Gatech Purdue Berk2 Stan-Modem Stan-LAN Berk1 Poor bandwidth to members
Efficient overlay trees
Purdue Stan-Modem Berk1 Stan-LAN Gatech Purdue Berk2 Stan-LAN Stan-Modem Berk1 Berk2 Gatech
Self-Organizing Protocols
Construct efficient overlays in a distributed fashion Members may have limited knowledge of the Internet Adapt to dynamic join/leave/death of members Adapt to network dynamics and congestion
Example Purdue Berk2 Berk1 Stan-Modem Stan-Lan joins
Example Purdue Berk2 Berk1 Stan-Modem Stan-Lan
Example Purdue Berk2 Berk1 Stan-Modem Bad Bw Perf! Switch! Stan-Lan
Example Purdue Berk2 Berk1 Stan-Modem Stan-Lan
Example More “clustering” if Stan-Modem moves to Stan-Lan Purdue Berk2
Example Purdue Berk2 Berk1 Stan-Modem Stan-Lan
Stan-Modem is disconnected:
Example Purdue Berk2 Berk1 Stan-Modem Stan-Modem is disconnected: Back to Berk1
Key Components of Protocol
Overlay Management: How many people does a member know? How is this knowledge maintained? Overlay Optimization: Constructing efficient overlay among members Distributed heuristics No entity with global knowledge of hosts and network
Group Management Build separate control structure decoupled from tree Each member knows small random subset of group members Knowledge maintained using gossip-like algorithm Members also maintain path from source Other design alternatives possible: Example: More hierarchical structure No clear winner between design alternatives S A
Bootstrap Node that joins:
Asia US2 Euro2 Euro3 Source (US) Asia US1 US2 Euro1 Modem1 US US4, … Euro2, Euro3, ... Node that joins: Gets a subset of group membership from source Finds parent using parent selection algorithm
Other causes for parent switch
Member Leave/Death Congestion/ poor bandwidth Euro2, Euro3, ... Modem1 Source (US) US1 Asia Euro1 US2 US4, … Source (US) Asia US1 US2 Euro2 Modem1 US4, … Euro3, ... Source (US) Asia US1 Better Clustering US2 Euro2 Modem1 US4, … Euro3, ... Euro4
Parent Selection X sends PROBE_REQ to subset of members it knows
Source (US) Asia US1 US2 X sends PROBE_REQ to subset of members it knows Waits for 1 second for the responses Evaluates remote nodes and chooses a candidate parent Euro1 Modem1 X US4, … Euro2, Euro3, ...
Factors in Parent Selection
Filter out P if it is a descendant of X Performance of P Application throughput P received over last few seconds Delay of path from S to P Saturation level of P Performance of link P-X Delay of link P-X TCP bandwidth of link P-X S P X
Multiple Overlay Trees
With support from MDC, split into T-equally sized stripes T trees, each distributes a single stripe of size S/T Overall quality depends on the number of stripes received Number of trees node i is entitled to = S Kbps Peer A Peer C Source S/3 S/3 S/3 Tree 1 Tree 2 Tree 3
Mesh-Based Approach Tree-based: Mesh-based: Involves “push”
Well-known structure Mesh-based: Each node maintains a set of partners Exchange data availability info with partners Pull data from partner if do not possess it already
Mesh-Based Streaming Vs. BitTorrent
Clever Scheduling Algorithm regarding which segments to fetch
Deployments Research Industrial (last 2-3 yrs)
ESM Broadcasting system (2002-) CoolStreaming (2004-) Report peak sizes >25000 users Industrial (last 2-3 yrs) PPLive Reports even larger peak sizes Zattoo GridMedia
Research Challenges/Open Issues
Tree Vs. Mesh Approaches, Hybrids Access-bandwidth scarce regimes Incentives and fairness Extreme peer dynamics, flash crowd Support for heterogeneous receivers System Issues NATs/Firewalls Transport Protocol Start-up delay/buffer interaction Security Challenges
Snapshot from Sigcomm Broadcast
U.S. East Coast U.S. Central U.S. West Coast Europe Asia Unknown Source
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