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Disruptive Innovation in Medical Education Christopher McDowell, MD MEd FAAEM Anna Cianciolo, PhD.

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Presentation on theme: "Disruptive Innovation in Medical Education Christopher McDowell, MD MEd FAAEM Anna Cianciolo, PhD."— Presentation transcript:


2 Disruptive Innovation in Medical Education Christopher McDowell, MD MEd FAAEM Anna Cianciolo, PhD

3 The Future of Education

4 What if I told you…… We aren’t training physicians for tomorrow –We train them for yesterday


6 What if I told you…… We don’t empower decision making –We protect them from it (ACGME Duty Hours)

7 Resident Response to Duty Hours-NEJM Survey 2011 40.8% stated quality of education is worse 27% thought safety of patient care worsened 51.5% states rules made preparation for senior role worse

8 What if I told you…… Hospitals & patients are frustrated with our product –Hospitals & communities may develop their own programs


10 The Opportunity

11 The Father of Disruptive Innovation

12 What is Disruptive Innovation?

13 Examples

14 Who’s Ripe for DI?

15 So… how would you disrupt college?

16 DI at work

17 Who really needs a doctor?

18 Can it happen to medical schools?

19 The Medical Education Continuum College UME GME Practice

20 Forces Pushing Disruption

21 Can SIUSOM disrupt medical education……again? Team/Coaching Education Developing team leadership capacity Identifying the clinical situations where direct physician involvement adds value Addressing competition from NP/PA –Condensed training with early specialization Including other training environments –Home-base care, continuity clinics, NH, etc.

22 Could SIUSOM be disrupted from the outside? In a word…… yes


24 References tAys tAys –What is 21 st century education- you tube Will Disruptive Innovations Cure Health Care?- HBR Macy Course on Innovation in Healthcare HBR Blog NEJM

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