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Presentation to European UAS Panel 2nd Workshop

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1 Presentation to European UAS Panel 2nd Workshop
Frequency Spectrum Ivan Martin Thales On behalf of

2 With no Spectrum, UAS will not exist
No Frequencies, No UAS UAS have a stringent need of radio-frequencies both for C2 and Payloads Depending on system requirements and architecture, data link diversity and redundancy is a crucial element for UAS design, certification, qualification and cost-efficient world-wide operation in non-segregated airspace. Spectrum is overcrowded, resource is scarce Interferences and poor communication protection can jeopardize the future use of UAS ITU is regulating Spectrum management and will hold its next WRC in 2012 with dedicated agenda for UAS: C2 ATC exchanges Sense & Avoid exchanges ITU-R process must be successful for UAS * With no Spectrum, UAS will not exist

3 ITU-R Status – WRC12 Agenda item 1.3 European position to be finalized
Terrestrial component (LOS) Spectrum Requirement: 34 MHz New AM(R)S allocations (Safety of flight communication band) 5030 – 5091 MHz most likely band Satellite component (BLOS): Method A2 Spectrum Requirement: 56 MHz Current allocations (no need of new allocation) AMS(R)S: L band in early phase, 5 GHz later on or MSS/AMSS (if ICAO modifies its current position) No show stopper identified European Industry supports the elaboration of a consensual position

4 Stanag 4660 Industry perspective
NATO NIAG SG-140 ( , 34 industries) has the objective to standardize C2 LOS data link for TUAV, MALE, HALE, UCAV STANAG 4660 Ed 1 ratification foreseen 2011 / beginning 2012 Bandwidth required: 50 to 100 MHz Trend is to adopt NATO C Band (4400 – 4990 MHz) or alternate L/S bands Industry position in favour of NATO C band Adoption of the bands [4400 MHz – 4900 MHz] for NATO and [5030 MHz – 5091 MHz] for civil is a technical optimum A single airborne terminal could be used both in segregated and non segregated airspace (like V/UHF radios) A good example of potential civil – military synergy

5 Key supporting studies
SIGAT (contracted by EDA), study on the military frequency spectrum requirements for UAS GAT insertion, 23 partners, 9 Nations, EDA / ESA (ARTES 20) study on satcom solutions for UAS ESA (ARTES 1) "ESPRIT" study on emerging system concepts for UAS C2 via satellite NATO NIAG SG140 (NATO Industrial Advisory Group) and STANAG 4660 : “Tuneable UAS Interoperable Command and Control Data Link” Supporting studies are a way to converge on jointly agreed industry positions in Europe

6 Industry Recommendations
Support the preparation of future WRCs (2012 and beyond) on spectrum allocation Launch technical studies / demonstrations for proof of concept and to provide solutions reducing spectrum requirements A “follow on” to SIGAT is essential to support future European positions Studies and demonstrations, as part of the EFC, on future SATCOM architectures, terrestrial end-to-end architectures, communication system integration, autonomy … Take benefit from civil – military synergies Connect with SESAR for the consideration of interoperability with future ATM systems (LDACS in particular) Prepare for the implementation of future Satcom Services Address potential new technologies to be developed for UAS

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