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Exploring Science 7© Pearson Education Limited 2004 1You can make the current in a circuit smaller by: Aputting a switch in the circuit. Bputting more.

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Presentation on theme: "Exploring Science 7© Pearson Education Limited 2004 1You can make the current in a circuit smaller by: Aputting a switch in the circuit. Bputting more."— Presentation transcript:

1 Exploring Science 7© Pearson Education Limited 2004 1You can make the current in a circuit smaller by: Aputting a switch in the circuit. Bputting more bulbs in the circuit. Ctaking some bulbs out of the circuit. Dputting more cells in the circuit. Quick Quiz 7Jb

2 Exploring Science 7© Pearson Education Limited 2004 2Resistance is a way of saying: Ahow much electricity is flowing. Bhow hard it is for electricity to flow. Chow many cells are in a circuit. Dhow many switches are in a circuit. Quick Quiz 7Jb

3 Exploring Science 7© Pearson Education Limited 2004 3Electricity is: Aa source of energy. Ba kind of liquid inside the wires. Ctiny particles called electrons flowing through the wires. Dtiny particles called atoms flowing through the wires. Quick Quiz 7Jb

4 Exploring Science 7© Pearson Education Limited 2004 4A long wire: Ahas a smaller resistance than a short wire. Bhas the same resistance as a short wire. Chas a bigger resistance than a short wire. Ddoes not have resistance. Quick Quiz 7Jb

5 Exploring Science 7© Pearson Education Limited 2004 1You can make the current in a circuit smaller by: Aputting a switch in the circuit. Bputting more bulbs in the circuit. Ctaking some bulbs out of the circuit. Dputting more cells in the circuit. Quick Quiz answers 7Jb

6 Exploring Science 7© Pearson Education Limited 2004 2Resistance is a way of saying: Ahow much electricity is flowing. Bhow hard it is for electricity to flow. Chow many cells are in a circuit. Dhow many switches are in a circuit. Quick Quiz answers 7Jb

7 Exploring Science 7© Pearson Education Limited 2004 3Electricity is: Aa source of energy. Ba kind of liquid inside the wires. Ctiny particles called electrons flowing through the wires. Dtiny particles called atoms flowing through the wires. Quick Quiz answers 7Jb

8 Exploring Science 7© Pearson Education Limited 2004 4A long wire: Ahas a smaller resistance than a short wire. Bhas the same resistance as a short wire. Chas a bigger resistance than a short wire. Ddoes not have resistance. Quick Quiz answers 7Jb

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