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Modes of Reproduction Reproduction - the biological process by which new “offspring” are produced from their “parents” All species goal in life is to survive.

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Presentation on theme: "Modes of Reproduction Reproduction - the biological process by which new “offspring” are produced from their “parents” All species goal in life is to survive."— Presentation transcript:

1 Modes of Reproduction Reproduction - the biological process by which new “offspring” are produced from their “parents” All species goal in life is to survive and reproduce to carry on their species and their genes.

2 Asexual Reproduction Asexual – The offspring is the product of one parent (no male/female) and will inherit all of the parent's characteristics-through a copy of its DNA- the offspring is a CLONE of the parent Advantage: can make lots of copies very quickly Disadvantage: no genetic variation- so no new traits will evolve

3 Asexual: Binary Fission Binary Fission The organism reproduces by duplicating its own genetic information, then splitting into two different organisms. Amoeba 1 becomes 2, then 4, then 8, then 16, 32,64,128, 256, 512, 1024, 2048, 4096, 8192, Exponential population growth!

4 Asexual: SPores Spores a series of tiny circles, or spores, that contain a copy of the organism's genetic information(DNA) -which fall off, or detach, and if it lands in the right conditions-- a new organism will grow FernFungi-mushroomMoss

5 Asexual Repro: Budding Budding organism reproduces a “bud” -or grows a new organism on its base or side- and it breaks away into a new organism Hydra going through budding process Onion going through budding process- we call them bulbs

6 Sexual – The offspring is the product of two parents-one male & one female- and will inherit a mixture of the parent's characteristics- through combining DNA Advantage: offspring receives genetic diversity Disadvantage: takes longer Sexual Reproduction

7 Types of Sexual Reproduction Pollination – The transfer of pollen from the male part of a plant to the female part of a plant that results into a formation of a seed. -game.html -game.html

8 Sexual- External Fertilization External Fertilization – The transfer of male genetic information to the female, where the egg is outside the female body. Male and Female never meet Female lays eggs (spawns)- goes away—Male swims by and fertilizes eggs and swims away- eggs hatch alone

9 Sexual- Internal Fertilization Internal Fertilization – The transfer of male genetic information to the female, where the egg is inside the female body. Male & Female mate- involves entire process of attracting largest & strongest mate

10 Modes of Reproduction Asexual No male/female Offspring is a clone or genetic copy of parent Sexual Male and Female mix DNA/genetic material Offspring has genetic diversity- a mix of parents DNA Binary Fission Organsim makes a copy of itself-splits in 2 Ex) Bacteria & Archea Budding Organism grows offspring out of its side Ex)Sponges, tulip, daffodill,caladiums, garlic Pollination Organism invites pollinator to spread pollen(male- anther) to the female part (pistil) of a matching flower & makes seed (embryo) Ex) Fruit trees, orchids External Fertilization Male fertilizes female's eggs outside her body Male & Female never meet each other, nor their offspring Ex)Fish Internal Fertilization Male fertilizes female's eggs inside her body Ex)Lizards, Turtles, Frogs, Birds Spores Organism makes Tiny circles that fall off & hold their DNA Ex)ferns, mushrooms, dandelions

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