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Lecture Date: January 22 nd, 2013 Introduction to Spectroscopy.

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1 Lecture Date: January 22 nd, 2013 Introduction to Spectroscopy

2 What is Spectroscopy?  The study of the interaction between radiation and matter  “Analytical spectroscopy”, as defined in this class, covers applications of spectroscopy to chemical analysis

3 History of Analytical Spectroscopy  1666: Isaac Newton (England) shows that white light can be dispersed into constituent colors, and coins the term “spectrum” –Newton also produced the first “spectroscope” based on lenses, a prism, and a screen  1800: W. Herschel and J. W. Ritter show that infrared (IR) and ultraviolet (UV) light are part of the spectrum  1814: Joseph Fraunhofer noticed that the sun’s spectrum contains a number of dark lines, developed the diffraction grating  1859: G. Kirchoff obtains spectra of the elements, explains the sun’s spectrum

4 The Visible Spectrum of the Sun (Black lines are absorption by elements in the cooler outer region of the star) Figure from National Optical Astronomy Observatory/Association of Universities for Research in Astronomy/National Science Foundation,

5 History of Analytical Spectroscopy  1870: J. C. Maxwell formalizes and combines the laws of electricity and magnetism  1900 to present: More than 25 Nobel prizes awarded to spectroscopists, including: –1902: H. A. Lorentz and P. Zeeman –1919: J. Stark –1933: P. A. M. Dirac and E. Schrodinger –1945: W. Pauli …. –1999: A. Zewail

6 Introduction to Spectroscopy Figures from NASA (  The electromagnetic spectrum  Each color you see is a specific (narrow) range of frequencies in this spectrum

7 The Electromagnetic Spectrum  Modern life (not just analytical spectroscopy) revolves around the EM spectrum!

8 Properties of Electromagnetic Radiation  Wave/particle duality  Perpendicular E and B components –E = electric field –B = magnetic field  Wave properties: –Wavelength (frequency) –Amplitude –Phase Long wavelength (low frequency) Short wavelength (high frequency) c = the speed of light (~3.00 x 10 8 m/s) = the frequency in cycles/second (Hz) = the wavelength in meters/cycle Note – this figure shows polarized radiation!

9 Interference of Radiation  Monochromatic: radiation containing a single frequency  Polychromatic: radiation containing multiple frequencies  Constructive interference: when two waves reinforce each other  Destructive interference: when two waves cancel each other

10 The Interaction of Radiation and Matter  Electromagnetic radiation travels fastest in a vacuum  When not travelling in a vacuum, radiation and matter can interact in a number of ways  Some key processes (for spectroscopy): –Diffraction –Refraction –Scattering –Polarization –Absorption

11 Transmission of Radiation  The velocity at which radiation travels (or propagates) through a medium is dependent on the medium itself  When radiation travels through a medium and does not undergo a frequency change, it cannot be undergoing a permanent energy transfer  However, radiation can still interact with the medium –Radiation, an EM field, polarizes the electron clouds of atoms in the medium –Polarization is a temporary deformation of the electron clouds

12 Transmission and Refraction  The refractive index (n i ) of a medium is given by: c = the speed of light (~3.00 x 10 8 m/s) i = the velocity of the radiation in the medium in m/s n i = the refractive index at the frequency i  Refractive index measures the degree of interaction between the radiation and the medium –Liquids: n i ~ 1.3 to 1.8 –Solids: n i ~ 1.3 to 2.5  Refractive index can be used to identify pure liquid substances

13 Refraction  When radiation passes through an interface between two media with different refractive indices, it can abruptly change direction  Snell’s law: 1 = the velocity of the radiation in medium 1 in m/s n 1 = the refractive index in medium 1  Snell’s law is a consequence of the change in velocity in the media  Reflection always occurs at an interface. Its extent depends on the refractive indices of the media 11 22 Medium 1 Medium 2

14 Diffraction  Fraunhofer diffraction: –Also known as far-field diffraction, parallel beam diffraction –Important in optical microscopy  Fresnel diffraction –Also known as near-field diffraction

15 Diffraction  Diffraction gratings: –Widely used in spectroscopic instruments to separate frequencies (can be made precisely)  Bragg diffraction – multiple slit Fraunhofer diffraction: –Important for instrument design, crystallography

16 Scattering  Rayleigh scattering (an elastic process): –Scattering of small amounts of radiation by molecules and atoms (whose size is near to the wavelength of the radiation)  Mie scattering: applies to large particles, involves scattering in different directions. –Practical use in particle size analysis

17 Polarization  Polarization of EM radiation – a simple classical picture: Figure from Sears, et al., “University Physics”, 7 th Ed., 1988

18 Coherent Radiation  Coherent radiation fulfils two conditions: (1) it has the same frequency or set of frequencies, and (2) it has a well-defined and constant phase relationship –Coherent radiation is “cross- corelated” in that the properties of one beam can be used to predict those of the other beam  Examples of coherent radiation: –Lasers –Microwave sources (masers) Coherent radiation: different frequencies (colors) with a defined phase relationship interfere to produce a pulse Diagram from (public domain)

19 Incoherent Radiation  Produced by “random” emission, e.g. individual atoms in a large sample emitting photons  Actually is coherent, but just to a tiny (undetectable) extent  Also known as “continuous” radiation  Examples of incoherent radiation: –Incandescent light bulbs –Filament sources –Deuterium lamps Incoherent radiation: different frequencies (colors) combined to produce continuous radiation with varying phase, frequency and amplitude Diagram from (public domain)

20 More Properties of Electromagnetic Radiation  Wave and particle behavior: photons behave as both waves and particles –Quantum mechanics developed around the concept of the photon, the elementary unit of radiation  Planck’s law:  E is the energy of the photon in joules  h is Planck's constant (6.624 x 10 -34 joule seconds)  is the frequency of the radiation

21 Absorption and Emission  Absorption is a process accompanied by an energy change –involves energy transfer of EM radiation to a substance, usually at specific frequencies corresponding to natural atomic or molecular energies  Emission occurs when matter releases energy in the form of radiation (photons  E = h Higher energy Lower energy AbsorptionEmission

22 Energy Levels  Several types of quantum-mechanical energy levels occur in nature: –Electronic –Rotational –Vibrational (including phonons and heat) –Nuclear spin (other nuclear energy levels usually need high energies to access)  For each of these, a discrete quantum state and energy- driven transitions between these states can be studied (as opposed to a continuous range of energies)

23 Selection Rules  Selection rules:  Simple rules that are derived from transition moment integrals (usually via symmetry arguments) that express which energy level transitions are allowed  Example (for rotational energy levels of a rigid linear rotor such as a diatomic molecule):  A forbidden transition is usually still possible, but often is weaker than allowed transitions

24 The Uncertainty of Measurements  Because the lifetimes of quantum states can persist for short periods, it can be difficult to measure their energies accurately  This is usually stated in the form of an “energy-time uncertainty”:

25 The Uncertainty Principle  The uncertainty principle: it is not possible to know both the location and the momentum of a particle exactly – a fundamental limit on all measurements  In Heisenberg’s terms, the act of measuring a particle’s position affects its momentum, and vice versa  In equation form: –In other words, if you know the position of a particle to within  x, then you can specify its momentum along x to  p x –As the uncertainty in x increases (  x  ), that of p x decreases (  x  ), and vice versa

26 Spectra and Spectrometers  Spectra are usually plotted as frequency vs. amplitude –Instead of frequency, wavelength or energy can also be used –The choice of x- and y-axes is often dependent on the particular technique, its history, etc… –In most techniques, a key parameter is the frequency/energy/wavelength resolution  Spectrometers: instruments that measure the interaction of radiation with matter, so the properties of such interactions can be studied

27 Spectroscopy in Analytical Chemistry  Widely used approach for characterizing systems ranging from chemical physics to biology, from individual atoms to the largest molecules  Some of the most common techniques are: –UV-Visible spectroscopy –Fluorescence spectroscopy –IR spectroscopy –Raman spectroscopy –X-ray spectroscopy –NMR spectroscopy –EPR spectroscopy

28 Further Reading P. W. Atkins and R. S. Friedman, Molecular Quantum Mechanics, 3 rd Ed. Oxford University Press, New York (2003). R. P. Feynman, R. B. Leighton, M. Sands, The Feynman Lectures on Physics, Addison-Wesley, Reading, MA (1977). M. Fox, Optical Properties of Solids, Oxford University Press, New York (2010). Physics textbooks often contain good discussions of basic spectroscopic phenomena.

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