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CO 2 -Monitoring in the Ceramic Industry in the scope of EU ETS Katharina Liepach, German Brick and Tile Association Member of TBE, Member of Cerame Unie.

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Presentation on theme: "CO 2 -Monitoring in the Ceramic Industry in the scope of EU ETS Katharina Liepach, German Brick and Tile Association Member of TBE, Member of Cerame Unie."— Presentation transcript:

1 CO 2 -Monitoring in the Ceramic Industry in the scope of EU ETS Katharina Liepach, German Brick and Tile Association Member of TBE, Member of Cerame Unie Köln, 12 th May 05

2 Specifics of the ceramic industry rough estimation: across the EU Member States: ceramic installations cover 10% of all installations and emitt less then 1% of the CO 2 => many installations, only little emissions many SMEs

3 Ceramic Annex: Annex X First, all possible sources are listed: calcination of limestone/dolomite in the raw material limestone for reducing air pollutants conventional fossil kiln fuels alternative fossil-based kiln fuels and raw materials biomass kiln fuels (biomass wastes)

4 Ceramic Annex: Annex X other fuels organic material in the clay raw material additives used to induce porosity, e.g. sawdust or polystyrol waste gas scrubbing

5 Ceramic Annex: Annex X In the following paragraphs only the calcination process is covered in depths. The rest is missing.

6 Ceramic Annex: Annex X How should the emissions coming form organic material in the clay raw material and pore forming agents be determined is not dealt with.

7 Ceramic Annex: Annex X The maximum permissible uncertainty of 2.5 % when determining the CO 2 emissions coming form the calcination process is is too low. MRG, page 21, table 3: Informative table with typical overall uncertainties associated to the determination of CO 2 emissions from an installation or activity in an installation for individual fuel or material streams of different magnitudes

8 Ceramic Annex: Annex X MRG, page 21, table 3: process emissions from solid raw materials, (limestone, dolomite) Installations with less than 100 ktonns CO 2 per year: 10%

9 Ceramic Annex: Annex X Why 2,5% in Annex X? Most installations emitt less than 50 ktonns per year, so an overall uncertainty of 12,5% for the emissions coming from the raw material is resonable.

10 Ceramic Annex: Annex X Conclusion: 1.In general the MRG focus on large installations. 2.Many information are missing for the ceramic industry. 3.The uncertainty is too low.

11 Ceramic Annex: Annex X Thus: There is the risk that the monitoring will be highly expensive for the individual installations across the member states. Cost and effect could be absolutely disproportional.

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