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SWG Meeting Wrap-up Review of Action Items from RBSP SWG Meeting Nicky Fox & Barry Mauk RBSP Radiation Belt Storm Probes RBSP Radiation Belt Storm Probes.

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Presentation on theme: "SWG Meeting Wrap-up Review of Action Items from RBSP SWG Meeting Nicky Fox & Barry Mauk RBSP Radiation Belt Storm Probes RBSP Radiation Belt Storm Probes."— Presentation transcript:

1 SWG Meeting Wrap-up Review of Action Items from RBSP SWG Meeting Nicky Fox & Barry Mauk RBSP Radiation Belt Storm Probes RBSP Radiation Belt Storm Probes

2 Meeting Ideas SWG thoughts on how this meeting worked. Improvements? –Post science discussion slides on the science web site The next quarterly review meeting will either be “virtual” (i.e. just deliver slide packages) or web-based. Do we want to schedule an in- person meeting prior to mission CDR? –If so, what topics need to be discussed SWG Meeting Wrap-up

3 Action Items Teams to fill in data volume columns in data products table –Edit wording to show that these are estimates rather than concrete numbers EFW to provide data catalogue definition –Rob to give guidance on this Rules of the Road –Edit as discussed –Ensure that these rules are circulated to journal editors etc. Data Levels –Project to provide updated version of slide shown at meeting including level descriptions and latency guidelines –Teams to revisit the data products tables and ensure that data are listed at the appropriate level –Draft definitions of “browse”, “quick-look” etc. –How do we clearly identify “not-for-publication” data versus full quality? –Topic for near-future SWG telecon Science Data Portal –Michele to send presentation to John Bonnell SWG Meeting Wrap-up

4 Action Items Reprocessing –Make sure this is covered in the SDMP –Also address version control Data sharing plans –Teams to revisit material presented at meeting and update if necessary –EFW were very thorough in their list of desires – other teams need to consider if any of these can be easily provided or are there other data products which could approximate the function? Planning tools –What type of planning tools are desired? - Topic for future SWG telecon –Can we host these on the portal? –How far in advance to other teams need to know predictions for burst mode conjunctions in order to change planning.? Collaboration with DSX and BARREL (and other missions) –Criteria for defining “conjunction” – Topic for future SWG telecon –Selection of magnetic field model to determine conjunctions – CooCoo –Action: For which other missions should we routinely produce conjunction “reports”? (e.g. NICE, THEMIS…..) SWG Meeting Wrap-up

5 Action Items What kind of simulations would we ideally want the modelers to run? –We need to define conditions and constraints Draft a proposal to be submitted to TR&T steering committee for an RBSP science-related focus team (Dave S to lead) Sasha to brief his slides on computation of adiabatic invariants to SWG Evidence of ion acoustic signatures accompanying EMIC waves –John Bonnell to provide list of references to Peter Yoon Look for electrostatic wave signatures with EMIC waves. SWG Meeting Wrap-up

6 Action Items How can we provide “moral” support for ground networks and ionospheric measurements? –White paper to highlight the relevance of these measurements to RBSP (Joe G to lead) –Assistance from Bob S., Elsayed, John Foster etc. Invite John Foster to make presentation at next SWG meeting SWG Meeting Wrap-up

7 Action Items Redefine the term “success criteria” –Find another word for “mature” –From the “mature” science questions, define hypothesis that can be proved/disproved Define predictions: –Specific observations –Set of possible models (and conditions) to run –Theoretical problems –Data mining – where can RBSP go further? –Work with modelers to ensure that data are in right format and resolution (and supporting data are available) Develop “science operations plan” or “action plan” – can measure progress against this –Challenge each team – what science issues are you going to answer during the first year? 2-3 most interesting science problems that you hope to address Then get together and share plans SWG Meeting Wrap-up

8 That’s all folks Have a safe trip home SWG Meeting Wrap-up

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