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and the universe of existing standards IT Industry Increase customer value Increase customer value Creates market opportunities Creates market opportunities.

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Presentation on theme: "and the universe of existing standards IT Industry Increase customer value Increase customer value Creates market opportunities Creates market opportunities."— Presentation transcript:


2 and the universe of existing standards

3 IT Industry Increase customer value Increase customer value Creates market opportunities Creates market opportunities Manages costs Manages costs Government Policy Makers Promoting innovation & competition Promoting innovation & competition Social, political, and economic issues Social, political, and economic issues Promoting eGovernment initiatives Promoting eGovernment initiatives Business & Govt. Customers Flexibility of solutions choice Flexibility of solutions choice Cost reductions Cost reductions Confidence in solutions Confidence in solutions Consumers Choice of Products Choice of Products Ease of Use Ease of Use Value of purchase Value of purchase Creating Choice and Economic Opportunity Interoperability

4 people data Diverse systems Operational Workflows Processes Policies Technical Applications Infrastructure Semantic Information DB/Files Metadata Optimizing performance within and among organizations Connecting…

5 World Customs Organization (WCO) – Framework of Standards to Secure and Facilitate Global Trade. This provides a structured and willing framework for Customs and their business partners to secure the international supply chain and facilitate the movement of legitimate goods being traded around the globeStandards to Secure and Facilitate Global Trade The United Nations United Nations Economic Commission for Europe (UNECE) – A Roadmap towards Paperless Trade Centre for Trade Facilitation and Electronic Business (UN/CEFACT) – Recommendation no. 33, 34, 35 - Establishing a single window – UNeDOCS - aims to become the world electronic trade document standard under UN auspices and will be developed into an official UN/CEFACT standard Shipping ISO: container e-seals – RFID based International Container Security Organisation ICSO World Shipping Council

6 World Customs Organization Harmonized Tariff Code EU: modernized Community Customs Code Encryption Controls – U.S. : Export Control Reform Directives – Other countries Consumer Product Safety Food Conservation and Energy Act (Lacey Act) Security – “10+2”rule: 24h pre notification, – Certified Cargo Screening Program (CCSP) – Customs Trade-Partnership Against Terrorism (CT-PAT) Authorised Economic Operators (AEO) …

7 AreaStandards Supported by Microsoft Products Data Formats.txt files, ebXML, EDI, EPC, HTML, iCalendar, ODF, Open XML, PDF, RTF, SALT, SSML, Unicode, UTF-8, UTF-16, VHD, VoiceXML, VML, WML, XBRL, XHTML, XML, and XPS Database Protocols DB2 protocols, JDBC, LDAP, OLE DB, ODBC, PL/SQL, SQL, T-SQL, XQuery, XMLA, and XA protocol Media Formats AVI, DV file formats, GIF, JPG, MOV, MP3, MPEG 1/2/4, PNG, TIFF, WMA, WMP, WMV, and VC-1 Network Protocols 802.11a, 802.11b, 802.11g, 802.11i, AS2, DHCPV6, DVMRP, Hayes Standard AT Command Set, ICMP, IGMP, IP, IPv4, IPv6, IPTV, IPX, L2TP, SPX, PPP, RIP, SLIP, and Token Ring protocol Security ProtocolsIPsec, Kerberos protocol, SAML 1.1 Tokens, SASL, SIDF, SSL, TLS, WPA-Security, and X.509 Transport Protocols DNS, FTP, HTTP, ICE, IDN, IMAP, MIME, POP3, RTP, SDP, SIP, SMTP, SNMP, TCP, SSH, Telnet, and UDP Web Services Standards MTOM, SOAP, WSDL, WS-Addressing, WS-AtomicTransaction, WS-Coordination, WS- Discovery, WS-Enumeration, WS-Eventing, WS-Federation, WS-Interoperability (WS-I) Basic Profile, WS-Management, WS-MetadataExchange, WS-Policy, WS-ReliableMessaging, WS- Transfer, WS-SecureConversation, WS-Security, WS-Transfer, WS-Trust, XML Infoset, XML Namespaces Web StandardsAtom, CSS, DOM, ECMAScript, HTML, JavaScript, RSS, XHTML, and XML The table contains a subset of the standards supported with Microsoft products

8 AreaLevel of Engagement by Microsoft Standards-setting Organizations Microsoft works with more than 100 national and international standards- setting organizations including: ANSI, ECMA, ETSI, OASIS, OMA, IEEE, IETF, ISO/IEC JTC 1, ITU, and W3C. Standards Contributions Microsoft engineers have authored or co-authored dozens of standards including.NET CLI, C# CLI, HTML 4.01, IPv6, IPsec, Office Open XML, OPOS, POSIX Threads, SIDF, UPOS, VC-1, XML 1.0, XMLA, XQuery, and more than 38 Web services standards including SOAP 1.2, WSDL 1.1, WS-Addressing, WS-Policy, WS-Security, WS-Trust, and WS-Interoperability (WS-I) Basic Profile. IP Licensing AgreementsMicrosoft provides access to technology assets through 1.commercial licensing, licensing 3.the Open Specification Promise that agrees not to assert patents for technologies such as Microsoft Virtual Hard Disk Image Format, Sender ID Framework, Microsoft Office 2003 XML Reference Schemas, Office Open XML file formats, and 38 Web services standards.

9 OrganizationLevel of Engagement by Microsoft Automotive Industry Action Group (AIAG) AIAG is an association of companies in the automotive industry charged with developing standards for the automotive supply chain. Microsoft is a sponsoring board member. It cosponsored a project to define the functional requirements and the recommended guidance needed to drive service-oriented architectures (SOAs) that employ Web services for nextgeneration automotive supply chain scenarios. Distributed Management Task Force (DMTF) DMTF is an industry organization that leads the development of management standards such as WS-Management. Microsoft co- founded this organization and is currently a board member. EPCglobal EPCglobal leads the development of industry-driven standards for the Electronic Product Code (EPC) to support the use of Radio Frequency Identification (RFID) in trading networks. Microsoft is participating in the Reader Protocol and Reader Management working groups of the EPCglobal Software Action Group. Microsoft has also submitted XML message formats for the Reader Protocol specification and recently made contributions to the Reader Management specification. Health Level Seven (HL7) HL7 is one of several American National Standards Institute (ANSI)–accredited Standards Developing Organizations operating in the healthcare industry. Microsoft has been driving the submission of three Web services specifications (WS-Addressing, WS-Security and WSReliableMessaging) as an update of the HL7 Web Services Basic Profile. IMS Global Learning Consortium The IMS Global Learning Consortium develops standards for learning technology, and several IMS specifications have become worldwide de facto standards for delivering learning products and services. Microsoft is a member of the Technical Board, helping IMS define and deliver e-Learning standards with prescriptive guidance for WS-Security, WS-Addressing and MTOMbased attachments. Open Financial Exchange Consortium (OFX) The OFX Consortium leads the development of standards for the electronic exchange of financial data. Over 2000 banks and brokerage firms as well as major payroll processing companies use OFX. Microsoft is co-founder of the OFX Consortium and is currently working on OFX 2.0 extensions. RosettaNet RosettaNet is a global standards organization that promotes collaborative commerce. Billions of dollars are transacted each year using RosettaNet standards. Microsoft currently hold seats on the Executive and Architectural Advisory Councils, driving RosettaNet’s next-generation architectural specifications and integration framework based on Web services. TeleManagement Forum (TM)The TM Forum is a global standards body for communications services, contributing to the Information and Communications Services (ICS) industry for over 15 years. Microsoft has been driving the creation of a specification for enabling Operations/Business Support Systems (OSS/ BSS) functions to be exposed as Web services.

10 UN/CEFACT: Single Window can be described as "a system that allows traders to lodge information with a single body to fulfil all import or export-related regulatory requirements” WCO: „A facility that allows parties involved in trade and transport to lodge standardized information and documents with a single entry point to fulfill all import, export, and transit related (…) regulatory requirements”. EU Customs Code: „It is appropriate that the information provided by economic operators is shared, taking account of the involved in that control, such as police, border guards, veterinary and environmental authorities, so that the economic operator need give the information only once ('single window')”.

11 Customs Internet Service Providers Airlines/Ship Agents Economic Operator/SME Bank Supplier SWIFT XML UNeDOCS EDI/HTTP/SNMP SNA/CICS RosettaNet Single Window Orchestration Single Access Point Admin Import or Export Permits, Licenses, Certificates, Invoices,... Foreign Trade Disease Control Ports Authority Border Control ONE-STOP SHOP SNA/CICS EPCglobal SNMP FTP HTTP HTTPs/SNMP

12 Current customs procedures will not be changed. Should allow traders to lodge their electronic declarations via one single interface of their choice which connects their system with all Member States’ customs systems. There will be none or minimal impact on existing IT systems of national customs administrations.

13 Infrastructure and Management Layer Development Capability Development Capability Development Tools, Enhanced productivity Interoperability SOA and Process Capability Business Process Automation, SOA, Integration User Capability User Capability Rich user experience, familiar tools Operators Countries Data and BI Capability DB, Intelligence & Risk Management capability



16 Regional Single Window Message Exchange and Routing Standardized Business Processes Regional Single Window Message Exchange and Routing Standardized Business Processes National Single Window Regional Single Window Portal Regional participants Traders, Economic operators, Service providers, Regulatory bodies and Governmental agencies National Single Window International public National participants

17 CIA Approves Complete and Submit CEPT Form D 2 Send to RSW Forward to Importer NSW 1 3a 3b 3c Request Approval from Customs 4 5 Complete and submit Customs Declaration Customs approves CEPT Form D 6a Send to RSW 6b Forward to Exporter NSW 6c 6d Update form Status UTILIZED 3d Update form Status APPROVED Request Approval from CIA Exporter CIA Customs Importer NSW Importer NSW RSW Exporter NSW Exporter NSW


19 CEPT Form D Form Entry Submit form View status

20 Web Services Streamline Business Processes… by submitting XML data to… BEA WebLogic®


22 View Pending status Approval System Submit form View Utilization


24 View CEPT Form D Request Utilization Form Entry



27 Shared Services Database Layer: SQL Server, Oracle, DB2, My SQL Web browser Office Applications Industry Standards

28 Infrastructure and Management Layer Development Capability Interoperability SOA and Process Capability Business Process Automation, SOA, Integration User Capability Data and BI Capability DB, Intelligence & Risk Management capability XML Web Services Operators Countries Interoperability

29  Reduced corruption  Better quality information  Improved trader compliance  Collaboration with Trade  Simpler to use  Faster processes and clearance  Cheaper - reduced costs of compliance, lower error rates, less shipment delays.  Government becomes an ENABLER for the real-time economy  It’s NOT a technology discussion; COTS solutions are available  Start Building Your Corporate Memory Now  Paperfree Trade Driving the real-time economy and preserving the environment.

30 © 2008 Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved. This presentation is for informational purposes only. Microsoft makes no warranties, express or implied, in this summary.

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