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Youth Criminal Justice

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Presentation on theme: "Youth Criminal Justice"— Presentation transcript:

1 Youth Criminal Justice
Social Studies 9

2 Rights and Responsibilities
Rights Responsibilities   

3 Adult and Youth Should adults be treated differently under the law than youth?

4 YCJA Questions 1. What is the Youth Criminal Justice Act (YCJA)?
2. What are the advantages and disadvantages of the YCJA? 3. What areas, in your opinion, should be changed? 4. If you are arrested, what are your RIGHTS? 5. How are youth justice and adult justice different in Canada?

5 Continue 6. Why do you think a separate justice system is needed for young offenders? 7. To what extent would a criminal record affect your quality of life? 8. What possible consequences do young people face whey they break the law (hint: look at pages 66-67)? 9. What factors determine the consequences young offenders face? 10. Read through the interview with Anne McLellan on page 69 of your text. After reading the interview, how could young people get involved in the youth justice system to make it work better?

6 Continue 11. What are the objectives of the YCJA?
12. How has the YCJA effected the number of youths charged with crimes? 13. Read through the articles on pages in your text. In your opinion, are the consequences for young offenders appropriate? Answer each of the questions under each article. 14. Look at the political cartoon on page 74 of your text. What is the message of the cartoon? 15. In your opinion, should the YCJA be changed to be more fair and equitable for young people? Explain.

7 Coming up…. Citizenship and Youth Justice And
The Charter of Rights and Freedoms Any questions???

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