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BIO1130 Labs Objectives of the laboratories:

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Presentation on theme: "BIO1130 Labs Objectives of the laboratories:"— Presentation transcript:

1 BIO1130 laboratories Introduction to BIO1130 labs and preparation to lab1: Field trip to Mer Bleue

2 BIO1130 Labs Objectives of the laboratories:
Familiarize students with the scientific method as used in biology Develop your ability to analyse and communicate scientific information and experimental results Reinforce and complement the material presented in the lecture component of the course Introduce students to the use of computer simulations in biology education.

3 Teaching team Lab demonstrators (TAs):
Give instructions regarding labs, demonstrate experiments, answer question and correct reports Section ____ TA1: TA2: List of TAs, contact info and office hours info can be found on the Contact page of the lab website Lab Coordinator: Fabien Avaron Office BSC106 - Office hours: Tuesday 10:30-12:00 Lab Technician: Charles Benoît Can be reached in BSC331 or BSC141

4 BIO1130 Lab website Link on Dr. Houseman’s website or
then choose BIO1130 What’s there: PowerPoint presentations (such as this one) Instructions for the lab reports Tools to submit and retrieve data Lab schedule address of your TAs (”CONTACT” page) Lab manual

5 BIO1130: Schedule Labs are 2:30-5:30 Monday to Friday
*Lab1 to 4 - The intro session has a special schedule, see lab manual for more info. 4 labs in semester Date of labs in Lab manual and Website Lab dates depend on the lab section you’re registered in (see uozone for more info) Labs take place on the 3rd floor of BSC complex EXCEPT LAB1: Field trip to Mer Bleue (rendezvous in front of LMX)

6 BIO1130 Labs: Evaluation Lab component is worth 20% of BIO1130
Each lab is worth 25% of the lab component Evaluation: quizzes and lab reports No pass or fail grade

7 Laboratories program Lab 1 Mer Bleue – Report
Lab 2 Scientific literature -online quiz Lab 4 Cladogram - Report Lab 3 Microevolution – in class questionnaire No labs October and October 26-30

8 BIO1130 LABS Chain of command: Be careful about plagiarism
contact TA if you have questions about lab or correction of report Contact Coordinator if you have other questions Contact for absences Late reports: late penalties-10% /day Max 2 days Weekend = 2 days Be careful about plagiarism

9 Absence Attendance to all labs is mandatory
If you missed a lab, you must provide a note and contact the lab team at: Medical (and other) notes must be provided within 7 days. Absence to 2 labs or more (even justified): lab component will be worth 10% of BIO1130 Contact: if you need to reschedule a lab. Do not contact your TA for that matter

10 Lab safety (1/2) Lab coat is mandatory at all times No food or drink
No bags or outwear inside the lab. Use the lockers located in the hallway (make sure you put a LOCK on your locker)

11 Lab safety (2/2) Eye wash stations, safety showers, fire extinguishers, first aid drawers Evacuation when alarm sounds: Locate emergency exit (primary and secondary) Exit building and wait outside with your TAs (30 metres away from the building)

12 Material to purchase: Lab manual:
Purchase in MacDonald Hall room MCD 004 or Download from lab website. Lab coat : can be purchased Marion hall room MRN308 and the university center bookstore. You must wear a lab coat at all times in the lab.

13 Lab1: Field trip to Mer Bleue

14 Lab objectives Identify dominant plant species in Mer Bleue
Summarize and report quantitative data efficiently and accurately in graphs and tables. Understand how sampling variability influences our ability to elaborate and test scientific hypotheses. Formulate an hypothesis concerning the factors limiting the distribution of different plant species. Predict the effect of a change in water levels in Mer Bleue on the distribution of different plant species.

15 Lab1: Field trip to Mer Bleue
Starts on Sept. 21st and will run for 2 weeks Meeting point: In front of Lamoureux Hall. Arrive at 2:20 Meet your TAs in front of your assigned bus. Do not get on the bus without talking to a TAs first! Assigned bus list is on the lab website

16 buses BSC CENTRE

17 Mer Bleue site Campus MER BLEUE SITE

18 Mer Bleue Site crête Dolman Bog crête Borthwick 500 m

19 Sand dune formation 9500 years ago 8000 years ago
Following glacier retreat, Ottawa River was much larger than today Sand dunes formed by south channel of river. Uplift of terrain caused south channel to dry out then forming a small, shallow lake colonized by bulrushes. 9500 years ago 8000 years ago

20 Bog formation Bulrush roots and shoreline plants form a support for sphagnum mosses Willow Bulrush

21 Bog formation A floating carpet of vegetation begins to grow toward the center of the bog. Deoxygenated water (no O2 input) slows down decomposition, resulting in acidic conditions. Organic matter accumulates at bottom Labrador tea Cassandra Sphagnum moss

22 Bog evolution (cont’d)
Water surface completely covered with sphagnum resulting in raised surface, colonization by trees Mineral salts derived from precipitation only. Age: about 5000 years Black spruce Larch Sphagnum Peat

23 Your task Predict the impact of a water drainage from Mer Bleue on the abundance of one particular plant species (« Your plant ») in the zone where its current incidence is highest.

24 Procedure Make observations of plants in 5 different stations in Mer Bleue Produce a graph presenting the distribution of one particular plant Formulate a hypothesis regarding the role of water availability on the abundance of your plant Predict the effect of a change in the water level in Mer Bleue on your plant

25 Observations Observe plant species in an area of 10m2 (2m x 5m) at each station. Record the presence or absence (no quantification) of each plant on the data sheet 2m 5m

26 Sampling stations 5 1 2 4 3 Parking 1 – Old field 2 – Marsh 3 – Bog
4 – Ecotone 5 – Forest 1 2 4 3

27 Station 1: The old Field Dry, located on top of sand dune
Tue 13 Aug 2013 Station 1: The old Field Station 1 – Champ abandonné Habitat sec et ouvert. On y retrouve des plantes herbacées (Silene, Jargeau, Asclepiade) et ligneuses (Framboisiers, Cerisiers, Frêne rouge, Peuplier faux-tremble) Dry, located on top of sand dune 2 juillet 2003, © Antoine Morin 27

28 Station 2: The marsh Pseudoaquatic environment Tue 13 Aug 2013 28
Station 2 – Marais Alimenté par un ruisseaux, le marais est une zone très productive et où la décomposition est rapide. Il n’y a donc pas d’accumulation de tourbe. La plante dominante est la quenouille, mais on y trouve aussi des saules, de la spirée, de l’aulne et de la salicaire. Pseudoaquatic environment 2 juillet 2003, © Antoine Morin 28

29 Tue 13 Aug 2013 Station 3: The bog Tapis de cassandre (Chamaedaphne, Leatherleaf), Kalmia (Sheep Laurel), Ledum (Thé du Labrador) parsemé de bleuets (Vaccinium), de mélèzes et de bouleaux blancs. Several metres of peat moss covered by sphagnum moss and other plants 2 juillet 2003, © Antoine Morin 2 juillet 2003, © Antoine Morin 29

30 Tue 13 Aug 2013 Station 4: The ecotone Zone semi-terrestre entre tourbière et marais. Sol spongieux et acide. Bouleaux, bleuets, Cornouillers, Érable rouge Ecotone: sandy area located in between the bog and the marsh (transition zone) 2 juillet 2003, © Antoine Morin 30

31 Station 5: The Forest Higher forest Lower forest
Tue 13 Aug 2013 Station 5: The Forest Higher forest Lower forest Peupliers faux-tremble (petits) et à grandes dents (très grands). Mateuccies (Ostrich fern), Pteridium (Bracken), Frène blanc, Érable à sucre Two distinct environments: -Lower Forest: relatively humid, close to condition found in the ecotone (but more sandy soil) - Higher forest: dry and shaded environment on top of sandy hill 2 juillet 2003, © Antoine Morin 31

32 What is the source of water ?
Not the same in all stations Stations at different elevation Lower stations (bog, ecotone, lower forest) receive water from march and rain Higher stations (field, high forest) only receive rain water Some stations are drier than others (which ones?)

33 Mer Bleue site elevation map
Plus seche : champ, haut, pas d’arbre donc tres sec Foret: haute: tres seche mais un peu humide sous les grands arbres Ecotone: assez humide surtout du cote de la tourbiere Tourbiere: extrement humide Marais: semi aquatique (sur les bords) et aquatique (au centre)

34 Back from Mer Bleue … Submit your observations the lab website before noon the day after your field trip to MB in order to combine class data (before noon the next day) Find out which plant you’ve been assigned for your report (you can do that anytime) using the plant assignment tool on the Lab website (lab1  assignment tool) Download the combined data file from website to plot your graph One week after the lab: hand in your report

35 Combined data file Data continues (5 stations are presented)
Available after 4PM the day following your field trip This is the incidence you need to plot 4 or 5 groups depending on the days Plot groups individually (no average) Repeat for all stations (5 in total) Data continues (5 stations are presented)

36 Instructions regarding the graph
Scatterplot showing the incidence of your plant in each station Stations on the X axis must be ordinated along a moisture gradient (dry moist) = semi quantitative axis Incidence of your plant presented on the Y axis Read carefully instructions in the appendix of lab manual (even if you think you know how to graph data) + Graphing module on lab website

37 Example: Kalmia angustifolia
Station Old field Forest Ecotone Bog Marsh Incidence 0.0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1.0 READ INSTRUCTIONS FORM LAB MANUAL SAMPLE GRAPH (contains errors) Caption of the graph

38 Mer Bleue Report: content
A title page (see example in lab manual intro) A graph showing the distribution of your plant in the 5 stations of Mer Bleue Answers to the questions printed in the instruction file (on website) : Hypothesis and prediction

39 Mer Bleue Report: timeline
Before noon the day after your field trip: enter data on virtual campus (better if done right after trip) Combined data will be available the day after field trip after 4PM. 1 week after field trip: Hand in version 1 of lab report 2 weeks: corrected version1 handed back (during lab2) 3 weeks: Hand in version 2 of lab report(optional) Mer Bleue final mark = V1+V2 or 2xV1

40 Field trip instructions
Dress appropriately for field conditions! In case of rain bring only necessary items on the field. You can store your effects in the lockers located in the hallway of the 3rd floor BSC building (BRING a lock!) Be on time Everyone must take the bus to and from the site (no exception) Stay on the paths, trails and boardwalks. Do not pick any flowers or remove vegetation. Do not leave anything behind, including garbage. Use the same bus going to and returning from the site. Take a plastic bag to store items in case of rain (wallet, phone)

41 To do before the field trip
Learn to identify major plants of Mer Bleue (lab manual and web site) Read the documents posted on the “Lab1” page of the website. Check what is your assigned plant (for your report) Arrive at 2:20 and go to your assigned bus in front of Lamoureux Hall

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