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Chapter 18-Genetic Engineering of Plants: Methodology

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1 Chapter 18-Genetic Engineering of Plants: Methodology
Plant transformation with the Ti plasmid of Agrobacterium tumefaciens Ti plasmid derived vector systems Physical methods of transferring genes to plants Microprojectile bombardment Use of reporter genes in transformed plant cells Manipulation of gene expression in plants Production of marker-free transgenic plants

2 Why genetically engineer plants?
To improve the agricultural, horticultural or ornamental value of a crop plant To serve as a living bioreactor for the production of economically important proteins or metabolites To provide a renewable source of energy To provide a powerful means for studying the action of genes (and gene products) during development and other biological processes

3 Plant transformation with the Ti plasmid of Agrobacterium tumefaciens
A. tumefaciens is a gram-negative soil bacterium which naturally transforms plant cells, resulting in crown gall (cancer) tumors Tumor formation is the result of the transfer, integration and expression of genes on a specific segment of A. tumefaciens plasmid DNA called the T-DNA (transferred DNA) The T-DNA resides on a large plasmid called the Ti (tumor inducing) plasmid found in A. tumefaciens

4 The Ti plasmid of Agrobacterium tumafaciens and the transfer of its T-DNA to the plant nuclear genome

5 Fig The Ti plasmid of Agrobacterium tumafaciens and its T-DNA region containing eukaryotic genes for auxin, cytokinin, and opine production.

6 Fig Crown Gall on Tobacco Fig Infection of a plant with A. tumefaciens and formation of crown galls

7 Fig. 17.3 Ti plasmid: structure & function
The infection process: Wounded plant cell releases phenolics and nutrients. Phenolics and nutrients cause chemotaxic response of A. tumefaciens Attachment of the bacteria to the plant cell. Certain phenolics (e.g., acetosyringone, hydroxyacetosyringone) induce vir gene transcription and allow for T-DNA transfer and integration into plant chromosomal DNA. Transcription and translation of the T-DNA in the plant cell to produce opines (food) and tumors (housing) for the bacteria. The opine permease/catabolism genes on the Ti plasmid allow A. tumefaciens to use opines as a C, H, O, and N source.

8 Fig The right and left borders of the T-DNA of the Ti plasmid are 25 bp direct “repeats” important for mobilization of the T-DNA by vir gene products Right 5’-TGNCAGGATATATNNNNNNGTNANN-3’ Left 5’-TGGCAGGATATATNNNNNTGTAAAN-3’

9 Fig The binary Ti plasmid system involves using a small T-DNA plasmid (shown below) and a disarmed (i.e., no T-DNA) Ti plasmid in A. tumefaciens

10 Plant genetic engineering with the binary Ti plasmid system
(disarmed) Clone YFG (your favorite gene) or the target gene in the small T-DNA plasmid in E. coli, isolate the plasmid and use it to transform the disarmed A. tumefaciens as shown. Plant genetic engineering with the binary Ti plasmid system Transgenic plant

11 Table 18.1 Plant cell DNA-delivery methods
Comment Ti plasmid-mediated gene transfer * Excellent and highly effective, but limited to dicots Microprojectile bombardment * Easy and effective; used with a wide range of plants Viral vectors Not very effective Direct gene transfer into plant protoplasts Only certain protoplasts can be regenerated into whole plants Microinjetion Tedious and slow Electroporation * Limited to protoplasts that can be regenerated into whole plants Liposome fusion * Most commonly used methods

12 Fig Microprojectile bombardment or biolistic-mediated DNA transfection equipment (a) lab version (b) portable version * When the helium pressure builds to a certain point, the plastic rupture disk bursts, and the released gas accelerates the flying disk* with the DNA-coated gold particles on its lower side. The gold particles pass the stopping screen, which holds back the flying disk, and penetrate the cells of the plant.

13 Table 18.5 Some plant cell reporter and selectable marker gene systems
Enzyme activity Selectable marker Reporter gene Neomycin phosphotransferase (kanr) Yes Hygromycin phosphotransferase (hygr) Nopaline synthase No Octopine synthase b-glucuronidase (GUS) Firefly luciferase b-galactosidase Bromoxynil nitrilase Green fluorescent protein (GFP)

14 Reporter Genes For how reporter genes work, see: GFP Researchers Win Nobel Prize (October 8, 2008) Osamu Shimomura, Martin Chalfie, and Roger Tsien won the Nobel Prize in chemistry for their work on green flourescent protein, a tool that has become ubiquitous in modern biology as a tag and molecular highlighter, vastly improving our ability to understand what goes on inside cells. Perhaps you may even want to see a 10 minute YouTube video on GFP; if so please see

15 Manipulation of gene expression in plants
Strong, constitutive promoters (35S Cauliflower mosaic virus promoter or 35S CaMV or 35S) Organ and tissue specific promoter (e.g., the leaf-specific promoter for the small subunit of the photosynthetic enzyme ribulosebisphosphate carboxylase or rbc) Promoterless reporter gene constructs to find new organ- and tissue-specific promoter (see Fig ) Inducible promoters Secretion of transgene products by inclusion of a signal peptide sequence between a root promoter and YFG and growing the transgenic plant hydroponically (YFG product will be secreted)

16 Recombinase recognition
Fig Marker genes may be a safety issue, so it is best to remove them—here is one strategy Recombinase gene Selectable marker LB Target gene RB Recombinase recognition sequence

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