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 Identify what are concept cartoons.  List ways in which teachers can use them.  Customize and create your own concept cartoons.

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3  Identify what are concept cartoons.  List ways in which teachers can use them.  Customize and create your own concept cartoons

4 If you were the CEO of a company, who would you employ as a Manager ?

5 Use the help words in the box and the given ‘E’ chart to write your ideas of Concept cartoons. Visual, dialogue, drawings, format, cartoon, characters

6 Concept Cartoons were created by Brenda Keogh and Stuart Naylor in 1991. It features cartoon-style drawings showing different characters arguing about an everyday situation.


8 Generate your ideas in the speech bubbles, you may talk to your partner

9 As a starter activity to stimulate discussion To find out the learner’s ideas before you start a topic As an assessment tool for checking clear understanding of concepts To promote thinking and motivate learners To develop language and literacy Do you agree/ disagree, justify your answer

10 1. Visual representation of scientific ideas2. Minimal text – dialogue form3. Scientific ideas as applied to everyday situations4. Alternative view points5. Providing equal status for alternatives






16 cartoons.htm

17 PN Q P N Q - Positives, Negatives, and Questions : Reflect on your learning TOPIC: Concept cartoons


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