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Plant Circulation and Transport Mycorrhizae Root hairs Macronutrients for plants C, H, O, N, K, Ca, P, Mg, S Micronutrients for plants Fe, Cl, Cu, Mn,

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Presentation on theme: "Plant Circulation and Transport Mycorrhizae Root hairs Macronutrients for plants C, H, O, N, K, Ca, P, Mg, S Micronutrients for plants Fe, Cl, Cu, Mn,"— Presentation transcript:

1 Plant Circulation and Transport Mycorrhizae Root hairs Macronutrients for plants C, H, O, N, K, Ca, P, Mg, S Micronutrients for plants Fe, Cl, Cu, Mn, Zn, Mo, B Xylem Vessel Member Tracheids Transpiration Factors that Affect Humidity Temperature Sunlight Wind






7 Plant Circulation and Transport Phloem Sieve-tube members Companion cells. Phloem loading Active transport Role of xylem and water Source to Sink flow Translocation



10 Plant Reproduction Importance of flowers Importance of pollen Importance of seeds Sepals Petals Stamen –Anther –Filament Pistil –Stigma –Style –Ovary Pollen must physically fit the stigma for pollination to occur. Important for species recognition.



13 The Flower Adaptations Coevolution UV markings Nectaries Perfect Flowers Imperfect Flowers Monoecious Diecious

14 Angiosperm Reproduction Meiosis Occurs in anthers and ovaries. Forms haploid spores. Microspores in the anthers. Megaspores in the ovaries. These divide by mitosis to form haploid, multicellular gametophytes. These form embryo sacs and pollen grains. Fertilization Pollen tube Ovule develops into a seed. Ovary develops into a fruit.

15 Other information concerning plants Seed dispersal mechanisms Seed coat Germination Cotyledons Vegetative propagation

16 Plant Hormones Auxins--Promote cell elongation; stimulates division in the vascular cambium, promotes flowering and fruit formation. Gibberellins—Stimulate cell division and elongation, inhibit seed formation, stimulate flowering and pollen-tube growth, ends dormancy, increases fruit size. Cytokinins—Promote cell division in stems; facilitates healing of wounds, prolongs life of leaves, flowers, and fruits. Ethylene gas—regulates metabolism, promotes fruit ripening, regulate shedding of leaves and flowers. Abscisic Acid—Inhibits growth, promotes dormancy & stomate closure.

17 Plant Responses Photoperiodism Phytochrome Tropisms Phototropisms Role of auxins Gravitropism Positive and negative examples Thigmotropism Tendrils









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