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Welcome! Carol Minton Morris Communications Director NSDL Core Integration Cornell Mike Luby NSDL Publisher Relations NSDL Core Integration Columbia.

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Presentation on theme: "Welcome! Carol Minton Morris Communications Director NSDL Core Integration Cornell Mike Luby NSDL Publisher Relations NSDL Core Integration Columbia."— Presentation transcript:

1 Welcome! Carol Minton Morris Communications Director NSDL Core Integration Cornell Mike Luby NSDL Publisher Relations NSDL Core Integration Columbia

2 The National Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics Education Digital Library The National Science Foundation’s online library of resources for education and research … …established to catalyze and support continual improvements in STEM education at all levels (K-12, Higher Education, and Lifelong Learning).

3 ... And has become a nexus for STEM educators, researchers, resource creators, policy makers and the public...

4 ...That seeks to build bridges between and among stakeholders...

5 ... Enabling a complex ecosystem of people, technology, software, resources, events, activities, tasks, policies and their associated environments interacting as an educational digital library.

6 The National Science Digital Library Network 9 NSDL Pathways: Discipline or Audience - Specific Portals Other NSF- funded Resource Providers 202 NSDL-funded Collections and Services External Resource Providers, including Publishers K-12 Teachers College and Digital Library Librarians Developers University Faculty Informal Educators Researchers National Visiting Committee STEM Education and Research Community

7 Materials from NSDL-funded projects and other resource and data providers included: 584 unique collections of resources 1,084,715 individual items As of February 1, 2006…

8  Annals of Research on Engineering Education  Are you into heavy metals? Online Research Model  Chemcases - General Chemistry Case Studies  Earth to the Edge of the Universe  Exploratorium Digital Library: Welcome Educator!  Hiroshima and Nagasaki Remembered  Investigating Isotopes Online Research Model  Live Animal Kits from Nature Gift Store!  Mathematical Equations - EqWorld  NanoHub- Online simulations and More  Online Psychology Laboratory (OPL)  Powerhouse Museum | Sydney Australia  PubMed Central  SPACE TODAY ONLINE  The Arizona Electronic Atlas Home Page  The Electrochemical Society (ECS) Digital Library  The Macaulay Library  The Science Inquiry Toolkit. A Facilitator's Guide to Professional Development in Inquiry Teaching.  The Splice of Life Online Research Model  Total Solar Eclipse: Live from Turkey in 2006  Trinity Remembered  What's in a Wave? Online Research Model Sample of Recent Aquisitions




12 NSDL Pathways  Educational level and discipline specific views of NSDL  Built by leading organizations trusted by target audience  Provide resources, tools, services, and professional development

13 LeadEd LevelDiscipline Mathematical Association of America UndergraduateMathematics Shodor Education Foundation Undergraduate and High School Computational Science University of Wisconsin, Madison Community CollegesApplied Mathematics and Science WGBH Public TelevisionK-12Life, Earth, Space, and Physical Sciences Eisenhower National Clearinghouse Middle GradesScience, Mathematics, and Technology ComPADREUndergraduate and High School Physics and Astronomy American Association for the Advancement of Sci Undergraduate and High School Biology Kent State UniversityUndergraduate and UpMaterials Science UC BerkeleyUndergraduate and K-12Engineering Digital Library for Earth System Education K-12 and UpEarth Systems Science

14 Linking NSDL to McGraw-Hill texts  Focus on teachers’ need for additional content knowledge  NSDL Pathways and other project partners will help select and maintain content  Embed URL into texts  Persistent URL will link to special section of  Can be organized by key concept, subject, grade level, textbook, and/or unit

15 Linking NSDL to McGraw-Hill texts  Articles  Tutorials  Simulations and virtual labs  Peer-to-peer and ask-an-expert services  Links to current research  Teaching tips

16 Linking NSDL to McGraw-Hill texts  Potential to include instructional resources and student materials  Promote student learning by encouraging exploration of NSDL based on concepts linked to text









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