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Outline for 11/14: The International Environment The public/collective goods problem Possible solutions to the public/collective goods problem International.

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Presentation on theme: "Outline for 11/14: The International Environment The public/collective goods problem Possible solutions to the public/collective goods problem International."— Presentation transcript:

1 Outline for 11/14: The International Environment The public/collective goods problem Possible solutions to the public/collective goods problem International Environmental Regimes in different areas Ozone depletion Biodiversity Climate change Why is the international environment not better protected? 3-phase cooperation problem Transnational Advocacy Networks Domestic Solutions to an International Problem

2 The Public/Collective Goods Problem Collective goods defined – something that once created becomes freely available to everyone Examples of public/collective goods? Why are public/collective goods a problem? Since they are available freely to everyone once created, there are few incentives to contribute to the public/collective good. Free riders Examples of public/collective goods problems?

3 Public/Collective Goods and the Environment Environment defined – the external surroundings in which a plant or animal lives These external surroundings have a public/collective character since they are similar for all plants and animals Tragedy of the commons Solutions to public/collective goods problems 1. Privatization/enclosure 2. International regimes (rules + institutions)

4 International Regimes re: Ozone depletion Ozone (O 3 ) and chlorofluorocarbons (CFCs) By 1985, clear evidence of an ozone “hole” over Antarctica 1987 Montreal Protocol What factors have made international regulations of CFCs successful?

5 International Regimes re: Biodiversity Biodiversity problem defined – extinction of plant and animal species due to human activity Why is this a harder environmental problem than ozone depletion? How to tackle this internationally? All at once in a big biodiversity treaty or in a series of smaller, narrower treaties? 1992 Convention on Biological Diversity 1973 Convention on International Trade in Endangered Species International Whaling Commission Inter-American Tropical Tuna Commission

6 International Regimes re: Climate Change Climate Change Problem – rising temperatures due to human use of greenhouse gases (CO 2, CH 4 ) 1997 Kyoto Protocol to the UN Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC) Kyoto expired on Dec. 31, 2012

7 Why is the international environment not better protected? Bigger than just a public/collective goods problem Environmental protection requires that: Agreements must be enforced But before they can be enforced, international agreements must be negotiated And governments will not negotiate to change the status quo unless/until they see the status quo as a problem. This logic suggests a 3-phase international cooperation problem Problem recognition phase Bargaining phase Enforcement phase

8 Role of Transnational Advocacy Networks (TANs) NGOs representing the environment (e.g. Greenpeace, Friends of the Earth, World Wildlife Fund) Inform governments about environmental problems Lobby governments for greater environmental standards Publicize violations of international environmental agreements

9 The 3-phase international cooperation problem Apply to ozone depletion Problem recognition phase Bargaining phase Enforcement phase Apply to climate change Problem recognition phase Bargaining phase Enforcement phase

10 A Domestic Solution to an International Problem? Domestic laws requiring a reduction in CO2 emissions (even for foreign corporations) Advantage compared to an international agreement? Disadvantage compared to an international agreement? Could one country’s laws requiring a reduction in CO2 emissions spread to other countries?

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