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EE/CS 480 Fall 2007 1March, 2008 University of Portland School of Engineering Project Blue Heron Educational Ball and Beam Feedback Control System Team.

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Presentation on theme: "EE/CS 480 Fall 2007 1March, 2008 University of Portland School of Engineering Project Blue Heron Educational Ball and Beam Feedback Control System Team."— Presentation transcript:

1 EE/CS 480 Fall 2007 1March, 2008 University of Portland School of Engineering Project Blue Heron Educational Ball and Beam Feedback Control System Team Bryan Weber David Kim Thomas Neveu Advisors Dr. Osterberg, Dr. Albright Industry Representative Mr. Mike DeSmith Intel

2 EE/CS 480 Fall 2007 2March, 2008 University of Portland School of Engineering Overview Introduction –Recognition/Sponsor Scorecard Additional Accomplishments Plans Issues/Concerns Conclusions

3 EE/CS 480 Fall 2007 3March, 2008 University of Portland School of Engineering Introduction Blue Heron: An example of an analog control system using a ball and beam feedback control system

4 EE/CS 480 Fall 2007 4March, 2008 University of Portland School of Engineering Scorecard Significant progress on transfer function mathematics and closed loop feedback analysis Built Mini Beam Prototype and completed testing Finished the Mechanical Build of the Plant!!!

5 EE/CS 480 Fall 2007 5 Scorecard Continued Updated MATLAB step response for a more critically damped response Used MATLAB results to determine some resistor and capacitor values for our circuit Circuit updated with new resistor and capacitor values and tested for 3 hours with final system University of Portland School of Engineering March, 2008

6 EE/CS 480 Fall 2007 6March, 2008 University of Portland School of Engineering Additional Accomplishments Decided to add a Kill Switch to the system

7 EE/CS 480 Fall 2007 7 Diagrams University of Portland School of Engineering March, 2008

8 EE/CS 480 Fall 2007 8 Diagrams Cont. University of Portland School of Engineering March, 2008

9 EE/CS 480 Fall 2007 9 MATLAB Old Step EDU>> s=tf('s') Transfer function: s EDU>> p=.2/s^2 Transfer function: 0.2 --- s^2 EDU>> m=20/(s*(1+.125*s)) Transfer function: 20 ------------- 0.125 s^2 + s EDU>> pid=10+10*s*(1+.4*s) Transfer function: 4 s^2 + 10 s + 10 EDU>> a=p*m*pid Transfer function: 16 s^2 + 40 s + 40 ------------------ 0.125 s^4 + s^3 EDU>> t=a/(1+a*1) Transfer function: 2 s^6 + 21 s^5 + 45 s^4 + 40 s^3 --------------------------------------------------------- 0.01563 s^8 + 0.25 s^7 + 3 s^6 + 21 s^5 + 45 s^4 + 40 s^3 EDU>> step(t,0:.001:5) University of Portland School of Engineering

10 EE/CS 480 Fall 2007 10 MATLAB New Step Transfer Function: 0.84 s^6 + 7.77 s^5 + 8.662 s^4 + 2.1 s^3 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 0.01563 s^8 + 0.25 s^7 + 1.84 s^6 + 7.77 s^5 + 8.662 s^4 + 2.1 s^3 University of Portland School of Engineering March, 2008

11 EE/CS 480 Fall 2007 11March, 2008 University of Portland School of Engineering Plans Overall Goal: Get the system completed and working Prepare a great Founder’s Day presentation Move completion date for the Final Report up

12 EE/CS 480 Fall 2007 12March, 2008 University of Portland School of Engineering Milestones Number DescriptionOriginal Date Previous Date Present Date 1Product Approval10/05/07 2Functional Specifications Approval10/05/07 3Plan Approval11/09/07 4Circuit Design11/25/07 01/21/08 5Design Review Approval12/07/07 6Order Electronics12/08/07 7Plant Built12/14/07 03/9/08 8Motor Received01/26/08 02/29/0802/20/08 9Test Circuit for Frequency Response02/15/08 2/15/083/9/08 10System Integration02/15/08 2/15/083/9/08 11TOP Approval02/22/08 12Build and Testing Completed03/10/08 3/10/083/28/08 13Prototype Approval04/04/084/04/08 14Founder’s Day04/08/08 4/08/08 15Post Mortem04/23/08 4/23/08 16Final Report04/25/08 4/25/08

13 EE/CS 480 Fall 2007 13March, 2008 University of Portland School of Engineering Concerns/Issues Will be updating the circuit with an OPA547 Op Amp for LM741 Op Amp to drive the motor with higher voltage

14 EE/CS 480 Fall 2007 14March, 2008 University of Portland School of Engineering Conclusions Made significant progress and debugging is what we are focused on now We are on schedule

15 EE/CS 480 Fall 2007 15March, 2008 University of Portland School of Engineering Questions?

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