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Coaching Philosophy, LTAD, and my Coaching Plan. Known Coaching Philosophy   It is most likely, children ages 10 to 12 have had some experience playing.

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Presentation on theme: "Coaching Philosophy, LTAD, and my Coaching Plan. Known Coaching Philosophy   It is most likely, children ages 10 to 12 have had some experience playing."— Presentation transcript:

1 Coaching Philosophy, LTAD, and my Coaching Plan

2 Known Coaching Philosophy   It is most likely, children ages 10 to 12 have had some experience playing soccer in the past and are continuing with it because the sport has caught their interest.   Keep this positive momentum going by adding to their foundation of skills. Fuel their desire to continue playing by conducting practices that are both challenging and fun.   Sports take on added importance in their life, and they really want to do well.   As children hit this age range, many become more competitive and winning and losing take on more importance in their lives.   They begin embracing the challenge of putting their skills to the test and trying to outperform other kids their age. When they help the team win, they feel satisfaction and a unique feeling of accomplishment that can be attained only through the wonderful world of playing youth soccer.

3 My Coaching Philosophy Some of my personal philosophies are that:  Children need to be pushed to do their best but not pushed so far that they might injure themselves or that they don’t want to play the sport anymore.  I believe that there will be some children who will naturally be better players. However, attitude is equally important and if I don’t see them giving 100% at practices and games because they think they are better, I will sit them on the bench.  I would instead play the child who is going to try their hardest, although they may not have the same skill level.

4 LTAD Model Why do we need the LTAD model?  Since participation in recreational sport and physical activity has been declining and physical education programs in schools are being marginalized.  The international performances of Canadian athletes have been declining in some sports.  Other sports are having trouble identifying and developing the next generation of international athletes.  NOT matching skills and activities to a stage of development has serious negative consequences, and Canadians and the Canadian sport system have been suffering from them for some time. To mention just a few of them: 1. Children don’t have fun 2. They develop bad habits because of the over-emphasis on winning 3. Their skill development is poor 4. They don’t reach their optimal performance level 5. Many burn out and drop out of sports

5 LTAD Model Things you can do  Help children further develop fundamental movement skills and learn overall sports skills. Don’t let them specialize too much too soon — it can have a harmful effect on later skill development.  Encourage your children to play at least three different sports they enjoy. Also encourage them to engage in unstructured play.  Make sure your children do the right kind of strength work. This includes doing activities that use their own body weight (sit-ups and push-ups,)  Encourage children to develop their endurance, for example, by playing games where they move continuously or by doing relay-type activities.  Be aware that training for speed is effective in this stage. Children can develop speed through activities that focus on rapid, darting movements and on fast hand and foot movements. Rapid changes in direction are also great — think tag and dodging-type games.  Make sure your children get the right amount of competition. Children in this stage enjoy competition, but they have to train too. The goal should be 70% of activity time in training, 30% in competition.  If your child is in a team sport, make sure he or she gets a chance to compete. This is not the time for coaches to play only the star players and leave less-developed players on the sidelines. Some of those slower developing children will some day reach the highest levels of performance in their sport.

6 Practice 1 Warm up (10 minutes)   Perform a 5-10 minute, low-level aerobic, such as technical work with the ball.  Hip Circles: Hands on hips, thrust pelvic out and rotate in a large circle (hula hoop style)  Trunk Twist: With stationary pelvis, rotate at the trunk looking over the shoulder in the direction you are stretching.  Cradle Walk: Externally rotate leg, pulling the leg up at the ankle. Release and repeat taking a step. Knee hug Knee hug Heel to bum Heel to bum Invert hamstring Invert hamstring Tin soldier Tin soldier Lung and twist Lung and twist World’s greatest World’s greatest

7 Improve soccer dribbling skills(25 minutes) Fun time(15 minutes)  Dribbling in Square - 20x30 yards. Each player has a ball and dribbles inside the grid, the coach will call out surfaces of the foot that the player needs to use while dribbling. As the players gain confidence add changes of direction with inside, outside, and sole of foot. In order to encourage the players to dribble with their heads up, walk around the grid holding up fingers on your hand and have the players call out the number of fingers. You can also have a couple of passive defenders to add some pressure.  Inside cut Inside cut Outside cut Outside cut Drag back Drag back Cruyff Cruyff Step over Step over Roll back Roll back  Pac Man -20x30 yards, two players without the ball are ghosts, the ghosts object is to get as many balls out of the grid as possible in two minutes, if a player has their ball kicked out of the grid they stand on the side and jog on the spot  Fun Time -Scrimmaging at the end, making the nets only 20 inches wide with pylons. Players must perform a move that they learned that day at practice, through the pylons. (No goalies)

8 Cool Down (10 minutes)  Hamstring Stretch 1)Sit on the ground with both legs straight out in front of you 2)Bend the left leg and place the sole of the left foot alongside the knee of the right leg 3)Allow the left leg to lie relaxed on the ground 4)Bend forward keeping the back straight 5)You will feel the stretch in the hamstring of the right leg 6)Repeat with the other leg Calf Stretch 1)Stand tall with one leg in front of the other, hands flat and at shoulder height against a wall. 2)Ease your back leg further away from the wall, keeping it straight and press the heel firmly into the floor 3)Keep your hips facing the wall and the rear leg and spine in a straight line 4)You will feel the stretch in the calf of the rear leg 5)Repeat with the other leg Hip and Thigh Stretch 1)Stand tall with your feet approximately two shoulder widths apart 2)Turn the feet and face to the right 3)Bend the right leg so that the right thigh is parallel with the ground and the right lower leg is vertical 4)Gradually lower the body 5)Keep your back straight and use the arms to balance 6)You will feel the stretch along the front of the left thigh and along the hamstrings of the right leg 7)Repeat by turning and facing to the left

9 Adductor Stretch 1)Stand tall with your feet approximately two shoulder widths apart 2)Bend the right leg and lower the body 3)Keep you back straight and use the arms to balance 4)You will feel the stretch in the left leg adductor 5)Repeat with the left leg Groin Stretch 1)Sit with tall posture 2)Ease both of your feet up towards your body and place the soles of your feet together, allowing your knees to come up and out to the side 3)Resting your hands on your lower legs or ankles and ease both knees towards the ground the ground 4)You will feel the stretch along the inside of your thighs and groin Front of Trunk Stretch 1)Lie face down on the floor, fully outstretched 2)Bring your hands to the sides of your shoulders and ease your chest off the floor, keeping your hips firmly pressed into the ground 3)You will feel the stretch in the front of the trunk Iliotibial Band Stretch 1)Sitting tall with legs stretched out in front of you 2)Bend the right knee and place the right foot on the ground to the left side of the left knee 3)Turn your shoulders so that you are facing to the right 4)Using your left arm against your right knee to help ease you further round 5)Use your right arm on the floor for support 6)You will feel the stretch along the length of the spine and in the muscles around the right hip Quadriceps Stretch 1)Lie face down on the floor, resting your fore-head on your right hand 2)Press your hips firmly into the floor and bring your left foot up towards your buttocks 3)Take hold of the left ankle with the left hand and ease the foot closer to you buttocks 4)Repeat with the right leg 5)You will feel the stretch along the front of the thigh

10 Practice 2 Warm up (10 minutes) Perform a 5-10 minute, low-level aerobic, such as jogging in pairs around the field with balls. Perform a 5-10 minute, low-level aerobic, such as jogging in pairs around the field with balls.  Hand Walks: Starting in a push up position, walk feet up to hands, then walk hands out to a push up position and repeat keep back flat.  Knee to Chest: Standing, pull 1 knee to chest and hold for 3 sec. Reverse position  Forward and Lateral Leg Swings:  High Knees:  Scorpion: start by lying on your stomach with your hands spread out wide. Slowly thrust your left leg over your body to your right hand. Let your hips rotate with the movement and be sure to keep your abs tight. Let your leg swing as far as it comfortably can, pause for a couple of seconds and return to the starting position. Repeat on the other side. You should alternate between sides.

11 Improve soccer passing skills(25 minutes) Fun time(15 minutes)  3 v 1 Triangle Keepaway - One player is placed in the middle of the triangle with each side about 6 yards long, the other three players take up position on one of the sides and try to maintain possession of the ball, they only get a point if they pass through the triangle, they can pass on the outside of the triangle, switch defenders every two minutes Look for players that are moving into good angles of support Look for players that are moving into good angles of support  Capture the Ball - 30x30 yards, Pile of 7 balls is put in the middle of grid, divide the players into four teams and assign them to one of the corner boxes, Objective is to get three balls back to your box, only one player may go at a time for your team, you may steal a ball from another team’s box, you can not stop someone from stealing a ball from your box  Four Corner Square Passing -  Fun Time, Scrimmage at the end but make the nets only 20 inches with pylons and they have to pass it through the pylons on the ground and they must pass it at least 5 times before they can try to score.

12 Practice 3 Warm up (10 minutes)  Jog for 5 minutes to raise heart rate  Trunk Twist: With stationary pelvis, rotate at the trunk looking over the shoulder in the direction you are stretching.  Inchworm: Starting in a push up position, walk feet up to hands, then walk hands out to a push up position and repeat keep back flat.  Forward and Lateral Leg Swings:  High Knees:  Scorpion: start by lying on your stomach with your hands spread out wide. Slowly thrust your left leg over your body to your right hand. Let your hips rotate with the movement and be sure to keep your abs tight. Let your leg swing as far as it comfortably can, pause for a couple of seconds and return to the starting position. Repeat on the other side. You should alternate between sides.

13 Improve soccer shooting skills(25 minutes) Fun time(15 minutes) Purpose Purpose  Train strikers to fight to turn hips to goal before shooting, and to improve their ability to strike an accurate shot on first or second touch. Provide keeper opportunity to improve quickness at popping up to ready position to stop rebound shots.  Shooting 1 timers or volleys-  Different shooting technique, such as using laces, inside, outside of foot, half volley full volleys and 1 timers-  Pass to the person in front of you and they either put it to the left or right of them and you have to shoot it on your first touch  Hips to Goal- Line of players 30 yards from goal, coach with supply of soccer balls. Player at front of line sprints to coach, circles coach, 360 degrees. For example, player approaches coach to player's right side, does sharp left turn around coach, then, after rounding coach, receives ball somewhere on the side of the coach where the player originally approached. Coach plays ball out to side, at a random angle and random distance between 1 yard and 10 yards from coach. Player adjusts to ball, turns hip to goal, strikes ball to goal with goalie. Fun Time, Play half field soccer, with 1 net and 1 goalie guarding both teams nets and if you steal it well the other team has the ball you have to take it back to half before you can shoot.

14 Practice 4 Warm up (10 minutes)  Jog for 5 minutes to raise heart rate  Knee to Chest: Standing, pull 1 knee to chest and hold for 3 sec. Reverse position   Knee hug  Heel to bum  Invert hamstring  Tin soldier  Lung and twist  World’s greatest  Cradle Walk: Externally rotate leg, pulling the leg up at the ankle. Release and repeat taking a step.

15 Combination skill drills(25 minutes) Fun time(15 minutes)  Back to Goal Turning- Small line of players at center circle, each with ball, coach outside penalty area in center of field, back to goal. Keeper in goal. coach outside penalty area in center of field, back to goal. Keeper in goal. An attacking player checks into the coach, then back to the ball at an angle. An attacking player checks into the coach, then back to the ball at an angle. The first player in line gives a hard pass on the ground to the attacker. The first player in line gives a hard pass on the ground to the attacker. The attacker, back to goal, opens shape in one direction, receives the The attacker, back to goal, opens shape in one direction, receives the ball and plays it with the insideof one foot across the line of play to the other direction. ball and plays it with the insideof one foot across the line of play to the other direction. The attacker turns hips to goal and strikesto goal with the next touch. The attacker turns hips to goal and strikesto goal with the next touch.  Small-sided Possession-Play 3v2 or 3v3 possession in a 10x20 space in midfield. Players work on accurate passing, composure on the ball, and showing open to the ball. Coach encourages players to play in small area, and to use a lofted chip or scoop for about every third or fourth pass to play ball over opponents to team mate. Play should be spirited and energetic with a lot of communication.  3 Man Weave- you make 3 even lines at half field one in the middle and the other 2two lines on the left and right side of the field. Middle starts with the ball they can pass it left or right but when they pass they have to lead the person and then they must follow their pass after by running behind the person who they just passed to. Then the second person does the same thing and so on with the third person. The last pass has to be either in the left or right corner of the field and the person who received it must cross the ball in.  Two Goals- Play 3v3 to two goals with goalies. Encourage early shooting. On any missed shots, all players sprint, shooter to ball, others to post. On any missed shots, all players sprint, shooter to ball, others to post.

16 Practice 5 Warm up (10 minutes)  Run in a line in pairs around the field and when the coach says go the partners at the back sprint on the out side to the front of the line  Forward and Lateral Leg Swings:  Inchworm: Starting in a push up position, walk feet up to hands, then walk hands out to a push up position and repeat keep back flat.  Scorpion: start by lying on your stomach with your hands spread out wide. Slowly thrust your left leg over your body to your right hand. Let your hips rotate with the movement and be sure to keep your abs tight. Let your leg swing as far as it comfortably can, pause for a couple of seconds and return to the starting position. Repeat on the other side. You should alternate between sides.  Tin soldier:

17 Combination skill drills(25 minutes)  Rely race around pylons- You start out with two teams and you have 8 pylons in front of both teams evenly spaced out. On go the first person on each line must weave through the pylons and then come back weaving through the pylons and when he/she gets back then they pass it to the next person and they do the same thing and first team to finish first wins. But be carful if u hit a pylon you have to go back to the start. Add on: you can make them only use the inside or outside of their foot for one round or get them to use inside of their foot until they have to cut past a cone, this make more difficult. Add on: you can make them only use the inside or outside of their foot for one round or get them to use inside of their foot until they have to cut past a cone, this make more difficult.  Hips to Goal- Line of players 30 yards from goal, coach with supply of soccer balls. Player at front of line sprints to coach, circles supply of soccer balls. Player at front of line sprints to coach, circles coach, 360 degrees. For example, player approaches coach to player's right coach, 360 degrees. For example, player approaches coach to player's right side, does sharp left turn around coach, then, after rounding coach, side, does sharp left turn around coach, then, after rounding coach, receives ball somewhere on the side of the coach where the player receives ball somewhere on the side of the coach where the player originally approached. Coach plays ball out to side, at a random angle originally approached. Coach plays ball out to side, at a random angle and random distance between 1 yard and 10 yards from coach. Player and random distance between 1 yard and 10 yards from coach. Player adjusts to ball, turns hip to goal, strikes ball to goal with goalie. adjusts to ball, turns hip to goal, strikes ball to goal with goalie. Keeper Recovery to Ready Position- Players in the left or right corner with soccer balls Keeper Recovery to Ready Position- Players in the left or right corner with soccer balls Line of players out of the 18 yard box out with soccer balls. Keeper in goal. One play on Line of players out of the 18 yard box out with soccer balls. Keeper in goal. One play on the side kicks ball to keeper, ball going sharply across goal area but going somewhat outward the side kicks ball to keeper, ball going sharply across goal area but going somewhat outward from goal, as if kicked to shooter just outside goal area. Keeper dives to save, cutting off service from goal, as if kicked to shooter just outside goal area. Keeper dives to save, cutting off service to imaginary shooter. Keeper pops up. Shooter from out side the 18 yard tries to score, keeper tries to imaginary shooter. Keeper pops up. Shooter from out side the 18 yard tries to score, keeper tries to recover to save. Shooter from out side 18 yard box must start to shot as soon as keeper touches to recover to save. Shooter from out side 18 yard box must start to shot as soon as keeper touches ball kicked by player on the side. ball kicked by player on the side.

18 Fun time(15 minutes)  Take It Back- Play 4v4 or 5v5 to one goal with keeper. Team gets ball on distribution from keeper, attacks to goal, either getting shot or losing possession. Opponents getting possession must take ball ten yards outside penalty area before attacking to goal. Limit to three touches and encourage quick support for player with ball.

19 Practice 6 Warm up (10 minutes) Perform a 5-10 minute, low-level aerobic, such as jogging in pairs around the field with balls. Perform a 5-10 minute, low-level aerobic, such as jogging in pairs around the field with balls.   Knee hug  Heel to bum  Invert hamstring  Tin soldier  Lung and twist  World’s greatest  Forward and Lateral Leg Swings:  Cradle Walk: Externally rotate leg, pulling the leg up at the ankle. Release and repeat taking a step.

20 Combination skill drills(25 minutes)  Back to Goal Turning- Small line of players at center circle, each with ball, coach outside penalty area in center of field, back to goal. with ball, coach outside penalty area in center of field, back to goal. Keeper in goal. An attacking player checks into the coach, then back Keeper in goal. An attacking player checks into the coach, then back to the ball. The first player in line pass a on the ground to the attacker. to the ball. The first player in line pass a on the ground to the attacker. The attacker, back to goal, opens shape in one direction, receives the The attacker, back to goal, opens shape in one direction, receives the ball and plays it with the inside of one foot across the line of play to ball and plays it with the inside of one foot across the line of play to the other direction. The attacker turns hips to goal and strikes to goal the other direction. The attacker turns hips to goal and strikes to goal with the next touch. Coaching Point: Player must open to right, then use with the next touch. Coaching Point: Player must open to right, then use right foot to play to left, or vice versa. Player should use the inside of the foot. right foot to play to left, or vice versa. Player should use the inside of the foot.  Heads Up!!!!!- Make a square that has about a 20 meter perimeter. Have a cone in all 4 corners and 4 between all the corners. On go every one on the box has to dribble to one of the cones and go around it in any directs with out hitting the pylon or hit anyone else.  Reaction- Every player has a ball and dribbles around on one side of the field/gym. The coach calls out number and a certain number goes with a certain move they have to do. Now they do this well dribbling and then just go back to dribbling after. To make it hard for some of the moves you can say left or right. 1) Inside cut 2) outside cut 3) drag back 4) cruyff 5) step over 6) roll back 1) Inside cut 2) outside cut 3) drag back 4) cruyff 5) step over 6) roll back

21 Fun time(15 minutes)  Two Goals- Play 3v3 to two goals with goalies. Encourage early shooting. On any missed shots, all players sprint, shooter to ball, others to post.

22 Practice 7 Warm up (10 minutes)  Run in a line in pairs around the field and when the coach says go the partners at the back sprint on the out side to the front of the line  Scorpion: start by lying on your stomach with your hands spread out wide. Slowly thrust your left leg over your body to your right hand. Let your hips rotate with the movement and be sure to keep your abs tight. Let your leg swing as far as it comfortably can, pause for a couple of seconds and return to the starting position. Repeat on the other side. You should alternate between sides.  Tin soldier:  Squat and more:  Inchworm: Starting in a push up position, walk feet up to hands, then walk hands out to a push up position and repeat keep back flat.

23 Combination skill drills(25 minutes)  Four v Two- 2v2 in penalty area, with two attackers outside the penalty area, going to one goal with keeper. outside the penalty area, going to one goal with keeper. Defenders may not leave penalty area. Strikers in area Defenders may not leave penalty area. Strikers in area play one touch, but have a second touch to strike. Strikers play one touch, but have a second touch to strike. Strikers must support each other so that each first touch is either must support each other so that each first touch is either a shot or a drop to player who can shoot. a shot or a drop to player who can shoot.  4 on 3- attackers start at half field in 4 lines and move up the field and the defenders come at them after their first pass. The objective is simple for the attackers they have to score on goalies and for defenders they have to stop them from scoring.  Circle pass- make about a 6 person circle with some one in the middle trying to steal the ball and if they do the person who made the bad pass or got it stolen from them has to go in the middle.

24 Fun time(15 minutes)  Take It Back- Play 4v4 or 5v5 to one goal with keeper. Team gets ball on distribution from keeper, attacks to goal, either getting shot or losing possession. Opponents getting possession must take ball ten yards outside penalty area before attacking to goal. Limit to three touches and encourage quick support for player with ball.

25 Practice 8 Warm up (10 minutes)  Perform a 5-10 minute, low-level aerobic, such as technical work with the ball.  Hip Circles: Hands on hips, thrust pelvic out and rotate in a large circle (hula hoop style)  Trunk Twist: With stationary pelvis, rotate at the trunk looking over the shoulder in the direction you are stretching.  Cradle Walk: Externally rotate leg, pulling the leg up at the ankle. Release and repeat taking a step.   Knee hug  Heel to bum  Invert hamstring  Tin soldier  Lung and twist  World’s greatest

26 Combination skill drills(25 minutes)  Pass Back- Everyone gets a partner and gets about 10-15 meters apart. (You can make big as you go). You only need one ball and you pass back and forth stat off with 2 touches and pass 1 touch and pass and pass on the one timer.  Keeper Recovery to Ready Position- Players in the left or right corner with soccer balls Line of players out of the 18 yard box out with soccer balls. Keeper in goal. One play on Line of players out of the 18 yard box out with soccer balls. Keeper in goal. One play on the side kicks ball to keeper, ball going sharply across goal area but going somewhat outward the side kicks ball to keeper, ball going sharply across goal area but going somewhat outward from goal, as if kicked to shooter just outside goal area. Keeper dives to save, cutting off service from goal, as if kicked to shooter just outside goal area. Keeper dives to save, cutting off service to imaginary shooter. Keeper pops up. Shooter from out side the 18 yard tries to score, keeper tries to imaginary shooter. Keeper pops up. Shooter from out side the 18 yard tries to score, keeper tries to recover to save. Shooter from out side 18 yard box must start to shot as soon as keeper touches to recover to save. Shooter from out side 18 yard box must start to shot as soon as keeper touches ball kicked by player on the side. ball kicked by player on the side.  Small-sided Possession-Play 3v2 or 3v3 possession in a 10x20 space in midfield. Players work on accurate passing, composure on the ball, and showing open to the ball. Coach encourages players to play in small area, and to use a lofted chip or scoop for about every third or fourth pass to play ball over opponents to team mate. Play should be spirited and energetic with a lot of communication.

27 Fun time(15 minutes)  Take It Back- Play 4v4 or 5v5 to one goal with keeper. Team gets ball on distribution from keeper, attacks to goal, either getting shot or losing possession. Opponents getting possession must take ball ten yards outside penalty area before attacking to goal. Limit to three touches and encourage quick support for player with ball.

28 Practice 9 Warm up (10 minutes)  Jog for 5 minutes to raise heart rate  Trunk Twist: With stationary pelvis, rotate at the trunk looking over the shoulder in the direction you are stretching.  Inchworm: Starting in a push up position, walk feet up to hands, then walk hands out to a push up position and repeat keep back flat.  Forward and Lateral Leg Swings:  High Knees:  Scorpion: start by lying on your stomach with your hands spread out wide. Slowly thrust your left leg over your body to your right hand. Let your hips rotate with the movement and be sure to keep your abs tight. Let your leg swing as far as it comfortably can, pause for a couple of seconds and return to the starting position. Repeat on the other side. You should alternate between sides.

29 Combination skill drills(25 minutes) Fun time(15 minutes)  Pass and Move- Everyone gets a partner and one ball. And you move around the grid nd you have to pass it between you and your partner with out hitting any other balls or other players, tip: keep your head up and communicate  Offence or Defense? You get on your stomac and you have a partner and the coach pass a bal in front of you and when your coach says go you have to get up and run to the ball if you get to the ball first you are on offence if you don’t you are on defense and your gaol is noit to let the other person score  Keep it Up- Get in a circle in a group of 6, someone starts by throwing up the ball and then you have to keeep the ball up with every part of your body except your hands.  Fun Time, Scrimmage at the end but make the nets only 20 inches with pylons and they have to pass it through the pylons on the ground and they must pass it at least 5 times before they can try to score.

30 Practice 10 Warm up (10 minutes) Perform a 5-10 minute, low-level aerobic, such as jogging in pairs around the field with balls.   Knee hug  Heel to bum  Invert hamstring  Tin soldier  Lung and twist  World’s greatest  Forward and Lateral Leg Swings:  Cradle Walk: Externally rotate leg, pulling the leg up at the ankle. Release and repeat taking a step.

31 Combination skill drills(25 minutes)  Reaction Part 2- Every player has a ball and dribbles around on one side of the field/gym. The coach calls out number and a certain number goes with a certain body part that they have to touch the ball with. Now they have to stop the ball fist then touch the ball with the body part and then just go back to dribbling after. This is a good drill to start with because it gets the kids thinking. 1) head 2) elbow 3) bum 4) knee 5) nose 6) stomach 1) head 2) elbow 3) bum 4) knee 5) nose 6) stomach  Hips to Goal- Line of players 30 yards from goal, coach with supply of soccer balls. Player at front of line sprints to coach, circles coach, 360 degrees. For example, player approaches coach to player's right side, does sharp left turn around coach, then, after rounding coach, receives ball somewhere on the side of the coach where the player originally approached. Coach plays ball out to side, at a random angle and random distance between 1 yard and 10 yards from coach. Player adjusts to ball, turns hip to goal, strikes ball to goal with goalie.  Keep Away- Get into even teams and pass the ball around with your team trying to keep the ball with your team mates and away from the other team for as long as possible.

32 Fun time(15 minutes)  Two Goals- Play 3v3 to two goals with goalies. Encourage early shooting. On any missed shots, all players sprint, shooter to ball, others to post.

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